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Art of Living Foundation

• Overview
• Biography – Sri Sri Ravishankar
• Vision
• Service Organisations
• Education Programs
• Social Initiatives
• Awards and Honours

• Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

• The Art of Living Foundation is a not-for-
profit, educational and humanitarian NGO
(Non-Governmental Organisation)
• Engaged in stress-management and
service initiatives
• The organisation operates globally in 151
Biography – Sri Sri Ravishankar
• Born in 1956 in Southern India, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was a gifted
• By the age of four, he was able to recite parts of the Bhagavad Gita
• By the age of seventeen, in 1973, he had graduated with degrees
in, both, Vedic literature and physics.
• Sri Sri entered a ten-day period of silence in Shimoga
(Karnataka,India). The Sudarshan Kriya, a powerful breathing
technique, was born from this silence. With time, the Sudarshan
Kriya became the center-piece of the Art of Living courses
• Founded Art of Living Foundation in 1981
• Sri Sri is humanitarian leader, spiritual teacher and ambassador of


Service Organisations
• Art of Living Foundation
• International Association for Human Values (IAHV)
• Ved Vignan Mahavidyapeeth
• Sri Sri University
• Sri Sri Vidya Mandir
• Media Studies
• Ayurvedic Research
• Agricultural Institute
• Junior College
• Management Studies
• Fine Arts
• Rural Development
Art of Living Foundation
• The Art of Living Foundation, a nonprofit educational
and humanitarian organization, was founded by Sri Sri in
• The Foundation has chapters in more than 151 countries
and its sustainable development projects, trauma-relief
and self-development programs have benefited more
than 25 million people around the world
• By nurturing the spirit of service and compassion in
every individual, the Foundation seeks to build a global
society that is free of stress and violence
International Association for
Human Values (IAHV)
• Founded by Sri Sri in 1997
• Mission - Foster a deeper understanding of the
values that unite us as a global human
community, and to encourage the practice of
human values in everyday life
• Has initiated several disaster relief and
sustainable development programs in South
Asia, Africa, Europe, Central and South America
and North America
Ved Vigyan Maha Vidya Peeth
• VVMVP is the umbrella organization under
which various service projects of the Art of
Living Foundation in India operate
• Projects - rural development programs,
women's empowerment projects,
educational initiatives, Vedic research,
medical research, social research and De
Addiction research centre
Sri Sri University
• The upcoming Sri Sri University in Orissa, India, will be a
full fledged 15,000 student multidisciplinary university
that will combine quality education with leadership skills,
social responsibility and ethics
• The academic majors that will be offered are
Management, Law, Government, Mass Communications,
Cultural Studies, Engineering, Medicine, Ayurveda, Vedic
Sciences, Biotechnology and Research Sciences
• University admissions will be based on aptitude tests
alone, and the campus will include recreational facilities,
meditation halls, and a sports complex.
Sri Sri Vidya Mandir

• The Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidya Mandir (SSRVM)

Trust was founded in 1999
• Charitable Spiritual and Educational Public
Institution to impart a value-based education in
a stress-free and child-friendly environment
• Trust supports several educational institutions,
from rural schools to urban universities.
Media Studies

• The Sri Sri Center for Media Studies'

mandate is to train and empower
responsible and committed media
professionals who will be reliable and
objective information resources for people
in a democracy
Ayurvedic Research
• The Sri Sri College for Ayurvedic Science and Research
was started by Sri Sri to revive Ayurveda, the ancient
system of healthcare that is native to India
• The college is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University of
Health Sciences, Bangalore, and offers a five year
B.A.M.S. (Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery)
professional degree course
• Some of the special features of the college include a
herbal garden with diverse varieties of medicinal plants
and a state of the art Research and Development Center
Agricultural Institute
• Incepted in 2003, the key objective of the Sri Sri Mobile
Agricultural Institute is to provide guidance to farmers to
become self-reliant, to revive organic farming, and to
educate farmers on water management and irrigation
• The Institutes projects include workshops on chemical-
free farming awareness, environmental conservation,
and the advantages of organic fertilizers and pesticides
• The use of indigenous seeds (instead of genetically
modified ones) is also emphasized, and cooperative seed
storages have been set up.
Junior College
• The Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Pre-University College started in
2003 in Bangalore, India. Affiliated with the Pre-
University Board of Karnataka
• The College’s aim is to provide affordable and high
quality education to students on the threshold of their
• To overcome the increased burden of private tuitions
outside the school, the concept of "Integrated Coaching"
was started
• The initiative gives students the special training needed
to face competitive examinations for professional
Management Studies
• The Sri Sri Institute of Management Studies was
founded in 2005
• Vision - Blending high quality management
education with spirituality and human values to
create 21st century managers
• The institute offers a 2-year post-graduate
diploma in Business Management, and diverse
programs in investment and portfolio
management, debt securities, modern
manufacturing, and supply chain management.
Fine Arts

