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Fountainhead School

Cialfo Student Orientation

During the session- Expectations from Students
● Be visible: Make sure your camera is turned on with visible light falling on your face
● Mute your microphone until you are called upon to speak
● To view the counselor presentation you need to click on the "Pin" symbol.
● You may switch on live captions.
● In case you need better sound clarity, use earphones.
● If you are called upon to speak, unmute your microphone, so we can hear you
● You are not supposed to register to Cialfo during the session, you can do that once the session
is over.
● Students who do not follow the essential agreements or create nuisance will be removed
from the session.
Career Counseling Process
Psychometric Testing -
● Learning Style Inventory Test (Grade 7)- This helps students understand their traditional sensory learning styles
(visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic) and productivity preferences.
● Career Cluster Interest Survey (Grade 8)- It is a psychometric test to help students know which career clusters
they might like based on activities that interest them, personal qualities that they have, and subjects that they enjoy
studying in school.
● Multiple Intelligence Test (Grade 9) - It looks at the following types of intelligence: emotional, bodily-
kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, naturalist, spatial and existential.
The report also asks students to rate themselves on the traits of emotional intelligence (EI) and provides suggestions
to further develop all intelligences.

Career Exploration Initiation - probing on career interests, inclinations and general interests followed by a given task
related to exploration of few careers
Career Counseling Process
Goal Setting - based on interest, counselor set goals for student and give tasks accordingly

Follow up Meetings - tracking student’s task progress and discussion on further insight

Profile Building - exploring online courses, summer school and internship options - sharing the options and
guidance about the programmes (internship available G8 onward, here we do discussion to orient them )
Switch from Naviance to Cialfo
● As Naviance stopped its services internationally
● Great medium for a smoother and more engaging career and college planning
● Personalized, comprehensive and data driven platform

Features you can look forward to:

● Psychometric Testing
● Resume Builder
● College Search - rich database of over 10,000 post-secondary schools worldwide including
Indian colleges
● Everything on your phone - download the app and use iOS and Android
What Is Cialfo?
Cialfo is an online college and career planning platform schools use to support
students. In Cialfo, students can:
● Complete Career & Personality Assessments
● Chat via Inbox with their counselor (right now students have access to hangouts but once school begins physically
your rights might be revoked and you can use this feature)
● Maintain Notes
● Search for colleges and universities
● Add extra curricular activities
Log In For the First Time
1. Activate Your Account
Look for an email from Please note this may be in your
Spam/Junk folder. If your school uses Google, you can log in using Google Single Sign
On (SSO). Otherwise, setup your password.

2. Create your account password

Click on the grey 'Setup Password' button in your email. This will take you to a
webpage to create your password. Your username will be your email address.

3. Update your Settings and Notifications

You will be able to update your notification preferences for SMS and Email within your
'Settings'. This will also include how your Guardians are notified through the platform.

4. Complete your Profile

It is important to fill out your student profile to the best of your ability for your
counselor to start working with you. Ensure that all of your information is complete
and correct!
Your Profile
Your Profile Includes
Personal Information - Verify your personal information is correct. If there is an error, consult your counselor.

Application - Select the Regions you may be interested in for college and university. Verify your Application Year is correct. For many, this is usually the year you
graduate minus 1. (ex: Graduation Year 2023 = Application Year 2022). Add any possible majors or courses of study. Click Save.

Contacts - Having both phone and email contacts for your Guardian(s) is critical to ensure your counselor is able to keep your Guardian(s) in the loop with your
application progress.

Tests - Any tests you’ve taken can be included in your profile. Tests will be needed for Scattergrams to display fully.

Extracurricular Activities - Start recording your activities here. Let your counselor know more about you. ECA’s must be listed in order to build a
resume (Dashboard).

Surveys - Your counselor may ask you to complete Surveys to provide them with more insights, identify trends in student interests, or encourage you to
engage in reflection.
What is the

The Dashboard is
designed for you to get a
quick overview of all the
information in Cialfo: your
counselor, extracurricular
activities etc.

