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Shah Waliullah (1703-1762)

Shah Wali Ullah

 Shah Waliullah was inclined towards Islam due to his family background. He belonged to a religious family and he was
qualified from Madrase e Rahimia and Arabia, therefore it was but natural that he was inclined towards Islam. Mughal
Empire was declining and Muslims were disunited. They were divided into sects and fighting on trivial matters. They were
also under the attack from Marathas and Sikhs. In these conditions Muslim culture and civilization was in serious danger,
which, Shah Waliullah wanted to save.

 He wanted to develop religious understanding among Muslims. Shah Waliullah felt that the major reason of the decline of
Muslims is their ignorance of the Quran, the Sunnah and the understanding of Islam. For this purpose, he translated the
Quran in Persian so that the noble class of Muslims should understand its meaning. He also wrote fifty-one books both in
Arabic and in Persian and clarified many misunderstandings about Islam. He also felt that Muslims were divided into sects
like Shia and Sunny. He emphasized that the fundamentals of Islam are common among all Muslims; hence, there is no
need to fight with each other.

 He did not want non-Muslims dominating Muslims in India. Due to the weak political condition of the Mughals and the
Muslims, Shah Waliullah felt that Marathas may occupy Delhi any time and they would eliminate Muslim culture by force.
For this reason, he wrote letters to Muslim nobles and to Ahmed Shah Abdali of Persia and emphasized them to be united
and fight against Marathas. To some extent, his influence worked and Ahmed Shah defeated Marathas in Panipat and
crushed their power.
Shah Waliullah Work (Contributions)

Books: He also wrote 51 books to explain  Economics services

the principles of Islam. He wrote an account  He was concerned about the economic
about the first for Caliphs of Islam in a way conditions of Indian muslims. He
in which it was acceptable to both Shias and requested the workers to work more
Sunnis. He hoped that this would help to heal hours and spend less.
the divisions between them.
Writings: His writing gave large number of  He laid great stress on Adil and
Muslims a chance to study their religion and Tawazzan that is Justice and Equilibrium
understand its teachings. He gave Muslims  H stressed labor, craftsmen and peasants
inspiration to lead a pure simple Life. His should be justly rewarded
writings brought him great fame and prestige
 He also urged the traders and
and enabled him to have influence in other
areas too. businessmen to adopt a fair system of
trading and making money
 Letters: The Marathas were a permanent threat for the
muslims. They had killed many muslims and had destroyed
their lands and fields. The muslims kings and nawabs were
living lives of ease and did not care about their people. Mughal
rule was shaking and on the verge of decline and wanted
Mughal to live a peaceful lives for this purpose he wrote letters
to the kings and nawabs in vain. Shah Waliullah wanted to save
the Mughals from this loot and plunder. wrote letters to the
rulers of Muslim states asking them to unite and rise against
non-Muslim forces. He invited the Afghan ruler Ahmad Shah
Abdali to deal with Marathas who were threatening Muslims in
Delhi and Punjab. Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas in
the battle of Panipat in 1761 so they were never able to rise
again. Shah Waliullah explained the importance of JEHAD to
the Muslims. He gave the concept of social justice and advised
the Muslims that due importance and value should be given to
peasants and artisans.
 Madrassa Rahimiya: The Madrassa
continued to play a vital role in teaching
Islamic principles and researching Islamic
thought. He believed that Muslims could
prosper if they followed proper Islamic
customs and did not indulge in social evils.
 Translation of Quran: Shah Waliullah translated the Holy Quran into Persian, which was the
language of educated Muslims at that time. Shah Waliullah believed that many of the problems the
Muslims faced were due to ignoring the principles of Islam. He felt that an emphasis on Quranic
teachings would improve their knowledge and reduce sectarianism differences and create a feeling
of solidarity.
 As Arabic was not widely understood by the muslims of subcontinent he translated Quran into
Persian. By this the teachings of Quran were more accessible to muslims.
 Shah Waliullah recognized that the tenets of Islam could not be followed properly unless the Holy
Quran itself was understood. In order to spread the teachings of Islam he translated the Holy
Quran into Persian the main language of educated Muslims at that time in the Sub-Continent.
 Shah Wali Ullah was one of the first thinkers to state that the decline of Mughal Empire and the
vulnerable position of the Muslims were due to a neglect of the principles of Islam. He showed
how this regeneration might take place.
 He showed that Muslims had to concentrate more on basic principle rather than finding the
difference which would lead them in the conflict among them. He tried to oppose Maratha and
unite the Muslim under a common enemy. Many future leaders were inspired by his teachings.
And fight for the good of Muslim community.
 He advised the Muslims to give up extravagance and wasteful expenditure on marriages, deaths,
births, and other occasions.
 Wealthy Muslims were asked to look after the poor and the needy.

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