• The Sri Sri School of Performing Arts and

Fine Arts, located in Bangalore, India, is a
centre of learning for traditional dance
forms, folk and classical music, and the
fine arts.
Rural Development
• The Sri Sri Rural Development Trust was
founded in 2001
• Vision - To provide permanent and alternative
sources of income to the rural population in
• The Trust works in conjunction with the Art of
Living Foundation to implement initiatives such
as empowerment of rural women, vocational
training programs for women and youth, self
development workshops, free medical camps,
and the Youth Leadership Training Program
Education Programs

• Art of Living Courses

• Sudarshan kriya
• Sahaj Samadhi Meditation
• Youth Programs
• Corporate Programs
• Special Programs
Art of Living Courses
• The Art of Living Course has been enjoyed by people of all traditions,
religions, and walks of life, in universities, churches, governments,
businesses, prisons, and war zones.


• Sudarshan Kriya
• Practices that heal and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit
• Skills for handling negative emotions and situations
• Practical wisdom for improving work and relationships
• Insight into the laws that govern the mind and emotions
• Stretching and low-impact yoga for health, circulation, and body stillness
Sudarshan Kriya
• The cornerstone of the the Art of Living Course and the Foundation's trauma
relief programs is a powerful breathing-based technique called Sudarshan
• One of the breath's great secrets is that for every feeling or emotion, there is a
corresponding rhythm in the breath.
• Developed by Sri Sri, the Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural
rhythms of breath to release stress and bring the mind to the present moment.
• The practice is instrumental in creating a sense of harmony in the body, mind
and spirit.

• Greater creativity
• Increased clarity of mind
• Reduced stress and tension
• More ease and joy in personal relationships
Sahaj Samadhi Meditation
• The experience of meditation can take us
beyond the usual mental stress and emotional
agitation to a calm, centered place
• The Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, developed by Sri
Sri and taught during a workshop of the same
name, is a graceful and effortless meditation
• Participants learn to let go of all tensions and
stress, providing the mind with a much needed
deep rest
Youth Programs
• The Art of Living Foundation is dedicated to inspiring,
uplifting and empowering individuals to live life to its
fullest potential
• The youth programs emphasize human values common
to all cultures, religions and traditions such as non-
violence, compassion, caring for the planet, enthusiasm
for life, and an attitude of service toward others.
• Art Excel (All Round Training In Excellence) for ages 8 to
13 - ART Excel offers an enlightening approach that
awakens youth to their deepest potential and life's
higher values.
Youth Programs
• YES! for Teens (Youth Empowerment Seminar) for ages
14 to 18 - Both fun and challenging, this 18 hour
seminar provides teens with a comprehensive toolbox to
both manage their own emotions and stress, as well as
dynamically navigate through adolescence
• YES+ for College Students and Young Professionals for
ages 18 - 27 - An innovative and dynamic educational
and life skills program that provides young individuals
with the tools to achieve their ideal life with ease,
creativity, energy, and without inhibitions
Corporate Programs – APEX Course
• Based on the Sudarshan Kriya, the APEX Course is designed for
business professionals
• It is a simple, practical, and effective training program that
empowers managers and employees, and promotes calmness and
focus in the midst of any challenge or responsibility
• The course is designed to improve concentration, enhance
creativity, increase efficiency, and build a greater sense of purpose
and teamwork
• The APEX course differs from most management and employee
development programs because it is not based on quick-fix
solutions, theoretical concepts, or superficial success formulas, but
rather on practical techniques that offer direct and tangible results
Corporate Program – Participating
Companies/ Organisations
• USA • Switzerland
• Capital One Credit Suisse
IBM • Holland
Juniper Networks ADAC
NOVA University Tax Office Holland
Shell Oil • Peru
Tyco Electronics Sud-Chemie
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Texas MD • Brazil
Anderson Cancer Center The government of Rio de Janaeiro
US Federal Defenders • India
US Department of Probation • American express
US Army National Guard Citibank
World Bank Hindustan Petroleum co.
(International Chemical Industries)
Indian Institute of Technology
Indian oil
Millipore India Ltd.
Texas instruments
Exide Industries Ltd.
National Thermal Power Corp.
Philips Carbon Black
Special Programs
• Programs for the Criminal Justice System - The
Prison-SMART Program serves the entire criminal
justice community: incarcerated adults, juveniles
and their families; ex-offenders; victims of
violence and crime; correctional officers and law
enforcement administrators
• HIV Program - The Yoga of the Breath
workshop, designed for HIV infected persons,
calms the mind, eliminates stress, improves
vitality and empowers participants mentally and
Social Initiatives

