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• Discuss the cellular concept & explain advantage of
frequency reuse.
• Draw a diagram of a typical cellular cluster & explain the
meaning of frequency reuse number.
• Discuss how the capacity of a cellular system may be
• Explain the difference between cell splitting and sectoring.
• Discuss the use of backhaul networks for cellular systems.
• Explain the mobility management & discuss the operations it
• Discuss the concepts of power management and network
V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
The Cellular Concept
• Frequency reuse can be maximized – multiplying the
number of available channels in a particular geographical
• guiding principle for AM broadcasting.
• Simplex transmission – to reach many RX as possible –
entails the use of high power Transmitter in the trading
• Duplex transmission – simultaneous users of the available
radio spectrum .
• Reuse of that spectrums crucial to maximize the number of
potential users.
• Provides a means of maximizing radio spectrum usage.
• Benefit – smaller cells – power requirements for the mobile
are reduced.
V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
The cellular advantage
• Acquisition of lands for cell sites – associated HW – RBS
& BSC, antennas & towers – communication link
between the BSs – MSCs - cost of Radio frequency
• Mobile Service provider – profit - if they can support a
sufficient number of mobile subscribers.
• The cellular concept allows large enough increase in
capacity to make these operations economically feasible.
• Basic cellular architecture consists of dividing up the
coverage area to number of smaller areas or cells.
• This is done in such a way as to minimize interference
but at the same time provide the necessary system
performance to handle traffic load with in the cells.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

• Cells are grouped into Clusters – make use of all the available
radio spectrum.
• Adjacent cells can not use the same frequency channels.

• Total frequency allocation is divided up over the cluster and

then repeated for other clusters in the system.
• The number of cells in a cluster is called “ cluster size” or
“frequency reuse”
• One must know about interference for designing the
o Cochannel interference.
o First adjacent channel.
o Second adjacent channel and so on…

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Cellular hierarchy
• Smallest to largest.
• Cells < 100 meters in dia – picocells – indoor
environ ment .
• 100< Cells <1000 meters dia – microcells –
outdoor to indoor & pedestrian environment
• Cells >1000 meters – macrocells – vehicular &
high antenna environment.
• Different type of radio link.
• Cells with global coverage - Megacells.
• Very small cells - femtocells.
• Figure illustrates mixed environment.
V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
Cell fundamentals
• Propagation conditions – terrain – environment-
distortion of antenna’s radiation pattern.
• Circular – leaves gaps between adjacent tangent circles
or ambiguous areas if the circles are overlapped.
• Triangular or squares can also be used but hexagon is
closest approximation to a circle.
• Theoretical calculations are much easier.
• Shown in figure.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
Reuse number
• Maximum size – interference generated must be calculated.
• Frequency reuse D = R(3N)1/2 .
• R - cell radius
• N – reuse pattern.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Cellular interference Issues.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Capacity Expansion Techniques
• Cell Splitting:

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V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Interference reduction due to
cell sectoring

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Overlaid cells
• Two ways - Split band analog systems.
Applied to GSM or NA-TDMA.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Overlaid cells in a reduced cluster

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Channel allocation
• For non equal distribution of channels for eaual size sectors.
• Cells On Wheels – COWs’
• Cellular service providers – sensitive to Call blocking.
• Goal – attempt to stabilize temporal fluctuations.
• Three types
o Fixed channel schemes – larger channel allocation than others –
complex algorithm.
o Channel barrowing – high traffic cells can barrow channels from low
traffic cells
o Dynamic channel allocation – all channels are placed in a channel
pool. channel assigned to a new cell by virtue of the system wide S/I

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Other capacity expansion schemes
• Lee’s microcell technology – increased number of handoffs –
increased load on the switching elements.
• Three antennas – same RBS – high speed microwave or fiber links.

• Antenna with best reception of the mobile – for both uplink &
• As the mobile travels with in the microcell – same channel can be
• When mobile moves to another zone – RBS simply switches the
channel to a different zone.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Smart antenna technology
• Also called as Space Division Multiple Access

• BS could direct a narrow beam of radio waves at a particular

MS & then re use the same channel over another narrow beam
aimed at yet another mobile at another location.
• Phased array technology – allows for the creation of
directional antenna patterns that may be sequentially switched
to other patterns at high speed.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Migration to digital
• Migration to a newer generation – 3G
• Many less advanced countries – 1G
• 2G - TDMA & CDMA
• TDMA – multiple time slots / channel
- much more immune to noise & interference.
- lower values of S/I ratio than analog system.
- NA TDMA - S/I – 12dB
- GSM – S/I – 9 dB – frequency reuse = 4 & 3.
• CDMA – multiple user – same channel – simultaneously.
- inherent interference handling capability – may use
the same frequency in adjacent cells – frequency
reuse factor to1.
V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
Cellular Backhaul networks
• Cellular systems evolved from voice only to both voice and
data services systems.
• Connectivity – PSTN & PDN
• Infrastructure of 1G – connected together by T, E, J.
• T- carrier, J- carrier, E- carrier –lines used between MSC & BS
& later to the BSC.
• T- carrier : United States
• J- carrier : Japan
• E- carrier : Europe & other countries.
• Connection bw MSC& BS – PCM encoded Voice band signals
at 64 kbps.
• T1/J1 : 24 voice band calls, E1 – 30.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202
Cellular Backhaul networks
CDMA Cellular system data network connection

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

GSM Cellular system data network

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Mobility Management
• Goal – How the network knows where the Subscriber is.
• Wireless network functionalities – thro’ the use of programmable
information processing systems.
• Information data bases built into the major components.
• Radio signal measurement capabilities built into the air interface
• Location Management
o Location Updating
o Paging messages
o Transmission of the location information between network elements
• Handoff management
o Handoff control
o Handoff operation

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Location Management
• Keeping track - present & last known location – delivery of voice &
data to it as it moves around.
• 100’s of 1000’s of cell sites – needs to be functionality built into
cellular systems.
• Voice call – call – PSTN – dedicated traffic channel – from BS to MS.

• PSTN – circuit – fixed part of the network & wireless network will
allocate a pair of radio channels for the air interface connections.
• Process successful – MS location must be known.

• Mobile moves to another cell – conversation – continuous Radio link

must be provided.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

• Data transfer : packets – addressed – end terminal or
destination device.
• Data packets are directed through data network by
routers to a particular device.
• Fixed device – corresponds to fixed network.
• Fixed system – MS already in Use – MS may be or may
not be in use – system should take necessary actions
for incoming call & data transfer.
• Action – playing necessary recorded messages –
answering message function – network storage device
later delivery.
• Three basic functions – location updating, paging
messages – transmission of the location information
between network elements.

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Cellular location updating

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4
• 4.5 Mobility Management
o Paging messages
o Different paging schemes
o Transmission of the location information between network elements
• See Figure 4-15

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4
• 4.5 Mobility Management
o Handoff management
• Handoff control
• Handoff operation
• Handoff algorithm
o See Figure 4-16
o See Figure 4-17

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4
• 4.6 Radio Resources and Power Management
o Power control
o Power saving schemes
• Discontinuous transmission
• Sleep modes
• Energy efficient designs

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4
• 4.6 Radio Resources and Power Management
o Radio resource management
• Need
• Schemes

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202

Chapter 4
• 4.7 Wireless Network Security
o Wireless network security requirements
o Network security requirements
o Network security

V B L , MIT, Mysore Wednesday, December 08, 202


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