The Teaching Pr0Fession: Prof-Ed 5/11

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Prof-Ed 5/11
Socially Responsible Teachers: Rich with
Philosophical Heritage
• What is philosophy?
• -A set of ideas that answer question about the
nature of reality and about the meaning of
• -This originated with the ancient Greek work
Philo which means love and Sophie which
means wisdom.
• -Philosophy is therefore the love of wisdom.
Three Branches of Philosophy
• 1. Metaphysics- address reality. It is divided into 2 categories:
• a. Ontology examines issues related to nature, existence or
• b. Cosmology is related with the nature and origin of the
universe (the cosmos)
• 2. Epistemology-concerned with the nature of knowledge,
how we come to know things or how we acquired knowledge.
• 3. Axiology and its corollaries relate to value.
• Ethics relate to issues in morality and conduct
• Aesthetics is concerned with beauty.
What is philosophy of Education?
• -A set of related beliefs that influence what and how students
are taught.
• Teachers‘ philosophy of education guides their behavior or
performance in the classroom.
• The philosophy statements reflects their personality and value.

• Guide questions in formulating your philosophical statement.

• 1. What is the purpose of education?
• 2. What content and skills should schools develop?
• 3. How should schools teach the content of the curriculum?
• What are the roles of the students and teachers in
the teaching learning process?
• How should learning be assessed?

– In education, metaphysics refers to the knowledge of

most worth which is the curriculum. The subjects in the
curriculum contain or describe the knowledge which
teachers should impart to the learners. Epistemology is
concerned with the methods of teaching and how
teaching and learning are to be delivered. Axiology
relates to behavior, civility, appreciation and expression.
• 1. Idealism
• Idealism contends that reality lies in our consciousness or our
intellect. Idealist believe that the perfect knowledge of the ideal
resided outside humans as an Absolute or as God . They believe
that the spiritual essence or soul is the permanent element of
human nature that gives them power to think and feel. They
believe that the ideas that make-up reality have already existed
in the mind of the Absolute or God so that when we know
something, it means we have reached our conscious
understanding of these ideas.
• It envision schools that are intellectual potential and appreciate
the finest and enduring achievement of culture.
Idealist Teachers:
1. Believe that:
- the school is the repositories of eternal truth which
have organized the hierarchical curriculum in education.
- On top of this hierarchy are the most important
subjects that cultivate abstract thinking-Philosophy,
Theology and Mathematics.
- The use of Socratic method-asking probing questions
to stimulate consciousness of students in discovering
• -Thinking and learning are the processes of
bringing latent ideas to consciousness and
logic is encouraged in organizing their lessons.
• -Teachers should lead exemplary lives and be
models for students to imitate
• -The internet can make the great book
accessible to all, but they insist that
technology should be the means rather than
the end in transmitting knowledge.
• Advocates that reality is outside of our minds. They are not
internal to our minds as idealist.
• Realist believe that the objects we perceive exist
independently of the mind; that whether or not we perceive
these objects, they really exist in the world. Realist assert
that the human mind can know about the real world and
that knowledge is a reliable guide to our behavior.
– For realist, the purpose of education is to teach students about
the world in which they live. That the most accurate and efficient
way of learning is through the curriculum of organized and
classified subject-matter discipline.
Realist Teachers believe that:
• Teacher should be equipped with wide repertoire of methods in
teaching to achieve their goals.
• Their primary responsibility is to bring students‘ ideas about
the world into reality.
• That deductive and inductive logic, and the scientific method
are reliable means to discover knowledge.
• The inclusion of non-academic activities interfere with the
school‘s primary purpose as a center of disciplined academic
• The use of technology as an aid in learning; they recommend
computer program to be as “realistic“ and effective as possible.
• Pragmatism evaluate the truth and meaning of ideas according
to their physical consequences and practical value. It emphasizes
the need to test the validity of these ideas by acting on them.
The best way to validate ideas empirically is by using the
scientific method. For pragmatist, if something works, it is true.
• John Dewey, a pragmatist, related education as preparation for
life. He believe that the function of education was to enhance
human potential to be able to adapt to a constantly changing
• Pragmatists believe that students should be encouraged to do
researches and apply them to the solution of a problem.
Pragmatist Teachers believe that:
• Education is an experimental process- a method of
solving problems that challenges people as they interact
with the world.
• Children should learn how to make difficult decisions by
considering the consequences of their actions on others.
• Education should focus in real-life problems to be
prepared to live fully and effectively in society.
• Students should learn the process of problem-solving
rather than by being passive learners as knowledge is
being transmitted to them.
• Collaborative learning where students share
their interest and problems.
• Interdisciplinary education is better than
departmentalized curriculum in education.
• Taking risk in education to achieve their goal.
• Values-clarification rather than blindly
accepting inherited values.
• Communication technologies such as e-mail
and internet provide opportunities to share
ideas, insights, and experiences.
• Educational theories are rooted from philosophies. They
examine the roles and functions of schools, curriculum,
teaching, and learning.