• Peace Initiatives
• Inclusive Development
• Disaster Relief
• Promoting Literacy
• Women's Empowerment
• Prisoner Rehabilitation
• Veterans Programs
• Corporate Culture
Peace Initiatives
• Sri Sri's Unique approach of facilitating outer
peace through individual empowerment has
effected long-lasting change in conflict hotspots
across the world. This approach, combined with
self development programs, the principle of non-
violence, dialogue and rehabilitation programs,
has helped every section of society, from
militants and estranged youth to victims and
security forces, transforming hate, bitterness
and violence into joy
Peace Initiatives

• Rebuilding Strife Torn Iraq

• Cote d'Ivoire & Cameroon
• Seeds of Peace in Kashmi
• Rebuilding Trust in Sri Lanka
• Addressing Conflict in Kosovo
• Reintegrating Naxalites in India
• Since September 2003, more than 5000 people in Baghdad, Basra,
Suleymania and Karbala have participated in the Art of Living Foundation's
Trauma Relief program
• In 2005, the Foundation launched the Iraq Women's Empowerment
Program, which has benefited an estimated 500 Iraqi women.
• On May 22, 2007, His Holiness accepted the Iraq government's invitation to
embark on a three-day visit to Iraq as an ambassador of peace, and
became the first Indian spiritual leader to visit the country
• In August 2007, 55 Iraqi youth from Baghdad, Basra, Suleymania, Karbala,
and Najaf traveled to Bangalore for the month-long Youth Leadership
Training Program and graduated as youth leaders.
• There is anger and hatred all around Iraq. Iraqis need to learn how to
manage anger and reconcile with the present. This requires a shift in the
mind and a change of heart. Thats where spirituality has a big role to play.
We are working to facilitate this process. - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Bridging Racial Tensions:Cote
d'Ivoire & Cameroon
• In 1999, the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for
Human Values started relief efforts in Côte d'Ivoire, and began conducting
workshops on trauma relief, health and hygiene, and harmony
• In Deukoué, a city of Côte d'Ivoire, fifteen young persons from two warring
tribes in Deula and Guéré, participated in the Youth Leadership Training
Program (YLTP), an eight day residential program
• In February 2006, seven YLTP graduates Program from Saa, Cameroon,
traveled to Bangalore, India, representing Cameroon at the Art of Living
Foundation's Silver Jubilee Celebrations
• In November 2007, a YLTP was conducted for 40 Ivorians in Man, a
corridor of violence between Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire. Following the
program, participants pledged to work toward the development of their
• The Cameroon government has also recognized the work of the Art of
Living Foundation
Kashmir - India
• Sri Sri's initiatives in Kashmir have met with unprecedented success.
• In Doda and Baramullah, more than 1500 youth have given up violence and their
allegiance to militant outfits
• More than 1000 inmates have undergone the Art of Living Foundation Prison
Rehabilitation Program in Baramullah, Poonch, Jammu, and Udampur districts
• Today, the Foundation's youth programs in Kashmir report as many as 1200
participants each.
• Programs for the Indian Army have also commenced. One such training session was
held in Dhansal Hills for more than 800 participants.
• Sri Sri launched the Save the Children project' in Srinagar. As part of the project, a
children's orphanage was set up for more than 200 children. Here, children receive a
multicultural education, and are safeguarded from fanatic elements.
• In Feb 2011, 100 Kashmiri youths visited Bangalore ashram for streghtening their
commitment for peace in J&K
• Sri Sri has planted seeds of peace in the region by providing every individual with the
tools to eliminate stress, move beyond the past, and lead a non-violent existence.
Rebuilding Trust in Sri Lanka
• Sri Sri first visited Sri Lanka in December 2004, just days after the
devastating South Asia tsunami. Sri Sri's stress and trauma relief
programs have reached decision-makers, internally displaced
persons (IDPs) and victims of trauma across Sri Lanka
• n April 2006, Sri Sri arrived in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, and was greeted by
more than 80,000 people who had benefited from his initiatives.
• In October 2006, a delegation of members of the Sri Lankan
Parliament attended a Peace and Reconciliation Conference in
Bangalore, India. Later that year, the Tamil National Alliance
requested that Sri Sri address the plight of Tamil people in Sri
• " I have come to take away your problems. I want to see a smile
that never fades from your face."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
• Since the year 2000, Sri Sri's humanitarian and
rehabilitation initiatives have benefited thousands of
Kosovo residents, including 500 nurses, doctors,
psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers employed
in Mental Health Centers across Kosovo
• More than 3000 health care professionals, 1456 medical
students and patients in 16 University Hospitals are
expected to benefit from this venture
• We thank Kosovo for sending Mother Teresa to India.
India would reciprocate by bringing the benefits of yoga
and its ancient spiritual knowledge, which is much
needed in Kosovo today ", Sri Sri said at the gathering
Reintegrating Naxalites in India
• In the last decade, Sri Sri's relentless efforts have transformed more
than 11,000 naxalites and terrorists in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
Chattisgarh and North East India.
• Bihar: A remarkable transformation - More than 700 rebels
surrender arms, pledge non-violence In addition to homes for
widows and homeless, the Art of Living Foundation has also built
twenty-seven free schools in Bihar for more than 1500 students The
Foundation has held alcoholism awareness workshops for about
35,000 people
• Tripura:In 2001, the Art of Living Foundation began its development
program in Mandahi, a small village that has suffered great losses
and has become the hub of terrorist activity. Twenty-four free
schools have been built across the state
Inclusive Development

