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Warming Up

what did your grandmothers use to wear?
did they use to go outside alone?
did your mothers use to go to school?
Why not
do you think you live as your mothers?


Think It Over P 15

- what does the picture

Think It Over P 15
It represents life as it used to be like in
Ramadan in the old time.
We can see men, women & children
doing different activities: discussing,
playing, shopping
Men used to wear barnous & turbans.
Women used to be covered by Hayek or
traditional Berber clothes

Before You Read

Look at the pictures and say which sector
of economy each of them represents
As You Read
Task 01 Read the text and answer the
following questions:
A. In which sector of economy did Uncle Haassan use to work?
B. What did he use to do every morning?
C. What time does he wake up now?
D. Which sector of economy attracts the greatest number of
workers today?
E. What does he intend to do if his boss refuses to transfer himto a
commercial service
A- Uncle Hassan used to work in the primary sector of economy.
B- Every morning he used to get up early to milk the cows before
coming back to the kitchen for breakfast. ...
C- No, he didn’t ( use to).
D- The sector of economy which attracts the greatest number of
workers today is the tertiary sector .
E- Uncle Hassan is going to retire if his boss refuses to transfer
him to a commercial service i.e., the tertiary sector of economy
Read the sentences and answer the questions below:
After reading:
 1. Uncle Hassen used to be a farmer.
 2. Today, he works in a tomato paste factory.
 3. He usually wakes up in the morning.
 4. He didn’t use to go shopping in town very often.
 5. « I’m going to retire if my boss refuses my transfer.»

 A. Which sentences are about a habit in the past and which ones
are a habit the present ?
 B. How does the author express a habit in the past and how does
he/she express a habit in the present?
 C. « Used to » behaves like a regular verb. Ask and answer two or
three questions about uncle hassen referring to sentence 1 and 4.
 D. Which sentence express a future intention ? How does Uncle
Hassen express intention ?
Check your answers:
A- Sentence 1 expresses a habit in the past.
Sentence 3 expresses a habit in the present.

B- To express a habit in the past the author uses the semi-modal

“used to”
He uses the present simple tense and a frequency adverb
(usually) to express a habitual action in the present.

C- What did uncle Hassen use to be?

Did he use to go shopping in the town very often? ... There are

D- Sentence 5 expresses future intention. The author uses the

“going to” form.
Task one: Complete the sentences below using the positive, negative
or interrogative forms of the semi-modal « used to » .
An example is given.

A. Samira doesn’t like reading now, but she used to read a lot.

B. I know that Nassima is living in a small village now, but ……………………

C. Now there are four libraries in our town, but……………..………………….?

D. When I used a child…………………………a burnous, but now i wear one.

E.I know that she doesn’t work in a bank now, but…………………………….?

Check your answers:
A. Samira doesn’t like reading now, but she used to read a lot.

B. I know that Nassima is living in a small village now, but Where

did she use to live ?

C. Now there are four libraries in our town, but there used to be only

D. When I was a child I didn’t use to wear a burnous, but now I wear

E.I know that she doesn’t work in a bank now, but did she use to work
in one before ?
the letter “d” in the semi-modal “used to”
is pronounced /t/ because of the
phonological phenomenon known as
assimilation. In other words the voiced /d/
sound of used assimilates itself to the /t/
sound of the semi-modal “used to..”
Task three: Use ‘used to’ / ‘didn’t use to’ / ‘never used to’
or the present tense with the verbs between brackets to
make the text meaningful.
All the members of my family have changed their
lifestyles of late. My grandfather ( drink ) coffee. Now he
( drink ) milk. My father ( jog ). Now he runs more than
three kilometres every afternoon. My mother
( cook ) food for every meal because she could not eat
leftovers and processed food. Now, she often sends me to
buy pizzas whenever she feels she can’t prepare dinner.
My brothers ( go ) to bed early. These days, they
( stay up ) late with the other members of the family
watching films on TV. They ( play ) video games. Now
they are addicted to them. Even I haven’t escaped the
change. I ( read ) books...
Check your Anwers:
All the members of my family have changed their
lifestyles of late. My grandfather used to drink coffee.
Now he drinks milk. My father didn’t use to jog. Now
he runs more than three kilometres every afternoon. My
mother used to cook food for every meal because she
could not eat leftovers and processed food. Now, she
often sends me to buy pizzas whenever she feels she
can’t prepare dinner.
My brothers used to go to bed early. These days, they
stay up late with the other members of the family
watching films on TV. They didn’t use to play video
games. Now they are addicted to them. Even I haven’t
escaped the change. I used to read books...
Task four: Complete the sentences below in a logical way using
‘going to’.
An example is giving to you.
Example: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.

