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Wednesday 26thth May

L.O. To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less

than and equal to.

Create a number using base 10 on the board. Ask chn can they draw a number
greater than this number on their whiteboards, they can use anyway they want, dot
patterns, base 10, physical resources if needed.
Wednesday 26th May 2021
L.O: To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less than and equal to.

Can you identify each number and compare using, more than, less than or
equal to?
Tens Ones Tens Ones

52 is ________________________
Wednesday 26th May 2021
L.O: To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less than and equal to.

52 is greater than 25 but less

than 50.
Is Tam correct?
Explain your answer.

Tam is not correct.

52 is greater than 25 but NOT less than 50.
52 is greater than 25 and also greater than 50.
Wednesday 26th May 2021
L.O: To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less than and equal to.

Can you identify each number and compare using, more than, less than or
equal to?
Tens Ones Tens Ones

41 is ________________________

Conceptualisation and variation of number through play –

LAs to be in provision, CT to choose numbers for chn to
represent using concrete resources. Picture for seesaw
Wednesday 26.03.2021
L.O. To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less than and equal to. Ind
Wednesday 26.03.2021
L.O. To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less than and equal to. Ind
Wednesday 26.03.2021 Wednesday 26.03.2021
L.O. To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, L.O. To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than,
less than and equal to. Ind S PS. less than and equal to. Ind S PS.
Thursday 26 May

One more and one less

Complete the sentences.

One more than41 42

_______ is
41 40
One less than _______ is _______.
1 less 1 more

40 41 42
Complete the table.

One less Number One more

55 56 57

73 74 75
79 80 81
28 29 30
66 67 68

Conceptualisation and variation of number through play –

LAs to be in provision, CT to choose numbers for chn to
represent using concrete resources. Picture for seesaw
Thursday 27.03.2021
L.O. To be able to compare numbers to 100 using more than, less than and equal to. Ind

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