• 5 H (Health, Hygiene, Homes, Human

values, and Harmony in diversity)
• Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP)
• Vidharbha Intervention
• Haiti Reforestation
5H (Health, Hygiene, Homes, Human
values, and Harmony in diversity)
• The aim of the program is to uplift individuals and communities, and help
them become self-reliant, both socially and economically
• Since its inception in 1997, the goal of 5H has been to create a social
transformation that will eradicate poverty, misery and disease, and ensure
peace and harmony among communities
• In India, 34,422 villages have benefited from the program. It is also being
implemented in villages and urban slums in South Africa, Cameroon, Brazil,
USA and Kenya

5H works to :
• Raise the standard of living in impoverished areas
• Educate individuals at every level: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual
• Create a grassroots model for progressive social change
• Give every human being a chance to have a disease-free body and a stress-
free mind
• Inculcate human values and foster harmony in diversity
Integrated Community
Development in India
• Implemented the 5H Program in 34,422 villages
• Giving a New Direction by training 61,460 youth leaders
• Creating Stress-free Individuals by conducting 1,21,589 workshops
• Fostering Better Ties among People through 59,814 community gatherings
• Promoting Better Health by 23,618 medical camps, 87 primary healthcare
• Giving a Stable Life by gifting 1,527 homes
• Providing Water Supply through 1,036 borewells
• Creating a Healthier Environment by planting 22,51,091 trees
• Development Employment Opportunities through 2,915 Self Help
• Developing a Cleaner Society by carrying out 48,869 cleaning camps,
constructing 5,670 toilets and 528 new drains
Youth Leadership Training Program
• Sri Sri's Youth Leadership Training Program
(YLTP) is designed to train youth to become
community leaders and agents of socio-
economic change
• Launched in 1997 as a flagship project of the
International Association for Human Values
(IAHV), thousands of youth across the world,
including South Asia, Middle East, South Africa,
North America and South America, have been
trained through the program
YLTP – How it works
• Phase 1 - A ten-day intensive residential program aimed at
inculcating self-motivation, self-discipline, selfless service and
community belongingness;
• Phase 2 - Field training where the trainees work in their own
communities and, aided by mentors, are expected to apply the skills
they learned to implement IAHV’s 5H model.
• Phase 3 - The third phase is again a ten-day program. Trainees
report with their experiences and brainstorm on lessons learned.
They are then trained in practical problem solving skills,
interpersonal skills and other management techniques with
emphasis on human resource and sustainable socio-economic
• YLTP trainees functions as a self-help and support group when
youth go back into their own communities.
Vidarbha Intervention – Farmer’s
• Due to droughts and economic woes, more than 1,900 farmers in the region ended
their lives between January 1, 2001 and August 19, 2006
• Responding to the situation, in 2004, Sri Sri launched 'Project Vidarbha -
Swavalamban Program.' Under this program, local youth leaders are trained to
address the problems of one or more villages.
• 3,725 youth have been trained to implement the project at two crucial levels.
• The first level: Helps people overcome emotions such as fear and depression and
instils confidence in them through the Youth Leadership Training Program.
• The second level: Youth leaders train residents in organic farming techniques, zero-
budget farming and other farming alternatives.

