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The seabed (also known as the
seafloor, sea floor, or ocean floor) is
the bottom of the ocean, no matter
how deep. All floors of the ocean are
known as 'seabeds'.
What is the UNCLOS?   The United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS),
also known as the Law of the Sea Treaty, is
the international agreement that defined
the limits of the territorial seas of nations
and the areas in which they could exploit
marine resources.   It also established the
rules for the use of the high seas for
international navigation, and outlined the
rights and responsibilities of nations in the
protection of the marine environment.   
What was the rationale for UNCLOS?
In the past, the three-mile rule was traditionally
used by coastal states to determine the limits of
their territorial waters. After World War II, however,
states began extending their control beyond
previous limits.   In 1945, due to domestic oil
demands, the United States claimed the right to
harvest the natural resources in its continental shelf.
Chile, Peru, and Ecuador asserted sovereign rights
over a 200-mile zone, hoping to limit the access of
foreign fishing fleets and prevent the depletion of
fish stocks in their adjacent seas.
Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Libya,
Venezuela, and some Eastern European
countries claimed 12 miles as part of their
territorial seas. Meanwhile, archipelagic
nations such as Indonesia and the
Philippines asserted the right to dominion
over the waters that separated their
islands.   Because of this multitude of
claims and counterclaims, the UNCLOS
became necessary to resolve conflicts
among countries over the seas adjacent to
their coasts.   
When did the agreement come
into force?   After eight years of
negotiations, the convention
concluded in 1982 and came into
force as a binding treaty in 1994.   
Who are the members of
UNCLOS?   As of June 2011, the
Convention had 162 signatories.
The Philippines signed it on May 8,
1984, while China signed it on
June 7, 1996.

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