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Have you ever heard of Istinjak

and Istijmaar?
What is Istinja and Istijmar?
• Istinjak and Istijmaar means to remove traces
of impurity from the area of the exit of the
Urine and Faeces (private parts)which are
Qubul and Dubur.
• Hukum Istinjak and Istijmar is Mandatory
What is the difference?
• Istijmaar (‫ ) استجمار‬is to clean the area using
pebbles, Stone or anything dry which related
to it i.e. toilet paper
• Istinjak (‫ ) استنجاء‬is to clean the area using the
Water (Mutlaq)
Dalil from the Sunnah
• Dalil of Istinjak:
From Anas ibn Maalik (may Allaah be pleased with him)
who said: When I was a boy, when the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) entered the
toilet I would carry a small vessel of leather filled with water,
and he would clean himself with water.  
• Dalil of Istijmar:
Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported that he heard the Messenger
of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: When anyone wipes
himself with pebbles(istijmaar) (after answering the call of
nature) he should do this odd number of times.
Istinjak and Istijmar
• To perform istinjak/Istijmar, we are required to not move from
the area where he relieve ourself eg the toilet, until we cleansed
the body area (Qubul and dubur), with at least 3 pebbles/stones
or water till the Najis is no longer felt around the area.
• It is also sunnah to do it in odd number, such as 3, 5 or 7 times
• Dalil from Sunnah:
From Salmaan al-Faarisi (may Allaah be pleased with him) said:
“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
forbade us to clean ourselves using less than three stones.” 
How to do Istinjak/Istijmar
1. Once we have finished our business (number1) , it is recommended to
perform an istibra’ (‫ ) استبرا‬to  ensure that urine has completely expelled
from the private part.
Some method of istibra’ are:  
- Coughing
- squeezing out the last drops of urine from the private part etc.

Ibn Abbas (RadiyAllahu Ta’ala Anhu) narrates that the Prophet (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) came upon two graves and said: “Their occupants are
being punished, but not for a great sin (in their own view). However, it is
in fact a great sin. One of them went about spreading slander. The other
did not clean himself properly after urination…” (Bukhari and Muslim)
How to do Istinjak/Istijmar
2. To wash or wiped the private area until there is
no traces of the urine or faeces around the area.
- When urine, we should make sure there is no
smell, stickiness around the area.
- When we do our number 2, we need to make
sure the area is completely clean, making sure
one line of our finger(1/3) is clean when inserted.
It is permissible to use two fingers to cleansed
the area (which are the middle and ring finger).
How to do Istinjak/Istijmar
3. If one is not fasting, they should also relax
their qubul so that the water can full clean the
exit of the passage thoroughly.
If one is fasting, they should be cautions to
ensure that no water goes inside the body which
will nullify the fast.
Criteria of Istijmar
In the past there was no tissues, hence the use of stones was practiced. Not
every stone is suitable for istijmar, there are certain conditions of a cleansing
stone which need to be met such as:
• - The stone should not be too rough and not too smooth; as if it is too rough
it could harm you, and if it is too smooth, it will not serve its purpose.
• - The stone should be dry and not wet, it should also be clean from Najis
before we use it.
• - The stone should not be valuable, this applies generally to anything that
you are going to use for istijmar, the item should not be valuable, whether
it’s a stone, paper, tissue or anything else..
• - The item should not be respected.  As the area we are cleaning is not pure,
and using something that generally you or others would respect is not
suitable. Example birth certificates, important documents.
Things that are haram to use for Istinja

• Bones
• Any food for human or animals
• Baked Bricks
• Pottery
• Glass
• Plaster
• Paper with writing on it
Etiquettes of Istinja and Istijmar
• Read the dua when entering the bathroom
Etiquettes of Istinja and Istijmar
• Read the dua when leaving the bathroom
Etiquettes of Istinja and Istijmar
• When sitting, it’s best to sit leaning towards the left
hand side, as this eases the urinating and excreting.
• Whilst on the toilet we should not speak to each other
unless it is extremely important. 
• When cleaning, use our left hand.
• Not to face the Qibla and to have ones back against
the Qibla whist on the toilet even if the construction
of the toilet is of such. Similarly it is also makruh to
face the sun and the moon, as these are great signs of
Etiquettes of Istinja and Istijmar
• Not to face a blowing wind, as the impurity can easily blow back onto the
clothes and body.
• Not permissible to do your business under Fruitful Trees: Because it may
damage the fruits and cause it to be impure when they fall.
• On a Pathway or streets and Shade: where people generally rest.
The Prophet (Peace & Blessings Be upon Him) said: “Fear the
two that are cursed.” They inquired, “Who are those that are
cursed O Messenger of Allah.” The Prophet Peace & Blessings Be Upon
Him) said:  “The one that relieves himself in the road or
walkway of people or in their shade.” – Muslim
• Hole in the ground: in case there is a rat, ants or anything that may harm
Things that are not permissible when we are
doing our business
• Urinate standing up
• Take items that have the name of Allah & His Messengers (Peace & Blessings
Be Upon Him) such as rings, necklace …etc
• Do Zikar (mentioning the name of Allah)
• Say Alhamdulillah after sneezing or responding to a sneeze by saying
• Return the greeting of Assalamu Alaikum
• Reply to the Azan
• Look at our genitals
• Look at what comes out e.g. our urine
• Stare at the sky
• Extend the sitting unnecessarily example reading newspaper.
• Talking

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