Ethics Wk1

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 Ethics deals with principles of ethical behavior in modern
society at the level of the person, society, and in interaction
with the environment and other shared resources.
 Morality pertains to the standards of right and wrong that an
individual originally picks up from the community.
 The course will help us discusses the context and
principles of ethical behavior in modern society at
the level of individual, society, and in interaction
with the environment and other shared resources.
At the end of the course, the students are
expected to be able to:
 between moral and non-moral problems
Describe what a moral experience is as it happens in different levels of human

Explain the influence of Filipino culture on the way students look at moral

experiences and solve moral dilemmas
Describe the elements of moral development and moral experience

Use ethical frameworks or principles to analyze moral experiences

Make sound ethical judgments based on principles, facts, and the stakeholders

Develop sensitivity to the common good

Understand and internalize the principles of ethical behavior in modern society at the

level of the person, society, and in interaction with the environment and other shared
 TheLatin word mos or moris (and its plural mores)from which the
adjective moral is derived is equivalent to ethos.
 Etymologically,
ethics is but a survey of patterns of behavior that is
done by the human being in general or a society in particular.
 Ethics, generally speaking is about matters such as the good
thing that we should pursue and the bad thing that we should
avoid; the right ways in w/c we could or should act and the
wrong ways of acting. It is about what is acceptable and
unacceptable in human behavior. It may involve obligations that
we are.
 Ethicsas a subject for us to study is about determining the
grounds for the values w/ particular and special significance to
human life.
 The Latin word mos or moris (and its plural mores)from which the adjective
moral is derived is equivalent to ethos.
 Etymologically, ethics is but a survey of patterns of behavior that is done by the
human being in general or a society in particular.
 Ethics, generally speaking is about matters such as the good thing that we should
pursue and the bad thing that we should avoid; the right ways in w/c we could or
should act and the wrong ways of acting.
 It is about what is acceptable and unacceptable in human behavior. It may involve
obligations that we are.
 Ethics as a subject for us to study is about determining the grounds for the values
w/ particular and special significance to human life.
Branch of philosophy concerned with the
evaluation of human conduct

- What ought we do

- What type of person ought we become

 In August 2007, newspaper reported what seemed to be yet another sad
incident of fraternity violence. Cris Anthony Mendez, a twenty-year-old
student of the University of the Philippines (UP), was rushed to the hospital
in the early morning hours, unconscious, with large bruises on his chest,
back, and legs. He passed away that morning, and the subsequent autopsy
report strongly suggests that his physical injuries were most probably the
result of “Hazing” (the term colloquially used to refer to initiation rites in
which neophytes may be subjected to various forms of physical abuse). What
exactly happened remains an open question, as none of those who were with
him that night came forward to shed light on what had transpired. Needless
to say, none of them came forward to assume responsibility for the death of
 Even as the leaders of the Sigma Rho fraternity publicly denounced the death of Cris, those members
of theirs who had been with him that night vanished, avoiding and refusing to cooperate with legal
authorities. Meanwhile, UP students and the general public clamored for justice. In a move that
surprised the student body, the UP chancellor called on all fraternities to justify their continued
existence. Meanwhile, the case of the tragic death of Cris Anthony Mendez was left unresolved. It
remains that way up to this day.
 No one knows just what exactly happened. No charges have been filed, no definitive testimony has
been forthcoming. But there is more to this for us than just a criminal mystery. Pondering on the
death of Cris, we may find ourselves asking questions such as, “What is the value of one’s life?”
”What exactly were the wrongs done to Cris by his so-called fraternity brother?” or perhaps even “Is
there any good to fraternities?” These questions that concern good and bad, or right and wrong—and
these are questions concerning value—are the kind of questions that we deal with in ethics.
 Reflect and answer the following questions:
 1. What is the value of life?
 2. If you are a member of this fraternity, what will you do?
 3. Based from the given story, what is the concept of morality that this fraternity advocates?
Presents ideas in Presents ideas in Ideas are too Ideas are vague
an original a consistent general or unclear
manner manner

Argument using Argument using Argument using Argument using
strong evidence clear evidence to good evidence to lack evidence to
to its own point its own point of its own point of its own point of
of view are view are view are view are none
forceful and satisfactory adequately convincing
convincing convincing convincing

Organization Strong and Organized Some No organization;

organized beg/mid/end organization; lack beg/mid/end
beg/mid/end attempt at a
Understanding Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows
strong clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding
Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence No sense of
Structure structure structure is structure is sentence
enhances evident; limited; structure or flow
meaning; flows sentences mostly sentences need to
throughout the flow flow

Date Submitted

INSTRUCTOR Ma Concepcion S.
“A man without ethics is a wild
beast loosed upon this world.”

Albert Camus

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