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System Analysis and

System Analysis Approaches
CSD 207
System Analysis
Systems analysis defines the problems to be solved and provides
the architecture of the proposed system.

The terms analysis and synthesis come from Greek where they
mean respectively "to take apart" and "to put together".

Analysis is defined as the procedure by which we break down an

intellectual or substantial whole into parts.

Synthesis is defined as the procedure by which we combine

separate elements or components in order to form a coherent
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System Analysis
• System analysis is an explicit formal inquiry carried out to help a decision maker
identify a better course of action and make a better decision than he might
otherwise have made.(Assist in decision Making)

• Systems analysis is a problem-solving technique that decomposes a system into

its component pieces for the purpose of studying how well those component
parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose.(Problem Solving Technique)

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System Analysis
It also used in the design of new systems. Systems analysis follows stages of

design and

• Each stage involves close consultation with potential users, in the various
functional areas of the organization, to ensure that their information and
operational requirements are met.
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Role of System Analyst
The three primary roles of the systems analyst are:

supporting expert
 agent of change

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When to use system analysis and design

To correct problem in existing system

To improve existing system

Usher in a new system

Outside group may mandate change

Competition can lead to change

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System Project Overview
• Scope Definition
Is the project worth looking at?
• Problem Analysis
Is a new system worth building?
• Requirements Analysis
What do the users need and want from the new
• Logical Design
What must the new system do?
• Decision Analysis
What is the best solution?

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SWOT Analysis for System Project
Possible IT Strengths Possible IT Weaknesses
- Excellent Web design staff - Still using several legacy systems
- Low systems analyst turnover - Budget increase was turned down
- Recently upgraded network - Documentation needs updating

Possible IT Opportunities Possible IT Threats

- Well-position for expansion - Aggressive new Web competition
- Can be first with new software - Impact of new government rules
- High potential for B2B growth - Other firms offer better benefits

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System Analysis Techniques
Logical data modeling
This is the process of identifying, modeling and documenting the data requirements of the
system being designed. The data are separated into entities (things about which a business
needs to record information) and relationships (the associations between the entities).
Data Flow Modeling
This is the process of identifying, modeling and documenting how data moves around in
information system. Data Flow Modeling examines processes (activities that transform data
from one form to another), data stores (the holding areas for data), external entities (what
sends data into a system or receives data from a system), and data flows (routes by which
data can flow).
Entity Behavior Modeling
This is the process of identifying, modeling and documenting the events that affect each
entity and the sequence in which these events occur.
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Reasons for systems projects
Improved service

Better performance

More information

Stronger controls

Reduced cost

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Factors that affect systems projects
Internal Factors External Factors

Strategic plan Technology

Top managers Supplier
User requests/requirement Customers
Information technology Competitors
department The economy
Existing systems Government

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Systems Development Life Cycle
Feasibility Study


Technical four
feasibility feasibility feasibility

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Feasibility Analysis
 Is a detailed business case for a project

Is the project worth doing

Can we do the project

Will the project be accepted by the


Cost benefit analysis

Technical Feasibility : can we build it?
Source of risks
Users and analyst lack familiarity with business application

Lack of familiarity with technology: have we used it before, how new is it?

Project size: large projects are complex and risky

- How long to complete the project, how many distinct features

- Compatibility with existing system: what is the degree of integration required?

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Economic Feasibility: Should we build it?
Identify benefits and cost

Assign specific dollar values to cost and benefits

Determine the cash flow

Assign financial viability

-return on investment: the benefit (or return) of an investment divided by the cost
of the investment. 
-break even point: the break-even point can be defined as a point where total costs
(expenses) and total sales (revenue) are equal.
-Net present value: Net present value (NPV)
is the difference between the present15
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value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time
Types of Cost
Development cost
Development team salaries
Consultant fee
Development training etc.

Operational Cost
-Software upgrade
-Software repairs
-operational team salaries
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Types of Benefits
Tangible: you can assign dollar value to it

Intangible benefit

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Organizational feasibility : if we build it will
they come?(Acceptability)

 Consider strategic plan of organization

 Does the project align with strategic plan

 Evaluate effect on various stakeholders

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It is estimated that 70% of systems fail. Explain why this is so common and what
should be done to mitigate this.