• 1.Perennialism.
– Perennialists assert that the primary purpose of education is to
bring students in contact with the truth by cultivating their
intellect and sense of rationality or reasoning power. They
contend that there are principles that students need to learn like
the universality of truth, the importance of rationality and the
power of aesthetics. They also propose the study of religion to
encourage ethical behavior.
• Perennialists urge that students read the Great
Books-works by history‘s finest thinkers and
writers and develop their understanding of
the concepts about human knowledge. They
oppose the inclusion of non-academic
subjects in the curriculum because they defeat
the primary purpose of the school which is to
develop students intellectually. They endorse
subject-matter curriculum loaded with
cognitive subjects that develop rationality and
Perennialist Teacher believe that:
• Teachers are the intellectual mentors and models for their
• Fundamental skills such as reading, writing, computation and
research be developed starting the elementary grades to prepare
them for lifelong learning
• Subjects with human concern like history, literature, drama, and
art should be included in the secondary school curriculum.
• Their role is to sharpen the students‘ intellectual powers and
enhance their moral qualities.
• Electronic version of great books and other classics maybe viewed
by larger audience but this could not be a substitute for reading
the classics.
• Essentialism is a teacher-centered philosophy that adheres to the belief that
the basic skills of literacy and numeracy as well as subject-matter knowledge
should be developed in schools. Subjects such as History, Mathematics,
Science, Languages and Literature are essential subjects for secondary
education. They believe that these basic essential subject-matter need to be
mastered to be able to function effectively in society.
• These skills will prepare them to be competent and
• Skilled individuals for the competitive global village.
• Essentialists urge that schools and teachers must be committed to their
primary academic function-to teach students with knowledge and skills that
will prepare them to function effectively and efficiently in a democratic society.
• Essentialists favor a subject-matter curriculum which should be cumulative and
sequentially arranged, starting with low order thinking skills to more complex
higher order level.
• Essentialist do not favor innovative or process-learning approaches
like constructivism, which allows students to construct knowledge
based on past knowledge/experiences. They adhere more on teacher-
directed instruction because they believe teachers are trained
professionals who should guide and direct the learning of students.

Essentialist Teachers believe that:

• Teachers have authority to discipline students.

