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 The huge masses of land are called continents.
 There are seven continents on the Earth – Asia, Europe, Africa,
North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica.

 The huge water bodies on the Earth surface are called oceans.
 There are five oceans on the Earth – the Pacific Ocean, the
Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean and the
Antarctic Ocean.
More about continents!!!!!!!

 Millions of years ago, there was only one huge continent called
Pangea, which later split to form the seven continents.
 Largest continent in the world.
 Located 10˚S and 80˚N latitudes, and 25˚E
and 170˚w longitude.
 Surrounded by water bodies on three sides
– the pacific ocean in the east, the Arctic
ocean in the north and the Indian ocean
in the south.
 It covers one – third of the world’s total
 The continent of Asia and Europe are
together referred to as Eurasia.
 Asia is the world’s most populous
 Located between 37˚ N and 35˚S latitudes, and 17˚ W and
50˚ E longitudes.
 Africa is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea in the
north, the Indian Ocean in the east and the Atlantic
ocean in the west.
 Africa is home to desert like SAHARA and KALAHARI.
 It is the only continent through which the tropic of
Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, the Equator and the prime
Meridian pass.
 North america
 North America lies between 7˚ N and 84˚ S latitudes, and
20˚ W and 180˚ E longitudes.
 It is bounded by the Artic ocean in the north, the Atlantic
ocean in east and Pacific ocean in the west.
 It lies in the northern hemisphere and parts of it lie in the
Arctic Circles as well.
 United State of America and Canada are located in this
 it lies between 12˚ N and 55˚ S latitudes, and 35˚ W and 81˚ E
 It is surrounded by oceans on all sides.
 The Amazon rainforests, one of the densest rainforests in the world,
are located here.
 The Amazon river, the second longest river in the world , flows
through this continent.
 Antarctica lies between 82˚ S and 135˚ E is located in the Southern
Hemisphere with the South Pole lying almost at the center of continents.
 It remains permanently covered with a thick layer of ice. This is why it is
 It lies between 35˚ N and 73˚ N latitudes, and 25˚ W and 65˚ E longitudes.
 It located in the Northern Hemisphere.
 Bordered on the south by the Mediterranean sea, it is connected to Asia by
the Suez Canal.
 It located between 12˚ N and 38˚ S latitudes and 114˚ E and 154˚ E
 It is known as ISLAND CONTINENT, because it surrounded by
water on all sides.
 Smallest continent in the world.
 Australia, New Zealand, and some smaller islands are
collectively called Australasia.
 The Great Barrier Reef, the largest coral reef in the
world, is located here.
 Land is important for people.
 Landmasses on the earth’s surface are made up of rocks
and minerals.
 Rocks can be used for different types of constructions.
 Land also provide us soil, which is vital for cultivation and
also a place to live.
 Large bodies of water on the Earth.
 the Pacific Ocean
 the Atlantic Ocean,
 the Indian Ocean,
 the Arctic Ocean
 the Antarctic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean
 Largest ocean in the world.
 World’s deepest ocean.
 Circular in shape and separates North America and South America from
Asia and Australia.
 It borders all the continents in the world expect Europe.
 S – shaped ocean and it separate North America and South
America from Europe and Africa.
 Its an excellent location for ports and harbours.
 Its ports have the highest passenger and cargo traffic in the world.
 A long mountain range, called the Mid – Atlantic Ridge, lies
underneath this ocean.
 It separates Asia, from Africa and Australia.
 It is the only ocean to be named after a country.
 Indus, Brahmaputra and Ganga rivers flow into it.
 It forms by merging of the waters of the Pacific, the
Atlantic and the Indian oceans around the continent of
 It is also called Antarctic ocean.
 Smallest ocean in the world.
 It is located mostly within the Arctic circle, around the
north pole.
 As a result, most of the ocean is covered with snow.
 It connected to Pacific ocean through the Bering Strait.
 oceans are home to a wide variety of marine life, which is a source
of livelihood for many people around the world.
 Moderating the climate of coastal regions.
 Medium for transporting passengers and cargo through huge carrier
Thank you

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