a. You’ve put too much pressure in the balloon . Mind,

b. The referee has put the whistle in his mouth. He
c. Mouloud has lost his balance. He …………………..

d. Zohra has switched the TV off . She ……………….

e. Karim has just entered the postoffice. He …………
Check your answer:
Example: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.
a. You’ve put too much pressure in the balloon . Mind,
it is going to explode/ blow up.
b. The referee has put the whistle in his mouth. He is
going to end the match.
c. Mouloud has lost his balance. He is going to fall
d. Zohra has switched the TV off . She is going to bed /
e. Karim has just entered the postoffice. He is going to
send a letter.
Write it right ( 1 ):
Topic one: This a student’s paragraph. S/he has made 10 mistakes in the use
of tenses. Correct them using the semi-modal used to, each time you think it

I was born in the Kasbah of Algiers in 1949. My

father is a docker: he works in the docks, loading and
unloading ships. He goes to work early in the morning
and comes back home late in the evening without
getting any wages. At the time, dockers pay French
foremen on the docks to get a day’s work, but my dad
never pays. So he doesn’t get work every day. Mum
cries but poor old dad never says a word. I remember,
money is always the problem.
My sister Zohra and I don’t have toys. So we go
down the steep and narrow alleys of the Kasbah to
spend the day in the French quarter near the harbour.
All day long, we look at the toys displayed in
shopwindows and envy the children of the French
colonists playing in the park….
Check your answer:
I was born in the Kasbah of Algiers in 1949. My
father was a docker: he used to work in the docks,
loading and unloading ships. He used to go to work
early in the morning and to come back home late in
the evening without getting any wages.
At the time, dockers used to pay French foremen on
the docks to get a day’s work, but my dad never paid.
So he didn’t use to get work every day. Mum used to
cry but poor old dad never used to say a word. I
remember, money was always the problem.
My sister Zohra and I didn’t have toys. So we used to
go down the steep and narrow alleys of the Kasbah to
spend the day in the French quarter near the harbour.
All day long, we used to look at the toys displayed in
shopwindows and envy the children of the French
colonists playing in the park….
Write it right ( 2 ):
Topic two: Imagine you are on an election campaign. Advertise
your orogramme by writing a policy statement. Use ‘going to’
and the clues below.
Policy statement:
Fellow citizens,
If I am elected to office, I’m going to…………………
*reduce food prices.
*raise civil servant’s salaries.
*build a hospital.
*impose higher taxes in cigarettes.
*provide accommadations / houses for all ….
Check you answer:
Fellow Citizens,
If I am elected to office, I’m going to improve
the standards of life in our town. First, I’m
going to raise the salaries by 20 per cent ....
Moreover, I’m going to take a lot of measures
to protect the environment and the health of
our citizens. I’m going to ...
Finally, I’m going to improve our health
system. I’m going to build two thousand flats.
Say it Loud and Clear:
1.Read the second and third paragraphs on page 16. Pick out
the words in bold and classify them according to the
pronunciation of the final ‘S’: /S/ , /Z/ or /IZ/
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/
………………. ……………… ……………….
………………. …………….. ………………..
………………. ………………. ……………….
………………. ……………….. …………………
……………… ……………… …………………
…………….. ………………. …………………
Check your answer:
/S/ /Z/ /IZ/
Works Goes Finishes
Wakes Buys Services
Fruits Litres Refuses
Gets Overalls boxes
Puts Does
Knoks Loaves
keeps Stays
2. Some words have the same spelling in French
and English. But they are pronounced
differently. Put each of the transcriptions below
in the correct box.
/.r.ndz/ , /teibl/ , /.r.ndj.z/ , /tabl/ , /p.`l.¸s/,
/telev.zj.n/ , /p.l.s/ , /·tel.`v.¯.n/

Spelling English Spelling French

Table Table
Oranges Oranges
Police Police
Television Television
Check your answer:

Spelling English

Table / Spelling French

Oranges /.r.nd¯.z/ Table /tabl/
Police /p.`l.¸s/ Oranges /.r.¯/
Television /·tel.`v.¯.n/ Police /p.l.s/
Television /telev.zj.¹/
3. Add appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters to
the group of words ( A – B ) to get two coherent sentences.
The sentences should be different in meaning.

