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Module 6: Environmental Resource

Protection and Management


Environmental resources can be defined as elements of the

human environment, and include both natural and built

Three major categories of resources are:

 socioeconomic
 cultural
 natural

Environmental resource management is an issue of increasing

concern, which highlighted the integrated nature of
environment and international development.

Environment means everything around to a living being.

Especially the circumstances of life of people or society in
their life conditions.
It comprises the set of natural, social and cultural values
existing in a place and at a particular time, that influence in
the life of the human being and in the generations to come.
It is not only the space in which life develops, but it also
includes living beings, objects, water, soil, air and the
relation between them

It is not only the space in which life develops, but it also

includes living beings, objects, water, soil, air and the
relation between them.

Resources have three main characteristics:

 Utility
 Limited availability
 Potential for depletion or consumption
Environmental Resource Management

Environmental resource management is the

management of the interaction and impact of human
societies on the environment. Environmental resources
management aims to ensure that ecosystem services are
protected and maintained for future human generations.
Environmental resource management tries to identify
factors affected by conflicts that rise between meeting
needs and protecting resources.
Environmental Resource Management

The resources which are included

1. Biotic resources (flora and fauna)
2. Abiotic resources (land, water, air etc.)
Concept of Environmental Management

The ecological balance and ecosystem stability are duly

maintained by the nature itself but the emergence of modern
industrial era has disturbed the ecological balance through heavy
industrialization, technological revolution, faster growth of
means of transportation, rapacious exploitation of resources,
unplanned urbanization etc.
The process, environmental management is related to the
rational adjustment of man with nature involving judicious
exploitation and utilization of natural resources without
disturbing the ecosystem balance and ecosystem equilibrium. If
the natural resources are overexploited, it will affect socio-
economic development of a nation. Thus, environmental
management must take into consideration the ecological
principles and socioeconomic needs of the society
Concept of Environmental Management

Environmental management is very wide in scope and

includes all the technical, economical and other aspects of
Objectives of Environmental Management

The broader objectives of environmental management

 To identify the environmental problem and to find its
 To restrict and regulate the exploitation and utilization
of natural resources.
 To regenerate degraded environment and to renew
natural resources (renewable).
 To control environmental pollution and gradation.
 To reduce the impacts of extreme events and natural
Objectives of Environmental Management

The broader objectives of environmental management

 To make optimum utilization of natural resources.
 To assess the impacts of proposed projects and
activities on environment.
 To review and revise the existing technologies and
make them eco-friendly.
 To formulate laws for the implementation of
environmental protection and conservation

Environmental resource management can be viewed

from a variety of perspectives. It involves the management
of all components of the biophysical environment, both
living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic), and the
relationships among all living species and their habitats.
The environment also involves the relationships of the
human environment, such as the social, cultural and
economic environment, with the biophysical environment.

The essential aspects of environmental resource

management are ethical, economical, social, and
technological. These underlie principles and help make
The concept of environmental determinism,
probabilism and possibilism are significant in the concept
of environmental resource management.
Discuss with Various Discipline
Aspects of Environmental Resource Management

1. Environmental Perception and Public Awareness

2. Environmental Education and Training
3. Resource Management
4. Control of Environmental Degradation and Pollution
5. Environmental Impact Assessment
Aspects of Environmental Resource Management

1. Environmental Perception and Public Awareness

2. Environmental Education and Training
3. Resource Management
4. Control of Environmental Degradation and Pollution
5. Environmental Impact Assessment
Perception and Awareness of Environment

The environmental perception and public awareness

considers the following points:
 Source of perception and awareness
 Level of perception
 Role of perception in environmental planning
Environmental Education and Training

Environmental education and training should be given at

school, college and University levels by professionals
 At school, college and university levels
 Through media
 At research and training institutes
Resource Management

The resource management considers the following points:

 Classification of natural resources
 Survey and evaluation of eco-resources
 Conservation of energy, mineral, forest, soil and water
 Proper utilization of human resources
Control of Environmental Degradation and Pollution

The environmental degradation and pollution can be checked

by considering the following points:
 Assessment of present conditions
 Assessment of the impact of industrial and
technological developments
 Assessment of the efforts done for eco-balance
 Development of eco-friendly techniques
Environmental Impact Assessment

The environmental impact assessment involves:

 Purification of degraded environment
 Pollution control
 Monitoring
 Forecasting of natural hazards and to minimize the
 Review of technology and required improvement

In the Philippines, The Department of Environment and

Natural Resources (DENR) is responsible for the
formulation and implementation of policies, guidelines,
and rules related to environmental management, as well as
the management and conservation of the country’s natural
resources. The DENR also implements rules and
regulations governing the exploration, development,
extraction, disposition, and use of forests, minerals,
wildlife, and other natural resources.

MANDATE (E.O. 192, s. 1987)

The Department is the primary agency responsible for the
conservation, management, development, and proper use of
the country’s environment and natural resources, specifically
forest and grazing lands, mineral resources, including those
in reservation and watershed areas, and lands of the public
domain, as well as the licensing and regulation of all natural
resources as may be provided for by law in order to ensure
equitable sharing of the benefits derived there from for the
welfare of the present and future generations of Filipinos.

