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 A pointer variable contains an address of
another variable.
 Pointers can point to any variable types such
as integer, character, float etc., as long as it
has same type with the variable to point.
Pointer Declaration
A simple pointer declaration looks like this:
int *ptr;
/*ptr is a pointer to an integer*/
• Multiple pointer require using a * before each
variable definition
int *myPtr1, *myPtr2;
double *xPtr, *yPtr;.

•Pointers can be declared to point to objects of

any data type.
Pointer operators
 The unary operator & gives the “address of a

 & (address operator)

For example:
int y = 5;
int *yPtr;
yPtr = &y; /* assign the address of y to yPtr */
// yPtr “points to” y
| Graphical representation of a pointer pointing to an integer
variable in memory.

Representation of y and yPtr in memory.

* (indirection/dereferencing
 Returns a synonym/alias of what its operand points to
 *yptr returns y (because yptr points to y)
 * can be used for assignment
 Returns alias to an object
*yptr = 5; /* changes y to 5 */
 Dereferenced pointer (operand of *) must be an lvalue
(no constants)
Declaration of Pointers

 After we declare a pointer variable

int *ip;
The expression
ip = &i;
sets what ip points to, while the expression
*ip = 5;
sets the value of the location pointed to by ip

Declaration of Pointers
 If we declare a pointer variable and include and
int *ip3 = &i;
we’re setting the initial value for ip3, which is where
ip3 will point. The initial value is a pointer.
 The * in the above declaration is not the contents-
of-operator, but it is the indicator that ip3 is a

Declaration of Pointers
 If you have a pointer declaration containing an
initialization, break it up to a simple declaration
and a conventional assignment, like this:
int *aptr, a;
aptr = &a;

 Do not write like this:

int *aptr, a;
*aptr = &a; /* WRONG! */

Declaration of Pointers
 When a pointer is declared, it does not point anywhere. You
must set it to point somewhere before you use it. So,
int *ip;
*ip = 100; /* WRONG! */

 The correct use is:

int *ip;
int x;
ip = &x;
*ip = 100;

Consider the effect of the following code:

int x = 10, y =5;

int *ip;

ip = &x;
y = *ip;
x = ip;
*ip = 3;
int x = 10, y = 5; x 10 y 5 ip
100 200

int *ip; 10 y 5 ip 100

ip = &x; 100 200 1000

x 10 y 10 ip 100
y = *ip; 100 200 1000

x = ip; 100 y 10 ip 100

100 200 1000

*ip = 3; x 3 y 10 ip 100
100 200 1000
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int x, *xptr;
cout<< "\nThe address of x is : "<<&x
<<"\nThe value of xptr is : "<<xptr;
cout<<"\n\nThe value of x is : "<<x
<<"\nThe value of *xptr is : "<<*xptr;
cout<<"\n\nShowing that * and & are inverses of each other :\n"
<<"&*xptr = "<<&*xptr<<"\n*&xptr = "<<*&xptr
return 0;
Calling functions by reference
 In this chapter, we’ll look at the call-by-
reference with pointer arguments
 Pointers can be used to modify one /more
variables in the caller or to pass pointer to
large data.
 When calling a function with arguments that
should be modified, the address of the
arguments are passed, by using the operator
(&) to the name of the variable to pass.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void cubebyRef(int *);

void cubebyValue(int);
int main()
int num=5, num2=5;
cout<<"CubebyRef: \n The original value of number : "<<num;
cout<<"\nThe new value of number : "<<num;
cout<<"\n\nCubebyValue: \n The original value of number 2 :
cout<<"\n The new value of number 2: "<<num2;
return 0;
void cubebyRef(int *x)
*x *= *x;

void cubebyValue(int x)
{ x*=x;
Passing pointer to a function
 4 ways to do so :
i. a nonconstant pointer to nonconstant data
ii. a constant pointer to non constant data
iii. a nonconstant pointer to constant data
iv. a constant pointer to constant data

• a nonconstant pointer to nonconstant data

- the data can be modified through the dereferenced
pointer, and pointer can point to other data
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void Uppercase (char *);

int main()
char string [] = "thank you. your change is rm20.22";
cout<<"\nThe string before conversion: "<<string;
cout<<"\n\nThe string after conversion: "<<string<<endl;
return 0;

void Uppercase(char *strP)

while (*strP !='\0')
{ *strP=toupper(*strP);
++strP ; //move strP to the next character
• a nonconstant pointer to constant data
-Pointer that can be modified to point to any data, but the data

which it points cannot be modified thru that pointer.