Progress in Vidarbha
• 509 villages reached by volunteers
• Programs benefitted 200,000 farmers and residents
• 9,300 trees planted
• Built 61 soak pits
• 16,312 Farmers who have learned organic farming methods
Haiti Reforestation
• Haiti remains one of the least developed nations
in the western hemisphere, with poverty
affecting an estimated 80% of the country and
massive deforestation as approximately 98% of
the country's original forest has been cut down.
• In November 2007, a team of Art of Living
volunteers (2 from Canada, 2 from US and 1
from Egypt) traveled to Les Cayes, in the South
Western part of Haiti, where they launched the a
10 - day Youth Leadership Training Program.
Disaster Relief

• South East Asia

• New Orleans
• Beslan
• Gujarat
• Mumbai
Disaster Relief
• Sri Sri has designed a three-stage intervention program
for disaster relief – Material Relief, Trauma Relief, and
long-term Rehabilitation
• Immediate Material Aid and Service: Providing food,
clothes, medicine and shelter in the aftermath of a
• Near-Term Trauma Relief: Programs and counseling
designed to deal with the emotional and mental trauma
victims undergo
• Long-Term Rehabilitation: Building homes, sanitation
systems, roads, schools, vocational training centers
Disaster Relief

• Sri Sri says, "Unless the trauma is

released, food and medicines will not
work. People cannot eat or sleep because
their mind is full of the terrible tragedy
that has befallen them." With a healing
touch, support and a vision for the future,
disaster victims are able to reclaim their
Disaster Relief Initiatives
• Flood relief - Bihar and North East India, 2007
• Virginia Tech campus shootings, USA (April 2007)
• Vidarbha farmer suicides, India (ongoing since 2007)
• Surat floods, India (August 2006)
• Lebanon ( Since July 2006)
• Mumbai train bomb blasts, India (July 2006)
• Kashmir earthquake (October 2005)
• Hurricane Katrina, USA (August 2005)
• Mumbai floods, India (July 2005)
• Gujarat floods, India (June 2005)
• Indian Ocean Tsunami (December 2004)
• London subway attack, UK (July 2005)
• Beslan school hostage crisis , Russia (September 2004)
• Madrid train attack, Spain (March 2004)
• Iraq trauma relief (Since 2003)
• Israel trauma relief (Since 2003)
• 9/11 terror attack, USA (September 2001)
South East Asia
• China Earthquake - 5 volunteers from seven
countries are conducting the trauma relief
workshops in Chengdu, about 100 kilometers
from the epicenter
• Tsunami - Within hours of the 2004 Tsunami,
more than 5000 Art of Living foundation
volunteers launched the emergency relief and
trauma counseling efforts in affected regions
• Sri Lanka - More than 25,000 people benefited
from these programs
New Orleans
• On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit southern
Louisiana, causing 1500 fatalities, and leaving survivors in
a state of shock, depression and trauma.
• Within 48 hours, the Art of Living Foundation launched
relief efforts and trauma camps. The initiatives have
benefited more than 3000 persons in the region.
• Within 30 days, a series of stress and trauma relief
workshops for victims and active NGOs were conducted
in Baton Rouge, Houston, Dallas and Austin.
• We very much appreciate the fact that His Holiness Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar has taken an interest in the needs of Austin
and those of our new neighbors from the Gulf Coast -
Raul Alvarez, Austin City Council Member
• On September 1, 2004, Beslan’s Secondary School
Number One was seized by a group of 32 terrorists
related to the Second Chechen War.
• The siege ended on September 3 with a bloody shootout
between the terrorists and Russian security forces,
leaving 334 civilians dead and hundreds wounded.
Children accounted for 186 of the fatalities.
• The Art of Living Foundation launched trauma relief
programs in Beslan to help alleviate the psychological
trauma of victims? relatives and the Russian army.
• More than 1,000 people, including nearly 300 Russian
army personnel, have benefited from the programs.
• In 2002, communal riots between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat resulted in
the deaths of an estimated 2000 people. More than 150,000 people were
• Building trust between estranged communities - n response to the situation,
the Art of Living Foundation launched trauma relief workshops in 25
refugee camps. Volunteers also organized a peace rally that was attended
by community leaders and residents of both religions
• Gujarat Earthquakes - Building Lives - On January 26, 2001, an earthquake
that measured 8.1 on the Richter scale killed more than 20,000 people and
destroyed a million homes. Under Sri Sri's directive, the Art of Living
Foundation launched relief efforts within hours of the calamity.
• More than 100,000 people in 120 villages, including children, benefited from
the Foundations emergency aid and trauma-relief camps
• Following the July 2005 floods in Mumbai, Art of Living Foundation
and the International Association for Human Values began
rehabilitation and trauma relief efforts in the region.
• 43,000 packets of food were distributed and a sanitation program
was launched. Building trust between estranged communities...
• Program activities included spraying disinfectants, removing
truckloads of garbage, and cleaning toilets. Medicines and water
purification satchels were also distributed, and the Foundation's