Submission 12th Nov, 2019

Time: 10:30am

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Project Selection
This is done to select the appropriate project from a list of projects available. There are various
ways to categorize projects
 Size

 Cost

 Purpose

 Length/ duration

 Risk

 Economic Value

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Selecting a project
Organizations normally have thousands of projects in a year. To select a project a
committee is set up.
The committee uses
 System requirement
 feasibility study to select a project
 Most organization consider the

-project portfolio perspective: how does project fit within the entire portfolio of project?
- Trade-off is needed(what are the trade off)

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Project portfolio Management

Refers to a process used by project managers and project management
organizations (PMOs) to analyze the potential return on undertaking a

Uses PPM software - to collect and manage information about all project.
e.g on-going and awaiting projects

By organizing and consolidating every piece of data regarding proposed and
current projects, project portfolio managers provide forecasting and
business analysis for companies looking to invest in new projects.

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Project portfolio Management(2)

• Benefits of PPM software: helps companies to stay up to date on

project and adapt to changing conditions.

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Features of PPM
Project prioritization

Employee allocation

Real-time project monitoring

Flagging cost and time variance

Monitoring economic feasibility

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Taking Charge of New Project
Once a project is approved, a project manager is selected.

Duties of a project manager:

Select the best project methodology

Develop a project work plan

Establish a staffing plan

Create ways to coordinate and control project

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Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• The SDLC in system analysis and design aims to produce a high quality system
that meets or exceeds customer expectations, reaches completion within time
and cost estimates, works effectively and efficiently in the current and planned
Information Technology infrastructure, and is inexpensive to maintain and cost-
effective to enhance.

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Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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Systems Development Life Cycle
Phase 1. Planning
1. Review project requests
2. Prioritize project requests
3. Allocate resources
4. Identify project development team
5. Identifying business value
6. Analyze feasibility
7. Develop work plan
8. Staff the project
9. Control and direct project

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Systems Development Life Cycle
Phase 2. Analysis
 Conduct preliminary investigation.
 Determine exact nature of problem or improvement and whether it is
worth pursuing.
 Findings are presented in feasibility report (feasibility study)
 Perform detailed analysis activities:
 Study current system
 Determine user requirements
 Recommend solution
 Analysis strategy
 Gathering business requirements
 Requirements definition
 Process modeling
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Systems Development Life Cycle
Phase 3. Design
Assesses feasibility of each alternative solution
How system will be developed
Recommends the most feasible solution
Design selection
Architecture design
Interface design
Data storage design
Program design

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Systems Development Life Cycle
Phase 4. Implementation
Program designer develop programs
Install and test new system
Program and system testing
Conversion strategy
Training plan
Convert to new system
Support plan

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Systems Development Life Cycle
Phase 5. Support and Maintenance

• Conduct post-implementation system review

• Identify errors and enhancements
• Monitor system performance

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Requirements Analysis
Information Discovery
The process of collecting information about system problems,
opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities

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Information Discovery
• Review and sampling of existing documentation, reports, forms,
databases, etc
• Interview
• Joint-application design (JAD) session
• Joint requirement planning (JRP)
• Research of relevant literature
• Observation of the current system
• Questionnaires and surveys

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Product Information Discovery
• References from vendor
• Talk to current users of product
• Product demonstrations
• Trial version of software
• Benchmark test measures performance

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• A methodology is a formalized approach to implementing the SDLC.
The methodology will vary depending on whether the emphasis is on
businesses processes or on the data that supports the business.

• Structured design methodologies adopt a formal step-by-step approach

to the SDLC that moves logically from one phase to the next. This
design methodology introduces the use to formal modeling or
diagramming techniques to describe a system’s basic business
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Waterfall Life Cycle

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Waterfall Life Cycle
With waterfall development- based methodologies, the analysts and
users proceed sequentially from one phase to the next.
• The two key advantages of waterfall

The system requirements are identified long before programming

- Changes to the requirements are minimized as the project proceeds.

