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LKM-3 / Kelompok 2 (PKU 2019)

1. Salsabila Almas Dwi Ranti (037)

2. Annisa Nabila (049)
3. Aiza Alya (077)
4. Lilla Pangestu H (081)
5. Fitani Wardha Machfiro (089)
Bagian A
Peta konsep
Bagian B

51. Interpret the following equation in terms of particles, moles, and mass.
4Al(s) + 3O2(g)  2Al2O3(s)
Jawab :
Diketahui : 4Al(s) + 3O2(g)  2Al2O3(s)
Ditanya :
Dijawab :
koefisien menunjukkan jumlah molekul
4 molekul Al + 3 molekul O2  2 molekul Al2O3
koefisien menunjukkan jumlah mol
4 mol Al + 3 mol O2  2 mol Al2O3
Menghitung massa masing-masing reaktan dan produk dengan mengalikan jumlah mol dengan faktor konversi yaitu
massa molar.
Bagian B
 Massa reaktan :

Massa total reaktan : Massa total reaktan : 108 g Al + 96 g = 204 g

Massa produk :

Jadi, berdasarkan hasil/perhitungan diatas. Massa total reaktan sama dengan massa produk, seperti
yang sesuai dengan hukum kekekalan massa.
Bagian B

59. The air pollutant SO2 is removed from the air by means of a reaction among sulfur
dioxide, calcium carbonate, and oxygen. The products of this reaction are calcium sulfate and
carbon dioxide. Determine the mole ratio you would use to convert mol SO2 to mol CaSO4.

Jawab :

Diketahui : SO2 + CaCO3 +  CaSO4 + CO2
Ditanya : Tentukan rasio mol yang akan Anda gunakan untuk mengubah mol SO 2 menjadi
mol CaSO4.
Dijawab : atau
Bagian B

  When an antacid tablet dissolves in water, the fizz is due to a reaction between sodium
hydrogen carbonate (sodium bicarbonate, NaHCO 3) and citric acid (H3C6H5O7).
3NaHCO3(aq) + H3C6H5O7(aq)  3CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) + Na3C6H5O7(aq).
How many moles of carbon dioxide can be produced if one tablet containing 0.0119 mol
NaHCO3 is dissolved?
Jawab :
Diketahui : 3NaHCO3(aq) + H3C6H5O7(aq)  3CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) + Na3C6H5O7(aq).
NaHCO3 = 0,0119 mol
Ditanya : mol CO2
Dijawab :
Mol NaHCO3 x
0,0119 mol NaHCO3 x = 0,0119 mol
Bagian B
●66.  Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through the combustion of octane (C 8H18) in gasoline. Write the
balanced chemical equation for the combustion of octane and calculate the mass of octane needed to release 5.00
mol CO2.
- Molar mass of C8H18 = 114.28 g/mol
- Mol of CO2 = 5.00 moles
- Balanced chemical equation for the combustion of octane?
- The mass of octane needed to release 5.00 mol CO2?
- Balanced chemical equation for the combustion of octane is:
2C8H18(l) + 25O2(g)  16CO2(g) + 18H2O(l)

- Mass of octane (C8H18) = 5.00 mol CO2 x x

● = 71.4 g C8H18
Bagian B
69. Chloroform (CHCl3), an important solvent, is produced by a reaction between methane and chlorine.
● CH4(g) + 3Cl2(g)  CHCl3(g) + 3HCl(g).
● How many g CH4 is needed to produce 50.0 g CHCl3?
● Known:
● - Molar mass of CH4 = 16.04 g/mol
● - Molar mass of CHCl3 = 119.38 g/mol
● - Ratio molecule of CH4 to CHCl3 is 1:1
● Question:
● - How many g CH4 is needed to produce 50.0 g CHCl3?
● Solve:
● - Mol of CH4 = mol of CHCl3
● =
● m (CH4) =
● m (CH4) =
● m (CH4) = 6.718 g
● m (CH4) = 6.72 g
Bagian B
82. An alkaline battery produce electrical energy according to this equation.
Zn(s) + 2MnO2 (s) + H2O(l)  Zn(OH)2 + Mn2O3 (s)
Known :
Mass Zn = 25 g Molar mass MnO2 = 88 g/mol
Mass MnO2 = 30 g Coefficient Zn = 1
Molar mass Zn = 65,38 g/mol Coefficient MnO2 = 2

Question :
Limiting reactant if 25.0 g Zn and 30.0 g MnO2 (s) are
used?  • Determining limiting reactant
Solve : Zn =
a. Determine the limiting reactant if 25.0 g Zn and 30.0 MnO2 =
g MnO2 (s) are used Because the mole of MnO2 is lower than the Zn mole,
the limiting reactant is MnO2 with 0.17 moles.
• Determining mole
Mole Zn =
Mole MnO2 =

b. Determine mass of Zn(OH)2

Known :
Mole Zn(OH)2 = 0,38 mole
Molar mass Zn(OH)2 = 99,38 g/mole
Question : mass of Zn(OH)2
Solve :
Mass Zn(OH)2 = Mole Zn(OH)2 x Molar mass Zn(OH)2
Bagian B
84. Ethanol (C2H5OH) is produced from the fermentation of sucrose in the presence of enzyme.
C12H22O11 (aq) + H2O  4C2H5OH(l) + 4CO2 (g)
Determine the theoretical and percent yields of ethanol if 684 g sucrose undergoes fermentation and
349 g ethanol is obtained

Answer :
Known :
Mass sucrose = 684 g
Molar mass sucrose = 342 g/mole
Molar ethanol = 46 g/mole
Experiment/actual mass ethanol = 349 g
Question :
Theoretical and percent yields of ethanol if 684 g sucrose undergoes fermentation and 349 g ethanol
is obtained?
Solve :
C12H22O11 (aq) + H2O  4C2H5OH(l) + 4CO2 (g)
684 g sucrose x
= 368 g ethanol
Theoretical ethanol = 368 g
% yield ethanol =

= 94,83 %
Thank you

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