community kitchen fed 2,000 people every day
• In August 2005, Sri Sri visited the affected areas met with more
than 10,000 victims. Appreciating Sri Sri's initiatives, the
Maharashtra state government recognized and appointed the Art of
Living Foundation and the International Association for Human
Values as nodal relief agencies in the most badly affected areas of
Promoting Literacy
• Sri Sri's education-based initiatives focus on children of marginalized
communities, who would otherwise be child laborers
• The initiative includes 110 free schools in tribal and rural belts of
India, benefiting almost 10,000 children. Almost 95 percent of the
students in these schools are first-generation literates in their
• Building a Future of Unprecedented Opportunities - In October
2007, the Art of Living Foundation unveiled a joint declaration with
UNICEF to further the cause of child rights.
• One such rural school is located near the Foundation's international
center in Bangalore. Started in 1981 with 30 students, it provides
value-based education to over 2,400 children from 45 surrounding
Women's Empowerment
• The role of women in the development of society is of utmost
importance. In fact, it is the only thing that determines whether a
society is strong and harmonious, or otherwise. Women are the
backbone of society" - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
• Instilling Confidence and a Sense of Independence - Sri Sri's unique
initiative, the Women's empowerment program, provides vocational
training, microfinance venture incentives, self-development
workshops, and self-help groups for disadvantaged women across
the world.
• The program was launched in 1985 in Bangalore, India, as VISTA
India (Value Integrated Services to All) which benefited more than
200 rural women. Inspired by the project's success, the program
was replicated in other parts of India, and countries such as Sri
Lanka, South Africa, and Iraq.
Women's Empowerment
• In Jharkhand, India, local women have been trained to process
honey and supply it to one of the country's leading honey producers
• In South Africa, a group of thirty participants from the Ohlange
community learned the intricate art of African bead crafting, and
more than 300 women attended self-development workshops.
• In another unique venture, the Art of Living Foundation started the
Punarnava project at Bangalore's Central Jail, which trains female
inmates to manufacture incense sticks and trinkets. The proceeds
from their sales serve as financial security for the women when they
are released from prison. Similar projects have been initiated in
other jails in India
Prisoner Rehabilitation
• Expand your vision and see that inside every culprit is a victim
crying for help. If you heal the victim, you will eliminate crime from
the planet." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
• Sri Sri began the Prison Program in 1990, to provide prisoners with
an opportunity to integrate into the mainstream society and heal
• The program features self development workshops with an
emphasis on human values, microfinance incentives and vocational
training programs
• In a study of 604 participants of the self-development segment of
the Prison Program at the Taipei Tu-Chen Detention Center and the
Taichung Detention Center in Taiwan, more than half of the
participants reported significant reduction in negative emotions such
as anger, depression, fear, and insomnia
Prisoner Rehabilitation
• The prisoner rehabilitation program was initiated in 1999 in Tihar
Jail, home to some of India's most notorious criminals. The program
is active in eight of the 17 jails in Tihar, and more than 30,000
inmates have participated in the programs.
• In New Zealand, the program was launched in partnership with the
Juvenile Justice department.
• In Malawi, the program saw amazing results at the Chasili prison
and in the United Arab Emirates, the Al Wathba women's prison
welcomed the program.
• In a landmark decision in Denmark, the country's judicial system
ordered that instead of sending juvenile offenders to prison, they
should undergo the Art of Living prison program.
Prisoner Rehabilitation
• In Fiji, Kosovo, and in Iraq, the program has been launched in all
prisons in the region, and the Taiwan After-Care Association
recognized the Foundation's efforts in 2005.
• Recently, the Foundation introduced the SRIJAN (Social
Rehabilitation of Inmates in Jail and Aiding the Needy) initiative.
SRIJAN offers inmates with a variety of opportunities such as
theatre, music and dance workshops, and personality development.
The initiative also offers vocational training in commercial arts,
costume jewellery, fashion technology, and weaving.
• Three SRIJAN workshops were recently held in New Delhi, India,
where inmates were trained to produce items such as office
stationary, gift boxes and lampshades. The Foundation works with
local NGOs and partners to market these handicrafts in India and
abroad. All proceeds go to the craftsmen, thus making them
economically independent.
Rehabilation of prisoners around
the world
• India • Malawi
• Russia • Israel
• South Africa • Australia
• United States of America • Dubai
• Namibia • Guernsey
• Thailand • Kenya
• New Zealand • Mexico
• Cameroon • Lithuania
• Singapore • Bulgaria
• Fiji • Kosovo
• Scotland • United Kingdom
• Taiwan • Denmark
• Norway • Croatia
Veteran’s Program