- e.g of function header definition :

void printChars(const char sPtr*)

- read the declaration right to left : sptr is a pointer to a char constant
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

void print (const int * ,int);

int main()
int x[3]={45,12,2};
cout<<"\nThe value is: ";
return 0;

void print (const int *xPtr ,int s) Value of data point to

{ for(s=0;s<3;s++) by xPtr cannot be
{ cout<<*xPtr<<' '; changed
++xPtr ; //move strP to the next value
 a constant pointer to non constant data
A pointer that always points to the same memory
location, and the data at that location can be
modified thru the pointer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int x,y;

int * const ptr =&x;

ptr=&y ; // ERROR!
return 0;
 a constant pointer to a constant data
a pointer always point to the same memory location
and the data at that memory cannot be modified
using the pointer.
Pointer expression & pointer
 A limited set of arithmetic expressions may be
performed o pointers
 Pointer maybe incremented(++) or decremented(--)
 Integer may be added (+=,+) to a pointer, subtract
from a pointer
 Any arithmetic operations for pointers are based on
the size of the data type being used by the machine –
pointer arithmetic is machine dependent.
Pointers Arithmetic
int v[5];
int *vp;
vp = v; /* array name refer to 1st
element, v[0] */

3000 3004 3008 3012 3016

v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3] v[4] This machine has

4-byte integers

Pointers Arithmetic
If an integer is stored in 4-bytes of memory
vp += 2; (3000 + 2*4) = 3008

size of memory
3000 3004 3008 3012 3016

v[0] v[1] v[2] v[3] v[4]

vp now points to v[2]

* Use sizeof() to determine the size of memory
int v[5]={10,12,4,6,8};
int *vp;
vp = &v[4];
vp -= 2;

Output :
Relationship Between Pointers and Arrays
 Arrays and pointers closely related
 Array name like a constant pointer
 Pointers can do array subscripting operations
 Define an array b[ 5 ] and a pointer bPtr
 To set them equal to one another use:

bPtr = b;
 The array name (b) is actually the address of first
element of the array b[ 5 ]
bPtr = &b[ 0 ]
 Explicitly assigns bPtr to address of first element of b
Relationship Between Pointers and Arrays

 Element b[ 3 ]
 Can be accessed by *( bPtr + 3 )
 Where 3 is called the offset. Called pointer/offset
 Can be accessed by bptr[ 3 ]
 Called pointer/subscript notation
 bPtr[ 3 ] same as b[ 3 ]
 Can be accessed by performing pointer arithmetic on
the array itself
*( b + 3 )
Pointer and Arrays

e.g: int a[10];

you can refer to a[0], a[1], a[2], etc..or
to a[i] where i is an int.

 If you declare a pointer variable ip and sets it to

point to the beginning of the array:
int *ip = &a[0];

you can refer to *ip,*(ip+1),*(ip+2), etc…or to

*(ip+i) where i is an int.

const int size=3;
int main()
int s[size]={5,10,15};
int *sPtr,i;

cout<<"*s["<<i<<"] = "<<*(s+i)
<<"\t*sPtr["<<i<<"] = "<<*(sPtr+i)
return 0;
int main()
char string[10]="good luck";
char *str;


return 0;
Array of Pointers
 We can have arrays of pointers since pointers are
char *text[3] = {“teh”, “susu”, gula”};

text[0] ‘t’ ‘e’ ‘h’ ‘\0’

text[1] ‘s’ ‘u’ ‘s’ ‘u’ ‘\0’

text[2] ‘g’ ‘u’ ‘l’ ‘a’ ‘\0’
 Example :

char *s[size]={"siti", "ali", "bade"};

int i;

 A string is a series of characters treated as a single unit
(array of characters, ending with null (‘\0’))
 A string may include letters, digits and symbols
 String literals/ string constant are written in “ “, such as
“Abdullah Azzam,”, “99 21 Jump Street”, “AG100”
 Example of declaration :
 char state[] = “kelantan”; or char *statePtr=“Johor”;
char name1[30], name2[30];
cout<<“name1 : ”;
cout<<“name2 : ”
String manipulation: <cstring>
Function Description
strcpy(string1,string2) Copies string2 to string1.