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Disadvantages of Waterfall Life Cycle
The two key disadvantages of waterfall development-based
methodologies are:

The design must be completely specified before programming begins.

A long time elapses between the completion of the system proposal

in the analysis phase and the delivery of the system

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Parallel Development
This methodology attempts to address the long time interval between
the analysis phase and the delivery of the system.

A general design for the entire system is performed and then the
project is divided into a series of distinct subprojects.

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Parallel Development(1)

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Advantages and disadvantages of Parallel
Development Methd.
Reduces Scheduled Time
 Less Chance of Rework

Still Uses Paper Documents

Sub-projects May Be Difficult to Integrate

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Easy to use
Simple to use
Testing activities like planning, test designing happens well before coding.
Time saving, quick
 Higher chance of success over the waterfall model
Proactive defect tracking – that is defects are found at early stage
Avoids the downward flow of the defects
Works well for small projects where requirements are easily understood

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Very rigid

Least flexible

Software is developed during the implementation phase, so no early prototypes of the

software are produced

If any changes happen in midway, then the test documents along with requirement
documents has to be updated

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Use V-Model when:
Small to medium sized projects where requirements are clearly defined
and fixed.

Sample technical resources are available with needed technical expertise.

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Rapid Application Development
(RAD) Methodology
• RAD-based methodologies adjust the SDLC phases to get some part of
system developed quickly and into the hands of the users.

• Most RAD-based methodologies recommend that analysts use special

techniques and computer tools to speed up the analysis, design, and
implementation phases, such as CASE (computer-aided software

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Rapid Application Development
Critical elements
CASE tools (Computer Aided Software Engineering)

JAD sessions

(Joint Application Development)

Fourth generation/visualization programming languages

Code generators
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Iterative Development
• An iterative life cycle model does not attempt to start with a full
specification of requirements.

• Instead, development begins by specifying and implementing just

part of the software, which can then be reviewed in order to identify
further requirements.

• This process is then repeated, producing a new version of the

software for each cycle of the model.

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Advantages of Iterative Methodology
Potential defects are spotted and dealt with early
Functional prototypes are developed early in the project life cycle
Less time is spent on documenting and more on designing
Progress is easily measured
Changes to project scope are less costly and easier to implement
Testing is facilitated by the modules being relatively small
Most risks can be identified during iteration and higher risks can be
dealt with as an early priority
Successive iterations can be managed easily as milestones
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More resources may be required
Each successive phase is rigid with no overlaps
The need for more intensive project management may be required
Issues about system architecture may turn out to be a constraining
factor because of the lack of a full requirements specification for the
entire system
It may be difficult to pin down an end date for the project conclusion
Highly skilled talent is required for risk analysis

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Iterative Methodology

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Prototyping Methodology
Prototyping-based methodologies perform the analysis, design and
implementation phases concurrently.

All three phases are performed repeatedly in a cycle until the system
is completed.

A prototype is a smaller version of the system with a minimal amount

of features.

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Prototyping Methodology

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Advantages and disadvantages
Provides a system for the users to interact with, even if it is not
initially ready for use.

Often the prototype undergoes such significant changes that many
initial design decisions prove to be poor ones.

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Throwaway Prototyping-based
Throwaway prototyping methodologies are similar to prototyping
based methodologies.

The main difference is that throwaway prototyping IS completed

during a different point in the SDLC.

Has relatively thorough analysis phase.

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Throwaway Prototyping-based

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Agile Development Methodology
• This category focuses on streamlining the SDLC by eliminating much
of the modeling and documentation overhead and the time spent on
those tasks.

• Projects emphasize simple, iterative application development.

• This category uses extreme programming, which is described next.

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An Extreme Programming-based
Extreme Programming (XP) was founded on four core values:




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An Extreme Programming-based

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Key principles of XP include:
Continuous testing

Simple coding

Close interaction with the end users to build systems very quickly

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Criteria for Selecting a Methodology

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