The Huasteca Culture

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developed in a vast region of
Mexico known as the Huasteca,
shared by the current states of
Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo,
Tamaulipas, Querétaro and Puebla.
THE ZACAHUIL: means pigeon or bird is a large tamale, usually it is one
meter or more, they cook it only on special occasions, that is, they do it
at parties, carnival or for Xantolo, this dish is made from dough dry, with
ancho chili, guajillo chili and pasilla chili; it is filled with chicken or pork
THE XOJOL :What means "eye" in tének. It is a sweet tamale, this
typical food made from martajada dough and its ingredients are
cinnamon, coconut, piloncillo and lard; baked and lined with potato
leaf that will leave its peculiar flavor.

THE TECOQUITO: IS resting ground corn, to which they put

a jet of hot sauce and prepare an atole based on sunflower
seeds, then it is ready to eat it.

ENCHILADAS: are a fusion of traditional, artisanal, and

miscegenation, made by small corn tortillas dipped in
green or red sauce and tasty beef jerky.
XOCHITL: broth It is a soup made with boneless chicken and avocado,
onion, tomato and very fresh coriander

THE MOLOTES gorditas, are usually a little elongated and use

beans or ground meat to fill them, accompanied with a lot of
hot sauce and lard.

BOCOLES another type of fajitas based on precooked corn

dough, which they just spread to eat them spread with a
little lard or beef

THE PANEQUES :These are also fajitas or gorditas

based on corn dough, which are stuffed with peas and
served with a caldito prepared with chili see
Huasteca painting is generally known thanks to the pottery
they made. They are also very good artists working with
ceramics, especially in those involving dark brown
drawings. Huapango huasteco or Son Huasteco It is a
Mexican musical genre based on a ternary compass,
interpreted in various forms, the best known
being three variants: the typical huapango or son
huasteco, performed by the huasteco trio; the huapango
norteño, performed by the norteño ensemble and the
huapango de mariachi.
The Huasteca region is
located in northern
Veracruz, southern
Tamaulipas, and parts of the
states of San Luis Potosí and
Hidalgo. To a much lesser
extent it includes some areas
of the states of Puebla and
Although it is convenient to
clarify that the maximum
advance of the Huasteca culture
constitutes it in a shrine near
Rancho la Burrita, east of
Matamoros Tamaulipas,
according to the story of Don
Joaquín Meade. Even the
Huastecs came to trade with the
nomadic peoples of the north,
including the inhabitants of the
Brownsville-Barrel Complex.
In pre-colonial times, the Huasteca
was populated by various groups:
Huastecos, Tepehuas, Otomies and
Totonacos, located in the south and
southwest. In the north and
northwest were the Nahuas
intertwined with guachichiles,
pames and various Chichimec
groups. The region was known by
the name of Xiuhcoac, which
means "turquoise snake".
The Legitimate Group is originally from San Luis Potosi, it was founded on the initiative of Mr.
Raúl Hernandezdebuta on January 1, 2008, they have 3 record productions from which some
songs emerge that have managed to sneak in the taste of the people of San Luis Potosi,
Zacatecas and other states

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