A. Ahmed was born in oran on april 20 1990 he went to live

in algiers


B. Ahmed was born in oran on april 20 1990 he went to live

in algiers

Check your answer:

A. Ahmed was born in Oran . (falling

intonation ) On April 20 1990, he went to
live in Algiers . (Falling intonation)

B. Ahmed was born in Oran on April 20 1990 .

(falling intonation) He went to live in
Algiers. (falling intonation)
4. Look at the definition of the word homophone in
a dictionary. Then correct the misspelling in bold type
by replacing them by their homophones?
* A homophone is a word pronounced like another but
different in meaning, spelling or origin. ( Cf. Oxford
Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, p.410) .

When eye was young, I used too go two the

seaside. At the time, their were knew restaurants
serving holidaymakers on the beach. Sew I used
to take bread with me. All the buoys of my age
used to meat at 7 at the bus station, bags full of
food. Sum of them were poor. We used to by
tickets to them so that they could come with us. ...
Check your answer:

When I was young, I used to go to the

seaside. At the time, there were new
restaurants serving holidaymakers on the
beach. So I used to take bread with me. All
the boys of my age used to meet at 7 at the
bus station, bags full of food. Some of them
were poor. We used to buy tickets to them
so that they could come with us….....
5. Look up the word homonym in the dictionary.
Then find the various definitions of the word ‘Can’
in the tongue twister below.

A canner exceedingly canny,

One morning remarked to his granny,
‘A canner can can
Anything that he can
But a canner can’t can a can, can he.’
Check your answer:

A homonym is a homograph or homophone

that is the same in form and sound as another
but different in meaning. (Cf. Oxford Learner’s
Dictionary of Current English, 410) .

A canner exceedingly canny,

One morning remarked to his granny,
‘A canner can can
Anything that he can
But a canner can’t can a can, can he.’
Working with words:
1.Add the suffixes -ic, -ical, -al, -ism, -less, -ist, and -ary
to the words between brackets in order to make the paragrph
on page 21 coherent. Make the necessary changes.
Some suffxes must be used morev than once.


…………… (pessimism)………….. (hope)………. (optimism)……….


Check your answer:
Nostalgia nostalgic
Convention conventional
Tradition tranditional
Pessimism pessimist
Hope hopeless
Optimism optimist
Revolution revotionary
Society social
Race racism
Race racial
Race racist
Optimism optimistic
Logic logical
Practice practical
2. Find the missing examples to fill in the blank in the table below:
Suffixes for Meaning Examples
forming nouns
-ance/ ence  Verb + ance Appearance
 Person affected by an action or person Employee,
-ee acting. Absentee
-e /-or /  agent, job, ( somebody or something ……………
ess/-ist/-ar, which performs an action ). ……………
-ry, -ery  Place where an action is carried out / art Bakery,…….
of practice of / state. Fishery,……
 Quality, character Cookery…….
-hood  Condition, state, or rank, condition of life.
-ity  Adjective + ity

-ment  Result or means of an action.

-ness  Quality, state, character
-ship State of being, status, office
Check your Answers:
Suffixes for Examples
forming nouns
Listening and speaking:
‘‘ Making Prediction ’’

1. Predict what may happen in the field of medecine.

Use will if you’re sure and may be / perhaps if you are not totally
sure about your predictions.
* Cure for cancer ?
* Vaccine against diabets ?
* Cure for palsy ?
* Vaccine against kidney disease ?
* Vaccine against malaria ?
Who knows ? May be / perhaps scientists will invent
a cure for cancer.
Making Predictions:

Maybe scientists will invent a cure for palsy.

Perhaps scientists will succeed in their
research to find a vaccine against kidney
Perhaps scientists will find a vaccine to
protect people from malaria.
2. Listen and write the sentences which
contain the modals in graph.

100º Will……………. / won’t……………

Will probably……/ probably won’t…
May well………………………………...
May……………. / may not……………
Might well………………………………
Might………………/ could……………

Degreeº of certainty
Check your answer:

 - We Will eat more genetically modified foods (GMFs) .

 - Children will be able to study at home .
 - Homemakers will do less housework .
 - They will do all their shopping by computer.
 - They won’t go to school every weekday .
 - Robots will probably be available for sale .
 - New diseases may well infect us .
 - We may invent a cure for killer diseases like cancer, but

many diseases may infect us .

 - Pandemics might well reappear in another form .
 - We might reduce hunger in the world .
3. Listen again and answer the following

A- What are tha speakers speaking about?


B- Who is among the least optimistic about the future ?

Why ?
Check your answers:

a- They are talking about the changes that might

happen in the next decade.

b- Dr Jones is the least optimistic because he does

not simply mention the positive changes. He also
mentions the negative effects of the expected
4. Summarize the dialogue you have
listened to in exercise 3.

What life will be like in the future?