Notice you can also create

a Resume.
Next Steps

5. Adjust Your
You have a lot to manage as a high school student.
Cialfo can help! Manage your settings for
reminders about Tasks, Meetings, Messages, etc.
Next Steps

6. Download the Cialfo Mobile App

After setting up your account, download the Cialfo mobile app from your app
store (ios or Android).

7. Explore Cialfo
Review the next few slides that will walk you step by step through all of the
tools and features to which you have access.

Navigate Cialfo using the menu on the left.


Take career and personality

assessments assigned by your

Review your reports

Search for careers after

completing an assessment

You will be able to instant

message your counselor via the
Inbox feature on your account.

This can be great to start

discussions regarding your
interests and application process

Create Notes
Add Files
Share with your counselor
Resume Builder
Resume Builder
Cialfo Student
Mobile App
What is available in the Mobile App:
1. View your Dashboard
2. Sign up for College Visits
3. Manage scheduled meetings with your Counselor
4. Chat with your Counselor through Inbox
5. Search for Colleges and Universities
6. Add to your School Lists
Features that you can use in High

Search for colleges and


Create a Longlist, Shortlist,

and/or Applying List depending
on the configuration from your

Alter the columns to change

what information is displayed
College Visits

See upcoming college visits

and/or fairs hosted at your
school and register to attend
Setting Up the Student Profile
Resume Builder
Help Articles Cialfo Student Mobile App
Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot edit parts of my profile. How

do I fix this?
Certain parts of the platform have restricted access for students
depending on the configurations of your counselor.

For example, student email, groups, degree type, application/enrollment

year in the personal information page cannot be edited by the student as

These can however be edited by the counselor assigned to you. Students

who want to edit, must contact their counselor to have these changed.
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I shortlist a college/ university?

You will see 'Schools' in the left main menu.

Clicking on this will take you to the college research
page where you may shortlist colleges and
universities you search for.
● What is LSI (Grade 7)? Learning Style Inventory online assessment diagnoses
students’ unique learning styles based on an analysis of their personal preferences in 16
different areas. Those areas include the student’s immediate environment (sound, light,
heat, and design), emotionality (motivation, persistence, and structure), sociological needs
(self-oriented, peer-oriented, or adult-oriented), and physical needs (perceptual
preference(s), food intake, time of day, and mobility).
● What is Multiple Intelligence Test (Grade 9) ? - It looks at the
Grade 7 and Grade 9 following types of intelligence: emotional, bodily-kinesthetic,
interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical,
naturalist, spatial and existential. The report also asks students to rate
themselves on the traits of emotional intelligence (EI) and provides
suggestions to further develop all intelligences

● Why we do it? To engage students and help them discover themselves, by

understanding the kind of environment they are inclined towards and the
type of intelligence which is predominant.
● Complete the test by EOD

Assessments ● It is important to complete it as without that career counseling meeting

will not be scheduled.
Grade 7 and Grade 9
● What is Career Cluster Interest Survey? It is a psychometric test to help students know which career clusters
they might like based on activities that interest them, personal qualities that they have, and subjects that they

Assessments ●
enjoy studying in school.
Why we do it? To expose students to different career clusters and understand which clusters and careers they
are most interested and reasons for selecting those careers.
● Right now Cialfo does not have a career cluster test for Grade 8 students hence we are using an outside source
Grade 8 based test by Careerwise
● To take the assessment click on the link shared on your Gmail/Nucleus Post→ click on - Get Started → read
the instruction given on that page → start the test
● Complete the test by the assigned deadline and once you complete it you need to share your results in a PDF
with us(a detailed note on this shall be shared with you later as well)
● These are not academic tests. It is related to career counseling.
● Do not give random answers to the questions. Mark the answer that you think is appropriate at present and not
what is an ideal answer. Be honest about your abilities and don’t be influenced by others. In case you have any
Assessments doubt in any question or otherwise, then contact us through hangout or may ask your parents as well.
● It is requested to take the test seriously once you start taking it and not leave it incomplete as this cannot be
reset once taken.
● It is important to complete it as without that career counseling meeting will not be scheduled.
General Instructions for
the test.
(Applies to grade 7,8 and
The End!

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