strcnpy(string1,string2,size n) Copies at most n characters of string2 to string1

strcat(string1,string2) Appends string2 to string1

strncat(string1,string2, size n) Appends at most n character of string2 to string1

strcmp(string1,string2) Compares string1 with string2. return zero if

string1 equal to string2, <0 and >0
strncmp(string1,string2, size ) Compares up to n character of string1 with
string2. return zero if string1 equal to string2
strtok(string1,string2) Breaks string1 into tokens- delimited by
characters in string2
strlen(string1) Determine length of string1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
{char s1[]={"kedah darul aman"};
char s2[17],s3[11] ,s4[20]="negeri ";
cout <<"The string in s1 is : "<<s1<<endl
<<"The string in s2 is : "<<strcpy(s2,s1)<<endl
<<"The string in s3 is : ";
cout<<"strcat(s4,s3) = "<<strcat(s4,s3);
return 0;
char *s1= "Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan" ;
char *s2="Selamat Menyambut Bulan Puasa";

cout<<"s1 = "<<s1<<endl
<<"s2 = "<<s2<<endl;
if (strcmp(s1,s2)==0)
cout<<"s1 and s2 have the same string";
else cout<<"s1 and s2 are different";
int main()
{char s1[]="Ahlan ya Ramadhan" ;
char *token;
cout<<"The length of \""<<s1<<"\" is : "<<strlen(s1)<<endl;
//cout<<"s1 = "<<s1<<endl;
cout<<"Setelah di token kan: "<<endl<<endl;
token=strtok(s1," ");
token=strtok(NULL," ");
return 0;
 Collections of related variables (aggregates) under
one name
- Can contain variables of different data types
- Commonly used to define records to be stored in files
 For example, we might want to group three strings (name,
address, and phone number) into one structure
 Sometimes we want to use the entire structure (i.e., for
moving to secondary storage)
 Sometimes we want to use just a single member of the
Structure Definitions
 Structures are user defined data types
 This means that we have to tell C++ the makeup of
our structure
 We must provide a structure definition
Structure Definition Format
• The structure definition follows the format:
struct tag {member definitions};
– The tag is the name of our new data type
(equivalent to int or float)
– In member definitions we define each of the
individual variables that make up the structure
struct employeeRecord
char name[30];
int empNo;
float payRate;
Structure Declarations
 The definition does not allocate any memory
 Member definitions are not variable declarations, they
just tell C what the structure contains
 We must declare a variable of our structure just like we
would an int or float
 The keyword struct must be included whenever a structure
data type is referred to

struct employeeRecord
char name[30];
int empNo;
float payRate;
struct employeeRecord fullTime;
 We can define and declare structures in the same
struct tag
{member definitions}
variable names;
 The names are the identifiers of the variables of the
data type named tag
 The tag is optional in this case, but if we leave it off we
can not declare more variables of this type at a later
Definition/Declaration Examples
With the tag:
struct employeeRecord
char name[30];
int empNo;
float payRate;
} fullTime, partTime;

Without the tag:

char name[30];
int empNo;
float payRate;
} fulltime, partTime;
Structure Initializations
 Can initialize at the declaration stage
 Values must be listen in the exact order of
the corresponding members

struct employeeRecord
char name[30];
int empNo;
float payRate;
struct employeeRecord fullTime={“Abdullah”, 444, 12.63}; =“Abadi”;
Fulltime.empNo= 101;
Accessing Structures
 We usually want access to the individual members of the
 We use the variable name, member name, and member
operator to access these
 The member name is the variable that is part of the structure

 The member operator is a dot operator(.) or an arrow

operator( -> )
structureVariable-> memberName
#define NAME_CHRS 30
struct employeeRecord
char name[NAME_CHRS];
int empNo;
float payRate;

int main(void)
struct employeeRecord fullTime = {"Abdullah",001,150.00};

cout<<"Employee’s name: "<<<<endl ;