Scientists predict many changes in our way of
life in the next decade. According to some of them,
there will be enough food for everybody in the
world because of the availability of Genetically
Modified Foods ( GMFS ). Teleschooling will make
it possible for children to study at home. ...
Your turn:
- Have a look at the tip box and do the exercise that follow.

Tip box:
You need the following phrases to express certainties
and doubts about the future:
I’m ( almost ) certain that / I’m( quiet ) sure that …….
I have the conviction that /I have the firm belief that
It seems to me that ……….
It’s likely that / It’s probable that ……….
I have doubts about …..
It’s improbable / It’s unlikely that ………….
1. Make prediction about the future using the clues in
the blue box.
Your partner will express certainty or doubt about
what you say.

 We / travel / space / some day

 Man / live / up 130 years
 Helicopters / carry / people to work / next decade
 Children / stay and study / home / through / use computers.

You. I’m sure that scientists will invent a

vaccine against tooth decay in 20 years.
Your partner. Personally, I have doubts about that.
That may or may not happen / might / or might not
* * * * * * *
You. Scientists may / might ( well ) find a cure for
cancer soon.
Your partner. May ( well ) / Might ( well ) ?
Personally, I have the firm conviction that they will /
won’t invent anything in the near future.
Check your answer:
You. I’m sure that scientists will invent a vaccine against
tooth decay in 20 years.
 Your partner. Personally, I have doubts about that. That might or
might not happen.
 You. I’m almost certain that we will travel to space some day.
 Your partner. It seems to me that this won’t happen tomorrow.
 You. I’m quite sure that Man will live up to 130 years.
 Your partner. It’s unlikely that this might happen.
 You. I have the firm conviction that children will study at home to
work through the use of computer.
 Your partner. I have no doubt about this.
Write it up:

 Write a short dialogue predicting what might happen

in the future in fields such as teaching and
communication. Then act out the dialogue in front of
the class .

You. Will all people accept to eat genetically modified

foods ( GMFs) in the future ?
Your partner. I don’t know / I have no idea. They may
possibly eat them, but on the other hand, they may
refuse to do so.

 Match the words 1

and phrases
A - F with the parts
2 3
of the food
Pyramid ( 1 – 6 ). 4 5
A- Vegetables.
B- Fish, meat and eggs.
C- Bread.
D- Dairy.
E- Fats.
F- Fruit.
Check your answer:

1.a fats: wafers, pastry ...

2.d. dairy: cheese, milk... 3. b. meats: chicken, beef

mutton ...

4. a. vegetables: 5. f. fruit: bananas,

lettuce, carrots ... apples...

6.c. bread: rice, bread,

doughnuts ...
 1. Which food groups did our grandparents
use to eat most and which ones do we eat most
today ?

 2.
Now read thev text below and say whether
you agree with what the author says about our
eating habits.

Start like this:

I agree / disagree with the author when he says
that ………………………………………
a-Synonyms: eating habits= eating patterns
contrary to / by contrast
enjoy his meal / eat his meal
changed/ transformed
the whole house hold/ all the members of
the family
b-Antonyms: chosen – imposed
traditional- modern
declined- increased
c-Pronouns instead of a noun or noun phrase
e.g., that (consumption)
it (this change)- it (life)- they (people) –
they (most people)
d- A verb instead of a noun:
eat ------ eating
e- A noun instead of a verb: changed - this change
2- Write four definitions using the information in the

A/ Nouns B/ categories C/ Relative

A restaurant place when
A waiter Person where
Beef meat which / that
Ramadan month who
A widow woman whose
This ( is ) man whom

Example: A restaurant is a place where people

dine out.
Check your answers:

 - A restaurant is a place where people dine out.

 - A waiter is a person who serves clients in a
 - Beef is the meat/flesh which/that comes from
an ox, a bull , or a cow.
 - Ramadan is the month when Muslims fast.
 - A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
 -This is the man whom I met yesterday.
3- Insert phrases a-c in the form non-defining relative
clauses in the sentences 1-3 to make them more
A- capital of the United Kingdom.
B- invented the first snack called sandwich.
C- gave its name to the most popular fast food in the

1-London has eight million inhabitants.

2-The Earl of Sandwich was an Admiral of the
English fleet.
3- Hamburg is a German town.
Check your answer:

A- London, which is the Capital of the United

Kingdom, has eight million inhabitants.

B- The Earl of Sandwich, who invented the

first snack called sandwich, was an admiral
of the English Fleet.

C- Hamburg, which gave its name to the most

popular fast food in the world, is a German
4- Insert essential information in the form of
defining relative clauses into the place
indicated to make sentences a-c both
meaningful and truthful.

