Advise On Food Svcs

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Advise on Food Services

EO 2.02.03a-c

To develop a wide scope of understanding

for the different considerations when
engaging with Food Svcs at the Wing,
including support to operations.

Main Teaching Points

MTP 1 - Advise on Food Services support

MTP 2 - Explain Food Services support at the Wing
MTP 3 - Explain Flight Feeding

Policies, Publications, Tools and Resources (Food Svcs):

DAOD 3012-0, Food Services:

DAOD 3012-1, Provision and Sale of Food Services:

Supply Administration Manual (SAM):
Food services Manual -
Advise on Food Svcs Support

• Strat J4 Foods Svcs

 Functional advisor on all matters concerning the provision of
Food Svcs to the CAF;
 Provides the means for efficient and effective Food Svcs
support to the CAF both at home and abroad by:
 Setting policy;
 Establishing national standards;
 Monitoring performance; and
 Providing specialist advise to snr management, commands, areas
and Units.

Advise on Food Svcs Support

Advise on Food Svcs Support

• Wing/Unit-Level Responsibilities:
 Advise CoC on Food Svcs regulations and the impact(s) of any change;
 Plan Foods Svcs support ops and prep contingency feeding plans;
 Organize, coordinate, administer and monitor Food Svcs ops IAW policies
and standards;
 Monitor the performance of Food Svcs ops using “UNITRAK” and DRMIS;
 Train Food Svcs pers;
 Manage Food Svcs resources (food, pers, equip, $$$, facilities);
 Advise on and/or supervise catering contracts;
 Promote the nutritional well-being of CAF mbrs;
 Provide advice to integral/lodger units; and
 Ensure military Food Svcs pers are ready to support ops.

Advise on Food Svcs Support

• As a Log O in Replen, you could find yourself coordinating food svcs

requirements for any issue in any location:
 Ops/Ex - Maple Guardian
 Flt Feeding 8 Wg (Airbus, Herc, SAR, Globemaster, etc.)
 supporting duty pers
 last-minute feeding for local ops (floods, ice storms, support to OGD)
 changing from 3 meals/day to 24/7 to support increased operations
 Are there Food Svcs in place?
 Will you need to secure Standing Offer Arrangements (SOA)?
 Do you need to take Individual Meal Packs (IMPs)?

Advise on Food Svcs Support

• When planning to use IMPs, take note of the fol points:

 If the Op/Ex is 30 days or less, IMPs are an acceptable form of food
 IMPs/LMC have a shelf life of 3 yrs (Veg rations only 1 yr)
 Survival packs have a shelf life of 5 yrs
 Fresh food must be supplemented after 14 days
 Vegetarian / Kosher / Halal must be specially ordered
 IMPs are expensive, so use only as necessary
• IMP Control:
 Managed by Sup
 Strat J4 Food Svcs is responsible for the testing and distribution of IMPs
to the supply section requesting an order

**Bottled water is another product that is controlled by Sup and is abused, on

daily basis. Without potable water, bottled water could quickly rise in
demand and be the only viable source. Be careful before you approve
such an issue**

Explain Food Services Support at the Wing
• Foods Svcs O are far and few between; therefore, you need to be
familiar with the Foods Services policy if you are selected to assist in
their absence
• Food management program - UNITRAK:
 Utilized at all Wg kitchens to monitor food services operations; and
 During major Ex, Strat J4 Food Svcs cell will open an acct to assist with
tracking food expenditures, requisitions, attendance, etc.
• Food Svcs performance measures cost efficiency, effectiveness and
client expectations through:
(a) diner count, quality, food costs/meal per day;
(b) labour cost/meal per day; and
(c) negative feedback on customer surveys.

Flight Feeding
• Timing:
 meals alleviate aircrew boredom, stress, dehydration effects on flying and control blood sugar
levels and nutrition on long flts

 meals prepared no earlier than 12 hrs prior to pick-up and not held longer than 12 hrs (in
refrigerated conditions)
 This holding timeline may be reduced if proper refrigeration methods are not followed

• Separate prep area and standards:

 meals prepared in a separate area to avoid cross-contamination
 Aircraft Commander (AC) receives separate meal prepared by different kitchen and different cook
(sanitation and safety concerns)

• Entitlement-based system:
 provided to crew and pax – Between Meal Supplements (BMS) can be added as req’d

• Flight Feeding Authorized Food List:

 Food Services Manual identifies who and what can be served to crew and pax
 purchase standards for food is controlled by 1 CAD

Q1. What is the role of Strat J4 Food Svcs in Ottawa?

Q2. Who is responsible for IMPs?

Q3. Who is responsible for the testing of IMPs?

Review (cont.)

Q4. What do you have to remember the first time you are
responsible for a Food Svcs Section?

Q5. What is the name of the management program that

Food Svcs is using?

Q6. Can all aircrew and passengers receive the same


Review (cont.)

Q8. Can ‘Between Meal Supplements’ be added for a flight?

Q9. Who is responsible to issue bottle water?

Q10. What is the main reason to issue bottle water?


Deployed Dining

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