MANDATE (E.O. 192, s. 1987)

To accomplish this mandate, the Department shall be guided by the following
1. Assure the availability and sustainability of the country's natural
resources through judicious use and systematic restoration or
replacement, whenever possible;  
2.  Increase the productivity of natural resources in order to meet the
demands for forest, mineral, and land resources if a growing population;  
3.  Enhance the contribution of natural resources for achieving national
economic and social development;  
4.  Promote equitable access to natural resources by the different sectors of
the population; and  
5.  Conserve specific terrestrial and marine areas representative of the
Philippine natural and cultural heritage for present and future generations.


A nation enjoying and sustaining its natural

resources and a clean and healthy environment.


To mobilize our citizenry in protecting, conserving,

and managing the environment and natural
resources for the present and future generations.


Human well-being, and environmental quality and

sustainability ensured. 

 Promote human well-being and ensure environmental
 Sustainably-managed environment and natural
 Adaptive capacities of human communities and natural
sytems ensured 


 Good Governance
 Accountability, transparency, integrity, participatory and predictability
 Ease of doing business
 Social justice
 Equity and gross national happiness
 Social Entrepreneurship

 Partnership with Civil Society

 Ecosystem integrity

 Sustainable consumption and production

 Polluters pay
 Payment for ecosystem services
 Rule of law

 Honoring global commitments


1. Adoption of the watershed/river basin framework in planning
 Prioritizing areas within the watershed
 Forest Land Use Planning

 Adopting soil and water conservation measures

 Agro-forestry systems

2. Closing open access areas of forestlands by granting appropriate tenure/

management arrangement
3. Convergence approach among NGAs, LGUs and CSOs
4. Area management approach - an integrated area development where all
basic societal and economic services are delivered in an area for more impact
5. Capacity building of DENR frontliners, LGUs, CSO partners, POs and
social entrepreneurs
6. IEC, advocacy and social mobilization
7. Certification Systems
Agencies affiliated with DENR

 Environmental Management Bureau

 Mines and Geo-Sciences Bureau
 National Mapping and Resources Information Authority
 National Water Resources Board
 Palawan Council for Sustainable Development
 Laguna Lake Development Authority
 Natural Resources Development Corp.
 Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission
 Philippine Reclamation Authority
 Philippine Forest Corporation
 Philippine Mining Development Corporation
Major Environmental Laws

 Republic Act 9003 Ecological Solid Waste Management

Act of 2000
 Republic Act 9275 Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
 Republic Act 8749 Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999
 Republic Act 6969 Toxic Substances, Hazardous And
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990
 Presidential Decree 1586 Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) Statement Of 1978 
Republic Act 9003 Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000

In partnership with stakeholders, the law aims to adopt

a systematic, comprehensive and ecological solid waste
management program that shall ensure the protection of
public health and environment. The law ensures proper
segregation, collection, storage, treatment and disposal of
solid waste through the formulation and adaptation of best
eco-waste products.
Republic Act 9275 Philippine Clean Water Act of

The law aims to protect the country's water bodies from

pollution from land-based sources (industries and
commercial establishments, agriculture and
community/household activities). It provides for
comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent and
minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral and
participatory approach involving all the stakeholders.
Republic Act 8749 Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

The law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that

meets the National Air Quality guideline values for criteria
pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing
the possible associated impacts to the economy.
Republic Act 6969 Toxic Substances, Hazardous And
Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990

The law aims to regulate restrict or prohibit the

importation, manufacture, processing, sale, distribution,
use and disposal of chemical substances and mixtures the
present unreasonable risk to human health. It likewise
prohibits the entry, even in transit, of hazardous and
nuclear wastes and their disposal into the Philippine
territorial limits for whatever purpose; and to provide
advancement and facilitate research and studies on toxic
Presidential Decree 1586 Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) Statement Of 1978 

The Environment Impact Assessment System was

formally established in 1978 with the enactment of
Presidential Decree no. 1586 to facilitate the attainment
and maintenance of rational and orderly balance between
socio-economic development and environmental
protection. EIA is a planning and management tool that
will help government, decision makers, the proponents
and the affected community address the negative
consequences or risks on the environment. The process
assures implementation of environment-friendly projects.

Make a reflection paper about the discussion that you

have just read. Please do note that you cannot copy
what’s on the module nor your classmate’s work (please
refer to our class rules). However, you may cite some
You can be as creative as you can be in sharing your
thoughts through this activity. Reflection papers will be
compiled at the end of the semester. But, a copy of it
shall be submitted weekly (refer to our class schedule). A
photo or soft copy of your work is accepted.
Outputs shall be submitted thru our google classroom.
Submission will be on our next schedule.

Be ready for a short quiz on our next schedule. Coverage will be

within this module.

Note: Quizzes and reflection papers shall be accomplished during

our scheduled day. Considerations may apply for some valid reasons.

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