A- Food √ is dangerous.

B-A person √ is called a waiter.

C-Summer is the season √.

Check your answer:

 a- Food which contains chemicals is

dangerous for health.

 b-A person who serves meals at the

restaurant is called a waiter.

 c-Summer is the season when most

people take their holidays.
Write it out:
1. Write five or six advertisement slogans for a car
of your choice using the information in the table.
Compare your answers.

Superlative and comparative Adjective and adverbs

- Adjective / Adverb+er+than. Pretty
- More+adjective /adverb+than... Beautiful
- As+adjective/adverb+as Cheap
- Not+as+adjective/adverb+as Quickly
- Less+adjective/adverb+than Safe
- The+adjective/adverb+est Comfortable
- The most/least+adjective/adverb Expensive
2.Complete the blanks in the short newspaper article below.
Get help from the questions in italics.
 Tip box:
When we write texts we generally organise
them into paragraphs. Each paragraph
develops an idea. There are many techniques
for developing paragraphs. One of them is
paragraph development by comparaison and
contrast. We express contrast by using the
following link words :
in contrast to, by contrast, whereas, while, but,
however, contrary to, unlike.......
What do people wear?
-the climate is cold. -Wear traditional
-wear warm clothes. clothes
-the climate is Hot -Wear modern clothes
-they wear light clothes -Used to send letters
-people wear -Use their mobiles
traditional clothes -fashion
-when going to parties -sport clothes
people put on suits
and ties during
ceremonial occasions .
Task 1 p 28: Look at the picture and discuss the following
1- What does the key represent ?
2- What do the circles stand for ?
3- What do you call twin towns in your language ?
4- Why do towns belonging to different countries twin ?
Federation mondiale des villes jumelées
Cities unies united cities
Coudas unidas cita unite
‫المدن المتحدة‬
United Towns organization
Agréé par les Nations Unies – Approved by the United Nations .
Act 1 p 28:
a-The key of a city represents hospitality and
welcome. It is offered to the most distinguished
and trustworthy people.
b- The circles stand for twinned towns.
c- The answer is in the logo. It’s written in
d- Towns belonging to different countries twin
in order to collaborate with each other in many
fields and promote mutual understanding.
Task 3 p 29:
A- What are twin towns ?
B- When are the Bulgarian students
arriving International Airport ?
C- Who is giving the opening speech ?
D- What is the visit programme ?
Task 3 p 29 :
a- Twin towns are towns which have agreed to
collaborate with each other.
b- They are arriving on Sunday afternoon on
Sunday, March 15.
c- The Mayor of Algiers is giving the opening
d- The programme includes the visit of the
Martyr’s Monument, the Roman Ruins, the Royal
Mauretanian Mausoleum and the Kasbah.
Tip box :
 When we talk about the near future, more
specifically about an arrangement or an intention,
we don’t use ‘will’ we use the present
continuous instead. Examples:
The students will arrive in Algiers on Sunday afternoon.
The students are arriving in Algiers on Sunday afternoon.
 We can also use the ‘going to‘ form of the
-We’re going to take them to Tipasa Tourist Resort
Task 4 p 29 :
a. The Bulgarian students are staying / will stay at
the Safir Hotel.
b. Are they visiting /Will they visit Zeralda next
c. I hope you are enjoying / will enjoy your visit.
d. A Bulgarian student. I’ve got a terrible headacke.
A tourist guide. Oh, really? Wait here. I’m getting /
will get you an aspirin. I will get you an aspirin.
e. I’ve a camera. I’m going to / will take pictures of
the Royal Mauretanian Mausoleum.
Task 4 p 29 : One of the verbs in green is
incorrect. Cross it out.
a. The Bulgarian students are staying at the
Safir Hotel.
b. Are they visiting Zeralda next week ?
c. I hope you will enjoy your visit.
d. Jane is coming tomorrow.
e. I’ve a camera. I’m going to take pictures of
the Royal Mauretanian Mausoleum.
 Write it out:

The topic:
Imagine you are one of the Bulgarian
students visiting Algeria. Send an e-mail to an
English penfriend of yours telling him / her about
your plans for the next two months.
Use the information given to you.
Dear ............. ,
I am staying with an Algerian host family for the next two
Time Place Activity
Algeria Stay / host family / two
tomorrow Blida and mount Ecological visit
Next week The Sahara Go down / tour there / two
weeks visit Eloued
August 2nd El-Kala Coral fishing

August 5th – Benni Yenni Visiting silversmiths

August 8th
August 15th home Fly back

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