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Lecture Six:

Project Human Resources Management

 Human Resources Management

It includes the processes that

organize,manage,lead the
project team
The project team are those with
assigned roles and
responsibilities to complete the
 Human Resources Management
Develop Human resources
Planning Process Group

Acquire Project Team

Execution Process Group

Develop Project Team

Execution Process Group

Manage Project Team –

Execution Process Group
 First Process: Develop Human Resources Plan

The process of identifying and

documenting project
building strategy, rewarding
system ,staffing management
 First Process: Develop HR Plan
 Tools: Organizational Charts & position

The objective is to define roles

and responsibilities of each
member in the project team
This can be by documenting the
required roles in different forms
Hierarchical, matrix and Text
 Tools: Organizational Charts & position
 A-Hierarchical –Type Charts: It can be used to show positions and
relationships in a graphic ,top down format

OBS: Organization Breakdown

structure ,it’s arranged according to an
organization existing departments
,units ,or team with the project

RBS: Resources breakdown structure

is another hierarchical chart used to
breakdown the project by type of
 Tools: Organizational Charts & position description
 B-Matrix –Based Chart: A responsibility assignment matrix RAM is used to
illustrate connections between work package and project team members
 Tools: Organizational Charts & position
 C- Text Oriented Formats

It’s known in different form like Job

Description, position description,
role responsibility where it’s a
document provide information such
as responsibilities ,authority
 Tools :Networking

Interaction of individuals with each

other in organization, industry ..etc

Interactions like meeting, events,

informal conversation ,formal

The way of interaction impact the

effectiveness of working

Interaction could be formal or

 Tools :Organization Theory

 Different organization structure have different individual responses,indvidual

performance and personal relation ship characteristics

 Organization theory provides information regarding the way in which people,

teams and organizational units behave
 Output : Human Resources Plan
 It provides guidance on all information on how human resources should be
defined, staffed, managed ,controlled .
 It can include the following:
 Roles and Responsibilities

Authority: Decision Taker and Sign


Project Organization Charts

Competency and Qualifications

 Output : Human Resources Plan
 Staffing Management Plan

Apart of human resources plan which indicates when and How

resources requirements will be met,
it can be formal or informal,
Staff Acquisition:
•Human resources required come from the organization or outsource
•The team will work in a central location or from distant location
•What the costs associated with each level of expertise needed for the
•How much assistance can the organization human resource
department and functional managers provide to the project
management team
 Output : Human Resources Plan
 Staffing Management Plan

Apart of human resources plan which indicates when and How resources
requirements will be met,
it can be formal or informal,
Resource Calendars:
•Describes necessary time frames for project team members, either
individually or collectively as well as when acquisition activities such as
recruiting should start
•Staff Release Plan:
•Determine the method and timing of releasing team, which lead to variation
in running cost
•Rewarding system: Clear criteria for rewards , and promotion system
•Safety: Policies and procedures that protect team members from safety
 Second Process: Acquire Project Team
 (Execution Process Group )
Confirmation of Human resource availability
and obtaining the team necessary to
complete project assignments.
How acquire team is during execution
process group??
A-Remmber that we are talking on Mega
B-This is mean that a part of project team
can be acquire when it’s necessary in the
time required ,like next year, after two years
according to project schedule
C-Project Team does not mean people who
plan, but it includes contractos,sub
contractors ,suppliers..etc
D-Finaly Actual people who will be doing
some of the work may not be selected shortly
before the work begin

Acquire Project Team = Acquire Final project

 Second Process: Acquire Project Team
 Tools:
 Pre-assignment:
• Preliminary selection of the people required to be in the project , especially if
it required certain kind of expertise.

 Negotiation:
 Negotiation one of the important factors that can be used by the PM or the
project team member to acquire team from functional managers or another
working project
 Tools:
 Acquisition:
 Resources from outside can be acquired to complete certain work package
 Example: Sub Contractos,Consultant,Technical Expert….etc
 Virtual Team:
 It can be defined as a group of people with a shared goal who fulfill their role
with little or no time spent meeting face to face.
 Using this way if required increase the need of communication ways like
 Email, Audio conference, net meeting…etc
 It helps:
 A-Add special expertise to project team even though the expert is not in the
same Area
 B-Incorporate employees who work from homes offices
 Output:
 1-Project Staff Assignments:
 The project is staffed when appropriate people have been assigned using
mentioned techniques.

 2-Resources Calendar :
 Document the time periods that each project team can work on the project
 Third Process: Develop Project Team

The Process of improving the

competencies, team interaction, and
overall team environment to enhance
project performance:
A-Encourage Team working
B-Establish and maintain trust
between all project team
C-Motivate project team
D-Provide training for project team if
need it
E-Place team member in same location
( Co-location )
 Third Process: Develop Project Team
 Tools:
 Interpersonal skills: (Soft Skills )
 Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and
interact with other people, individually and in groups.
 Interpersonal skills include not only how we communicate with others, but also
our confidence and our ability to listen and understand. Problem solving, decision
making and personal stress management are also considered interpersonal skills

 Training:
 It includes all activities to enhance the competencies of the project team members
,it can be formal or informal
 Tools:
 Team Building activities:

 Team-building exercises can be a powerful way to unite a group, develop

 strengths, and address weaknesses – but only if the exercises are planned and carried out
strategically. In other words, there has to be a real purpose behind your decision to do
the exercise – for example, improving the team's problem-solving or creativity skills –
rather than because you felt like giving your people a nice day out of the office

 Example:
 Survival Scenario – This exercise forces your group to communicate and agree to
ensure their 'survival.' Tell your group that their airplane has just crashed in the ocean.
There's a desert island nearby, and there's room on the lifeboat for every person – plus
12 items they'll need to survive on the island. Instruct the team to choose which items
they want to take. How do they decide? How do they rank or rate each item?
 Tools: Team Building activities:
 Spend time thinking about your team's current strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourself
these questions to identify the root of any problems:
 Are there conflicts between certain people that are creating divisions within the team?