• One of Art of Living Foundation’s most recent

initiatives, Project Welcome Home Troops is a
solution to the stress and trauma that combat
veterans and their families undergo.
• The initiative offers its participants, trauma-relief
workshops and self development programs
where they learn unique breathing techniques
that reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia, and
Veteran’s Program
• During the Foundation's 25th anniversary celebrations at
the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts on March 28,
2007, Floyd 'Shad' Meshad, president and founder of the
National Veterans Foundation, honored Sri Sri for his
outstanding service to returning veterans and their
families. Meshad said, "Anything we can do to bring our
troops peace of mind, and lets them come back and
reintegrate into society, is worth its weight in gold.
• For me the greatest benefit was getting sleep. Without
sleep you slowly destroy your body and that was what
was happening. I found it as a way to relax and get
essential sleep - Troy Jackson, Desert Storm and Iraq
Combat Veteran
Corporate Culture
• Trust is the breath of business, Ethics its limbs, and to
uplift the Spirit its Goal.; Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
• "Corporate Culture & Spirituality" (CCS) is an initiative of
the International Association for Human Values
• While central themes vary, this unique annual
symposium provides business and spiritual leaders with
a platform to share insights and experiences on social
responsibility, business ethics, and sustainable and
profitable leadership
• CCS was first launched in 2003 in Bangalore, India, and
was attended by business leaders, academicians, and
spiritual leaders from across the world
Corporate Culture
• In 2006, the conference was held in European Parliament, Brussels,
where more than 300 participants from 20 countries engaged in a
dynamic discussion on ethics and business as an integral part of
innovative and sustainable development.

