DISS PETA 1.1 Alejandro Caballero Abbot 1

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First Quarter

Performance Task
Lian Harley W. Alejandro
Jyra Jane Cabellero
Mary Ann Abbot
“Education about online classes During
this time of pandemic “
The entire world is facing the deadly
pandemic COVID. This has
revolutionized the way of teaching and

Online classes has become a popular

distance learning modality in today’s
society and being applicable in the
Covid situation.
3 Major Approaches
Structural Conflict Symbolic
Functionalism: Theory: Interactionism:
when people or It explores the When individuals
things have certain power dynamics form opinions about
defined roles within that create social the world and share
society so that and economic them with one
everything will inequality in another, We are
work out smoothly different contexts — thinking beings who
and properly. Everything from react to events
poverty and social based on how we
conflict, to understand and see
revolutions and war. them.
Structural Functionalism
Structural Functionalism
( Function )
• Due to covid pandemic. Educational institution
continues their respective classes through technology
with students. The online classes have good impact on
students as well as have some side effects too.

• It benefits the students by learning and gaining new

knowledge despite the pandemic.

• The students can continue and finish their studies in

the right time or in the expected age.
Latent Function
• Saves Money and time
The student doesn’t need to go out or transport just to attend
classes and we don’t need to buy textbooks .It saves money
and time. And since it save us time, we have spare time
exploring new things or doing our household chores.

• Safety
Without any fear of getting the virus and spreading it, the
online classes is the much safer way of educating the
students and continue their studies without actually going to
school and risking their health.
Latent Function

• Learning flexibility
Since the student aren’t guided by the teachers or staff
personally, some students finds way to understand more the
topics by gasping knowledge and information from online.
They also can learn at their own pace and attend class
wherever they are.
Structural Dysfunction

• Internet issues
The internet is not constantly stable and can’t be controlled.
Some students doesn’t even have any wifi connection and only
relies on data. And for some occasion, power interruption occurs
or happens.

• No access to digital gadgets

The leading complication is not all Parents are fortunate enough
to afford computers and internet cases or the materials for
online class is limited.
Latent Dysfunction
• No social interaction
Social Gathering is prohibited due to the pandemic. Mobility is
restricted to homes only and movement is only allowed for
essential activities.

• Mental Illness
Just like what I mentioned before this, mobility is restricted to
homes only. Owning to the fact that there is less outdoor
activities that you could do, You can’t meet with your friends and
missing a lot of moments that you could do if only this pandemic
didn’t happened, these can really affect your mental health.
Despite experiencing mental and physical stress due to inactivity
and the studies. Being isolated at home can make the social
anxiety grow into you.
Latent Dysfunction
• Too much Screen time
Spending too much facing the screen could really affect your
eyes, since the screen contains Radiation or visible light that
could be damaging to our sights and to our health. And it
kinda make us feel somehow draining and empty, which
connects to mental health.

• Laziness
I personally believe that student became more lazy. Since the
technology makes our life easier, it means the students always
depends on technologies. No more notes nor making projects
that contains hard work .
Latent Dysfunction

• Surrounded by only technologies

Surrounded by technologies means surrounded by several
distractions. It can also affect our time management, when we
are drowned into the social media, we sometimes forgets the
time. Hence, our education relies solely on technologies, it
results the ability to love reading using hard bound books has
dramatically lessened.
Conflict Theory

Thesis Synthesis

Conflict Theory
• Thesis :
The present COVID pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges and
has affected the educational sectors, and no one knows when it will end.
Thankfully there is technologies to continue our studies despite being in a
pandemic. Mostly, the private schools has these benefits like online
learning. They also provide modules for students who have difficulties in
accessing the online class, but even though they are modular students, they
can still access the zoom class if they can and they have can have an one-
on-one session with the teacher which is really good because the school is
really doing their best to give the best education for their students. They
has and continuous to reinvent teaching to suit, in the best way possible,
the needs and capabilities of the masses despite being in a pandemic.
Conflict Theory
• Antithesis
The dynamic between different life statues sparks much of tension. The
modular students from public schools having limitless obstacles in learning
during in this time of pandemic.

Well good for the people who are fortunate enough to pay the tuitions fees,
but what about the unfortunate ones?

The modular student have to read and teach their selves to learn, but let’s
face reality, most of them are more focused on finishing the modules rather
than learning. Yes, some public schools gave the parents the option to have it
online or modular learning, but most parents decided to put their children into
the modular education because of lack of technology and cannot access the
internet. The main problem is the lack of support from the Government.
Conflict Theory
• Antithesis:

There are more obstacles like the issues of spotty internet, lack of computers/
technologies involvement of parents, some students doesn’t really have an
internet to enter the virtual world in education and, the scheduling of
homework or the huge piles of modules are some of the limitless of
challenges the Philippine education system and the confronts and decides on
Conflict Theory
• Synthesis
Every country’s department of education will do all the means to continue
education despite the Pandemic. In my opinion, the unequal education between
the public and private student, I think the main cause of the problem would be
the Politics and society. How the society vote in elections. From my
observation, the people tend to be more dependable on other’s opinion and too
much of a bandwagon-voting. Just because there are a lot of people voting for
this person, doesn’t mean he has a good intentions for our country’s
development. Hence, the bandwagon voting, we get corruption in our
government and it really affects the education on how much or less they invest
on the education in our country. If only we choose the deserving Candidate
during elections, we would get a rightful president, who’s goals is for the
greatness for our country. And May he/ she knows the importance of Education
and invest more into it and to the others like DOH, since the systems are lack
of support from the Government.
Conflict Theory
• Synthesis
All of us should get vaccinated and follow the protocols to solve the
problems that are caused by the COVID. When the day comes that we are
free from covid, all of the students, whether they are from public or
private, will go back to traditional learnings.

The educational context, to sustain and provide quality education despite

lockdown and community quarantine, the new normal should be taken
into consideration in the planning and implementation of the “new normal
educational policy”. This article presents opportunities for responding
issues, problems and trends that are currently arising and will arise in the
future due to COVID pandemic through the lens of education in the
Philippines, the new educational norm.
Symbolic Interactionism
Symbolic Interactionism
• When I see old broken bridges, the first thing that comes to my
mind is the difficulties of online classes that students often
experience since they are attempting to bridge the gap between
students and educators, but students are having difficulty crossing
that bridge due to technical or mental issues.

• Online learning is an education system that allows students to

study any specific course or subject, virtually, on any location, as
long as they have a decent internet connection and digital
equipment. When it comes to online learning, students encounter
several obstacles. Some of these obstacles include a lack of a
good instructor, the tendency to procrastinate, the increasing
academic homework, and other issues.
1 Structural Function 5 Thesis

2 Latent Function 6 Antithesis

Structural 7 Synthesis
4 Latent Dysfunction 8 Symbolism
Technology is becoming an even larger part of the
student and faculty experience as institutions prepare
for fall and the new normal. However, a big challenge
of the new normal is the need to be prepared for the
constantly shifting scenarios brought on by the
continued pandemic. In response, institutions need to
plan how their use of technology can shift alongside
those scenarios. Additionally, they need to update and
improve faculty training and dedicate resources to
instructional design as we move forward to improve
our online and hybrid learning. Whether if we’re on
modular or online learning, we should always bring out
the best of ourselves in it, since we gain knowledge and
it prepares us before entering the adult life. We maybe
in a pandemic right now, but we’ll get past through it.
Thank You
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