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Final Presentation:


Group members
Name Class ID

1) Mukhtar Uddin CU-863-2017

2) Rizwan Amir Akbar Ayubi CU-868-2017

3) Aftab Hussain CU-858-2017

4)Syed Jamal shah CU-892-2017

Project Topic:


 We are currently experiencing a Global Pandemic of COVID-19, also known as “coronavirus”. This is a highly
infectious and potentially dangerous virus. Other coronaviruses include the common cold and influenza.

 The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

• a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your
• a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24
hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
• Loss of smell or taste

 Symptoms vary, and at least in this early stages, people who have the virus have been know to display very mild
symptoms (such as a runny nose.
 COVID-19 Workplace Risk Assessment
A risk assessment is a systematic examination that your employer must conduct of the task, job or process that you carry
out at work. This is for the purpose of identifying the significant hazards, the risk of someone being harmed and deciding
what further control measures must be taken to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

o Employers have a duty to risk assess under the following legislation:

• Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

• The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
COVID-19: Where are most likelihood sources of infection in the workplace

 Entrance areas
 Doors (and how they open / close)
 Toilets & (hand) washing facilities
 Lifts & stairs
 Bedrooms/personal living spaces,
 Wards, classrooms, office space
 Kitchens & other food preparations areas
 Meeting rooms, restaurants/eating/drinking areas and other communal areas
 Halls/passageways
 Driving cabs (transport workers)
 Crowded outdoor areas such as parks, gardens, play areas & courtyards

This research will be a Questionnaire survey and interviews based. It is well-known that human factors have a different
construction companies will be approached, so case studies were limited active lean construction projects and data will
be gathered through interviews and Questionnaire survey. After collecting data from it will be assess for its accuracy,
analysis, implementation, and effectiveness of how COVID-19 effected the construction work. research procedure. The
first step will be to take the literature review and develop questions for the interview and simple questionnaire. At the
same time, sites will be contacted to obtain required information engineering project sites for case study, Contract
studies After arranging case studies, the next step will be to visit the sites and conduct interviews with the project teams.
Team participants will include the contractor and subcontractors and labor. The final steps will be to summarize and
analyze findings, and then to derive conclusions and present recommendations.
 The impact of covid -19 on construction industry is very serious as it is of primary concern the rate of spread of diseases
in work force and their families also their mental health is affected they cannot properly deliver their efforts and also
cannot give proper attention and this affects the overall progress of projects and also contribute to global economy .

 BBC News, (2020). Coronavirus: More than 900 deaths in a day in Italy Available
at: Accessed on: 2020 march 29.
 11 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of
Patients with Confirmed 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Infection, Updated February
12, 2020.
patients.html (Accessed on March 26, 2020).
 DailyTimes. (2020). Increased Domestic Violence after COVID-19 Lockdown. Retrieved from
 GEONews. (2020). Coronavirus updates, April 28: Latest news on the COVID-19 pandemic from
Pakistan and around the world. Retrieved from
 WHO. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report-122. Retrieved from
 Engineer Qaisar Jamal
Thank you

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