• The conference was once again hosted in Brussels in 2007, and was
attended by prominent leaders such as Prof. Ruud Lubbers, Former
Prime Minister of the Netherlands and co-Founder of The Earth
Charter; Dr. Jacques Santer, Former Prime Minister of Luxemburg
and Former President of the European Commission; Mr. Niels
Christiansen, Vice-President, Nestle; Mr. Rutger Koopmans, General
Manager, ING Wholesale Banking; Mr. Venugopal Dhoot, Chairman,
Videocon Group; Dr. Hanns Glatz, Delegate of the Board of
Management, Daimler; and Prof. Peter Eigen, Founder,
Transparency International Germany.
Awards and Honours

• University Doctorates
• International Honours
• His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Day
University Doctorates
• Professor Honoris Causa, Szent Istvan University, Budapest,
(Hungary), June 24, 2009
• Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Bangalore University, India, 2009
• Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Nagarjuna University, India, 2008
• Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa, Maharaja Sayajirao University,
India, 2007
• Doctor of Science, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India,
• Doctor of Philosophy (Holistic Medicine), Open International
University for Complementary Medicine in Sri Lanka, 2006
• Honorary Doctorate from Kuvempu University, India, 2004
International Honours

• 2010 Atmajyoti Award, Delhi, India (Sept. 23, 2010)

• Culture in Balance Award, World Culture Forum, Dresden Germany,
October 10, 2009
• The Ball of Peace awarded by The Peace Doves, Norway, June 13, 2009
• Phoenix Award, Atlanta, USA, 2008
• Honourary citizenship and Goodwill Ambassador, Houston, USA, 2008
• Proclamation of Commendation, New Jersey, 2008
• Architect of World Peace Award, India, 2008
• ‘Light of East’ National Award, India, 2008
• Honoured by United Nations Millennium Campaign (UNMC) for his
contributions towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, 2007
• Honoured by the city of Washington DC by proclaiming the week of his
visit as ‘Human Values Week’ in March 2007
International Honours
• National Veterans Foundation Award, USA, 2007
• Leadership Award for Extraordinary Promotion of World Peace and
Harmony by Amity University, New Delhi, 2007
• Honorary Citizenship by City of Baltimore, Canada, 2006
• Honorary Citizen of the city of Calgary, Canada, 2006
• Centennial 2006 Medallion by the Legislative Assembly of Calgary,
Canada, 2006
• The 2006 International Peace Award by ‘For the Love of Children
Society of Alberta Canada’, 2006
• The Humanitarian Award by the city of Brampton, Ontario, 2006
• Order of the Pole Star, Mongolia, 2006
• Peter the Great First Grade Award, Russia, 2006
• Mongolian Prime Minister’s Award, Mongolia, 2006
International Honours
• Alberta Legislative Centennial 2006 Medallion, 2006
• Dara Shikoh National Award for Harmony, New Delhi, India, 2005
• Global Humanitarian Award, Illinois, USA, 2005
• Mahavir-Mahatma Award India, 2005
• Bharat Shiromani Award, New Delhi, India, 2004
• The Illustrious Visitors Award, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2004
• Phoenix Award, USA, 2002
• Guru Mahatmya Award by Government of Maharashtra, India, 1997
• Nominated to the Advisory Board of Yale Divinity School, USA, 1990
• Title of Yoga Shiromani (Supreme Jewel of Yoga) by the President
of India, 1986
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
• April 25th, 2010, Hamilton County, Ohio, USA
• April 23, 2010, Milwaukee, USA
• April 20, 2010, Denver, USA
• October 29th, 2008, Irving, Texas, USA
• July 4th- 6th, 2008, Edison, New Jersey, USA
• July 29, 2007, Pomona, California, USA
• March 28, 2007, Washington DC, USA
• December 4, 2006, Regina, Canada
• November 25, 2006, Windsor, Canada
• November 21, 2006, Surrey, Canada
• November 21, 2006, Richmond, Canada
• September 13, 2006, Ottawa, Canada
His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
• September 10, 2006, Halifax, Canada
• September 7, 2006, Edmonton, Canada
• June 28, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA
• May 9, 2002, Beverly Hills, California, USA
• April 29, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
• January 10, 2002, Austin, Texas, USA
• August 26, 2000, Washington DC, USA
• June 28, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, USA
• May 8, 2002, Beverley Hills, California, USA
• April, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
• January 10, 2002, Austin, Texas, USA
• August 26, 2000, Washington, USA

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