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Minds On: If you wanted to

build an easy portable home

with only 3 materials or
less, what would you make?
Please draw a sketch on a piece of GOOS paper.
Teepee Introduction
Teepees were the homes of the nomadic tribes of the Great Plains. A teepee was built using a
number of long poles as the frame. The poles were tied together at the top and spread out at the
bottom to make an upside down cone shape. Then the outside was wrapped with a large covering
made of buffalo hide.

When the tribe arrived at a new spot, the woman of each family would set up and build the teepee.
Building a teepee was very efficient and typically only took around 30 minutes to set up.

In the summer the covering would be raised to allow for a large gap at the bottom. This gap enabled
cool air to flow through the teepee and keep the inside cooled.

In the winter additional coverings and insulation such as grass were used to help keep the teepee
warm. In the center of the teepee, a fire would be built. There was a hole at the top to let out the
smoke. The Plains Indians also used buffalo hides for their beds and blankets to keep their homes
Why do you think the Plains Cree and
Blackfoot needed to move around so often?

*Hint: Think about what people need to survive. What might make these people migrate?
Please read pg. 104-105 in your textbook.

Please answer the following questions in

your social studies journal:

1) In which regions in Alberta did First

Nations groups use teepees? Why
those regions and not, for example,
the Rocky Mountains or Boreal
2) What is a travois?
Turn to page 106: Inside a Teepee

What do you see?

What do you think?

What do you wonder?

Turn to page 101:
Read A Land of Plenty
What can you tell about the outside designs of teepees?
The lower part of the tipi symbolizes the EARTH from
which all things originate and to which all things return.
The borders were often painted as a dark band (which is
quite practical since the edges of the tipi are used most).
The upper part of the tipi represents the heavens, the
Great Spirit, which is common to all creations on earth
and to which the souls are underway. The poles
symbolize the paths which lead from earth to the Spirit.
Everything between earth and heaven is our life. Thus
paintings on the tent symbolize happenings which have to
do with the life of the specific tent owner - mostly
describing his name or heroic deeds. If you want to be
inspired, look here.
More about teepees (spirituality and culture)

What else do you want to know?

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