 Do team members need to get to know one another?

 Do some members focus on their own success, and harm the group as a result?

 Does poor communication slow the group's progress?

 Do people need to learn how to work together, instead of individually?

 Are some members resistant to change, and does this affect the group's ability to move

 Do members of the group need a boost to their morale?

 Tools:
 Team Building activities:
 Project Team development are through Five stages:
 Forming : The team meet to learn about the project and their responsibilities , team
member still conservative and not open in this stage
 Storming :The Team begin to discus technical decision,idea,if the project do not have
the willing to cooperate ,the environment can be destructive
 Norming : The Team begin to work together and adjust work habits and behaviors that
support the team
 Performing: Well organized unit
 Adjourning : moving on through the project by completing the work required
 Ground Rules
 Tools:
 Ground Rules:
 Ground rules are an important tool for helping individuals function together as a team.
They reflect what is important to the members about how they work together. Ideally,
the rules are set at the first meeting, allowing them to become second nature to the
 For Norms:
 How will we make decisions?
 How will we problem-solve?
 How will we handle conflicts?
 How does the team define respectful behavior?
 Tools:
 Co-location :it involves placing many or all of the most active project team members
in same physical location to enhance their ability to perform.

 Recognition and Rewards: increase the performance of project team, specially when
the reward given to an individual satisfies a need which is valued by that individual
 Output:
 Team Performance Assessments:
 Not only the project manager, but the project management team makes a formal or
informal assessments of the project team effectiveness.

 The performance of succeful team is measured in terms of technical success according

to agreed-upon objectives .

 As a result of conducting an evaluation of the team overall performance, the project

management can identify the specific training, coaching…etc
 Manage Project Team:
 The process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving
issues, managing changes to optimize project performance
 Tools:
 Observation and conversation:
 They are used to stay in touch with the work and attitudes of the project team members
 Project Performance Appraisals:
 This for individual in the project team where it can give more clarification about role
,responsibility,reslove issue, development of individual training plan
 Tools
 Conflict Management:

•Conflict :It’s not always a bad thing ,it

gives opportunities for improvement
•Conflict can be beneficial as it can
shows defect in certain process
•Conflict is resolved through
openess,identifying the causes,
problem solving by the people
involved and their immediate manager
•The presence of conflict is due to:
•1-Nature of the project to fulfill many
requirements of different stakeholders
•2-Limited power of project manager
•3-Necessity of obtaining resources
from functional managers
 Tools
 Conflict Management

•Conflict reason from the most to the

•2-Project Priorities
•4-Technical Opinion
•5-Administrative procedures
 Tools
 Conflict Management

•Conflict resolution:
•Withdrawing/Avoiding: Retreating
from an actual or potential conflicts
•Smoothing: Emphasizing are of
agreement rather than area of
•Compromising :Search for solution
which bring some degree of
satisfaction to all parties
•Forcing: Pushing one view point on
the expenses of the other
•Confronting: Treating conflict as
problem to be solved
 Tools
 Conflict Management
 Example:
 Forcing: Do it in this way
 Smoothing: Let's calm down and get the job done, I'm sure we can get to agreement
about equipment need it
 Compromising: Let us do a little of what both u suggest
 Withdrawal: Let's deal with this issue next week
 Confronting: I suggest to make more examination for this equipments to decide
correctly if we will use it or not.
 Tools
 Conflict Management

•Notes Concerning resolving Problem:

•1-Define what’s the real problem or
root cause
•2-Analyze the problem
•3-Identify Solutions
•4-Pick a solution
•5-Implement solution
•6-Review the solution ,and confirm
that solution solved the problem
 Tools:
 Issue Log:
 A written log documents and helps monitor who is responsible for resolving specific
issue by target date
 Notes: Motivation Theory

 McGregor Theory X:
 A-Theory X:Managers watch its employee very minute, every
second .

Project Team
 Notes: Motivation Theory

 McGregor Theory Y:
 Managers believes that people are willing to work without
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
The highest motivation where
your encouraging team member
to contribute and use his skills


Lowest motivation factor, like

need for food,water…etc
 Theory of Needs :David McClelland's:
 The people are most motivated by one of the following three needs:
 A-Need for achivement:These people should be given projects that are challenging but
reachable, they like recognition

 B-Need for affiliation: people work best when they are cooperating together

 C-Need of power: These people like to organize and influences others

 Herzberg's theory:
 Poor hygiene factors may destroy motivation, but great hygine factor help to improve
work performance but not which motivate people
 People is motivated by professional growth,self actualization…etc

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