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Error Correction

Lecturer: and Lesson Planning Using
Communicative Approach
Krisciel Anne F. Macapagal
Master Teacher I
Nueva Ecija High School

LAC Session for English Department

June 10, 2021
1. Ascertain the six Error Correction Techniques.
2. Distinguish when to use a certain Error Correction
3. Identify the major parts of a lesson using
Communicative Approach.
4. Use Communicative Approach in lesson planning.

04 Follow Along

Error Correction Techniques

1. Recast
2. Clarification request
3. Metalinguistic
4. Elicitation
5. Repetition
6. Explicit correction
1. Recast

I take the bus to school

everyday. Its has a terrible
smell inside.
2. Clarification Request

Could it been happier from

the activity?
Clarification Request
3. Metalinguistic Feedback

I love when we spends

time in the garden.
Metalinguistic Feedback
4. Elicitation

My sister always on
the phone. She talk
too much!
5. Repetition

My husband are the

worst. He never help
around the house.
6. Explicit Correction

All these bags is

killing my back!
Explicit Correction
Multiple Corrective Feedback Techniques

Chris: What did you find out about Sam, Tana? ___________
Tana: She love… ___________
Chris: She love? ___________
Tana: Yes. She love grammar. __________
Chris: In the 3rd person singular present tense the verb takes an –s
ending. ____________
Tana:… ____________
Chris: There is an error in your sentence. “Love” needs an –s at the end
and so, we say Sam loves…. Try again. ____________
Tana: Sam loves grammar. ___________
Chris: Good job!
04 Follow Along

Lesson Planning Using Communicative Approach

05 Follow Along

Adapt communicative practice

How could you adapt that activity for your own teaching context?

● Online
● Hybrid
● Paper-based

Write your ideas above and share some in the chat.

05 Follow Along

Lesson Ending

How will you know your lesson was successful?

● How will you check if learners can use the target structure to communicate their
own ideas?
● How will you give them feedback?
● How will you elicit feedback from them?

Write down some ideas

05 Follow Along

●Communicative lesson planning is reflective (a messy circle).
●Communicative lessons have a beginning, middle, and end.
●In communicative lessons, students spend most of the time communicating.
●It’s ok to use other sources (like Voice of America) if your textbook doesn’t have explicit
grammar instruction.
●Try something new, reflect, and revise.
●Options! Options! Options!

Please write one thing you learned or found interesting in the webinar. Then, share it
in the chat.
05 Follow Along

Reflection Questions:

● How will you approach planning your next communicative lesson?

● How can you adapt activities for various modalities?

● What do you know about tasks?

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