cout<<"Employee number: "<<fullTime.empNo<<endl ;
cout<<"Change pay rate from ";
<<fullTime.payRate << " to " ;
cin>> fullTime.payRate;
cout<<"Confirm new pay rate : "<<setprecision(2)<<fullTime.payRate<<endl;
/* declaring and initializing a structure and a pointer to a
structure */
struct date
{int day,month;
int year};
Picasso = {25, 10, 1881;},*pointer;
pointer = &Picasso;
Direct Access Arrow Notation(pointer) Pointer Notation pointer --> day (*pointer).day
Picasso.month pointer --> month (*pointer).month
Picasso.year pointer --> year (*pointer).year
struct temp
{ int num;
char ch;
int main()
struct temp var;
struct temp *ptr;
ptr = &var;
ptr->num = 611;
ptr->ch= 'S';
cout<<"\n Num : "<<ptr->num;
cout<<"\n Ch : "<<ptr->ch;
cout<<"\n Num : "<<(*ptr).num
<<"\n Ch : "<<<<endl;

return 0;}
Passing and Returning Structures

 Passing - Call by value and call by reference

 By value – pass the copy of structure member or
the whole structure, to defined function. This
technique won’t change the original structure
 By reference - pass the address of structure to
defined function. This technique will change the
original structure.
Passing call by value - example
{ int idNum;
double payRate;
double hours;
} emp;

//e.g: Passing individual member(s) of the structure – func. call

calcPay(emp.payRate, emp.hours);

//e.g :Passing the complete emp structure to calcNet()

Passing call by reference - example
// func prototype
double calcNet(struct Employee *pt);

{ int idNum;
double payRate;
double hours;
} emp;

//Passing the address of the structure- function call

//Received as pointer – function header
double calcNet(struct Employee *pt)
{ // function body
struct vegetable
{ char name[30];
float price;};

void main()
struct vegetable veg1, veg2;
struct vegetable addname();
void list_funct(vegetable);
veg1= addname();
veg2= addname();
cout<<“\n Vegetable for sale\n”;

//this function returns a structure
struct vegetable addname( )
{struct vegetable vege;
cout<<“\n Vegetable name : ”;
cout<<“Price (per 100gm) : ”;
void list_funct (vegetable list)
{ cout<<“\n Vegetable name : ”<<;
cout<<“\n Vegetable price : RM ”<< list.price;
Arrays of Structures
 You can have arrays of structures, just like any other data type
struct tag variableName [numberOfElements] ;
• You can also initialize an array of structures

struct studentRecord
{ char name[25];
int m1; float x;
struct studentRecord students[4] = { {“Zaid Akhtar”, 5, 12.63},
{“C.K Tan”, 0, 9.50}, {“ G.Gobala”, 3, 10.83},
{“Cik Lela Manja”, 5, 15.25}};
Array of Structures Example
#define NAME_CHRS 30

void main(void)
struct employeeRecord
{ char name[NAME_CHRS];
int dependents;
float payRate;};
struct employeeRecord employees [NUM_OF_EMPLOYEES];

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_EMPLOYEES; i++)

cout<<"Enter the employee name: ";
cout<<"Enter the number of dependents ";
cin>>employees[i].dependents ;
cout<<"Enter pay rate: ";
for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_EMPLOYEES; i++)
{cout<<"Employee # "<<i<<"\n\tName: "<<employees[i].name
<<"\n\tNumber of dependents : "<<employees[i].dependents
<<"\n\tPay Rate: $ "
Structures within structures

 Structures can be declared within another

structures, or nested.
 Save times for program requires similar structure
or overlapping information.
 First, you need to declare the struct that you to
pu/ nested to another struct. Then, during the
declaration of another struct, call the first struct
that you have declared.
Declaration example
struct date
{ int day;
int month, year;
struct record date1
{ char title[30];
char writer[30];
struct date date1; month
} book; year

to acces values in date1 structure, 2 dot(.) symbol is needed

Refer to the previous slide:

cout<<"Book Title : ";

cout<<"Date (ddmmyy) : ";
cin>> ;
cout<<"Book List : \n\n";
cout<<"Title : “<< book.title<<endl;
cout<<"Date purchased : “<<
<<“ “<< book.date1.month
<<“ “<< book.date1.year;
Another example
struct country
{ char name[30] ;
int areacode;};
struct position
{ struct country north;
struct country south;};

struct position t = {{"USA", 102}, {"Australia", 227}};

void main()
cout<<"\n COUNTRY UP NORTH\n";
cout<<"Name : "<<;
cout<<"\nArea code : "<< t.north.areacode;
cout<<"\n\n COUNTRY DOWN SOUTH\n";
cout<<"Name : "<<;
cout<<"\nArea code : "<< t.south.areacode<<endl;

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