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Picture 1: Our TLG logo is important that
is placed before the start of our sequence
so as to establish who made the
production. This logo was made on
Photoshop, the logo justification is here.
(Hyperlink). The “Capturing moving images
in high definition” is our company’s slogan
so when people see this phrase they
associate it with the company.
Picture 2: This is where the protagonist is
introduced for the first time, the sequence goes
straight into the plot, and everything is fast paced
which keeps the viewer’s eyes gazed on the
screen. This challenges the codes and conventions
of a thriller genre which usually starts with a build
up of the story or plot. However it conforms to the
camera screen colour of how a thriller theme
would usually look like as it seems grey and dark,
likewise the pale brown colour coat the female
character is wearing this connotes a negative
mood and vibe.
Picture 3: An extreme long shot was
used to add to the urge of wanting to
know where the character is running
too, as the running is lengthy.
Picture 4: We implemented the POV
idea in this scene where the viewers
will feel the impact of the characters
falling , as a director I wanted this POV
shot where it also goes kind of round in
a circle as a mystery which makes the
viewers think is this the end, which
explores the unknown in our sequence.
Picture 5: Rebecca struggles to open the
lock, I observed this idea on resident evil
Where zombies was running after the
Helpless female, hence I thought
incorporating this idea would show that she
is helpless about something.
Picture 6: This is a shot where the
character fly kicks the door which flips
the conventions as the real traits of the
female character starts to unveils,
where the viewers would start to doubt
her innocence.
Picture 7: The antagonist is introduced
for the first time, as he looks
defenselessly which then the viewers we
observe a switch in character traits. This
facial reaction was intended to look evil
and angry so the viewers would be able to
know that she is the strong character.
Picture 8: The antagonist is
introduced for the first time, as he
looks defenselessly which then the
viewers we observe a switch in
character traits. This facial reaction was
intended to look evil and angry so the
viewers would be able to know that she
is the strong character.
Picture 9: This title sequence was
made by me on Adobe Photoshop CS5;
it has the word Rebecca, dropped from
the top of the screen down to the
middle. This creates an enigma of its
own this could be compared with Saw
2004, title sequence as it says a story
of its own. The font was made to look
bold and stand out.

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