• Teachers should have mastery of the knowledge and skills they teach
• The use of deductive method of teaching.
• Students should learn the “essentials“.
• Only when the students have mastered the required competencies
can they be promoted to the higher level.
• Test scores are the basis for evaluating students‘ progress.
• Progressivists belong to a reform movements that opposed
the traditional education. They were against: 1) authoritarian
teachers, 2) book-based instruction, 3) rote memorization, and
4) authoritarian classroom management. Progressivists
contend that although knowledge may come from varied
sources, the best way to learn is by actively exploring/or by
engaging in direct experiences. They believe that the school
should be a laboratory for experimentation. They organize
schools around the concerns, curiosity and real-world
experiences of the learners. They advocate using the project
method and problem-solving which promote democratic
learning communities in the classroom.
Progressivist Teachers believe that:
• Teachers should possess a repertoire of learning activities
to be used in the teaching-learning process like problem-
solving, field trips, creative artistic expression and projects.
• The child should be free to develop naturally.
• Interest motivated by direct experience stimulates learning.
• The teacher is a facilitator of learning.
• There should be close cooperation between the home and
the school.
• Students‘ needs, interest, and readiness should be
considered in constructing the curriculum.
Social Reconstructionism
• This theory rooted on progressivism. This is considered as
the more socially-oriented progressivists. They make school
the center of larger social reforms. They contended that
schools need to investigate and work to solve social,
political, and economic problems and eventually create a
new society.
• Social reconstructionists believe that people are responsible
for their social conditions. They have the power to take
control of their lives, improve their human conditions, and
build a just and good society. Education therefore, should
prepare the students to meet the demands of society.
Social Reconstructionist Teachers Believe
• The school is the ideal place to begin alleviating social
• Using project method and problem-solving method in
• Research is an effective means in solving problems of
• The intellectual, emotional, and personal needs of the
students should be considered in the learning process.
• Teachers must model democratic principles.
• Existentialism is a philosophy that emphasizes the subjectivity of
human experience. It is more a process of philosophizing than it is
a philosophy. Existentialism asserts that the purpose of education
is to help students find meaning and directions in their lives.
• Jean-Paul Sarte quoted the phrase “Existence precedes essence,“
meaning, we owe our existence to nature but we define ourselves
through our action. We make our own essence by making our
personal choices. When we are thrust into choice-making
situations, we are what we choose to be, We must take
responsibility for our choices.
• Existentialists maintain that we create our own definition and
make our own essence by making personal choices in our lives.
Existentialist Teachers believe that:
• The purpose of education is to awaken our consciousness
about our freedom to choose and to create our own self-
awareness that contributes to our identity.
• Students should be trained to philosophize, to question, and
to participate in dialogues about the meaning of life.
• Self-expression, creativity, self-awareness, and self-
responsibility should be developed in the students.
• Open classrooms maximize freedom of choice.
• Self-directed instruction.
• Students should decide what they want to learn and when to
learn it.
• Formulating Your Philosophy of Education
• Your philosophy of education is your
“window” to the world and “compass” in life.
Philosophy of Education contains:
• The human person, the learner in particular
and the educated person.
• What is true and good and therefore must be
• How a learner must be taught in order to
come close to the truth.
• How a learner must be taught in order to come close
to the truth.

• Example:
I believe that every child
• has a natural interest in learning and is capable of
• is an embodied spirit
• can influenced but not totally by his/her
• is unique and so comparing a child to ther children
has no basis.
• I believe that there are unchanging values in
changing times and these must be passed on to
every child by my modeling, value inculcation and
value integration in my lesson.
• I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate
the development of every child to the optimum
and to the maximum by:
• reaching out to all children without bias and
prejudice towards the “least” of the children.
• making every child feel good and confident about
him/her self through his/her experiences of
success in the classroom.
• helping every child master the basic skills of
reading, communicating in oral and written form,
arithmetic and computer skills.
• teaching my subject matter with mastery so that
every child will use his/her basic skills to
continue acquiring knowledge, skills and values
for him/her to go beyond basic literacy and basic
• inculcating or integrating the unchanging values
of respect, honesty, love and care for others
regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality,
appearance and economic status in my lesson.
• Consistently practicing these values to serve
as model for every child.
• Strengthening the value formation of every
child through “hands-on-minds-on”
experiences inside and outside the classroom.
• Providing every child activities meant to
develop the body, the mind and the spirit.
Assessment task 1
• Develop your own philosophy of Education.

“My Own Philosophy of Education”

Chapter 2. Socially Responsible Teachers:
Active Members of Social Institutions
– The teachers‘ role in society is both essential and
significant. Having the greatest influence over the
students and the community, they are expected to
play the lead roles in the building of an intelligent
and responsible citizenry. They perform various
roles and responsibilities in a society as the
architect of the future generation.
Exercise 1. Identify the salient qualities of a
professional teacher.
The mountain is a huge creation that stands towering over all other
structures in the land. It stands majestic and impressive providing a
soothing effect when viewed from a distance. Its stature is a symbol of
strength and stability.
Because of its elevated position, the mountain receives the first rays of
the sun at dawn. The radiance of the sun‘s rays on the summit creates a
beautiful panorama to behold. It is a spectacular scene to lay the eyes
The mountain provides shelter to animals and other creatures living in it.
At times when the rain comes, the soil in the mountain is eroded and
water flows freely to the land and rivers below. The rainwater from the
mountain fertilizes the land at the foot of the mountain. The plants
grows and produce abundant harvest for the people living in the area.
Personal Qualities of a Teacher
• Good Personality
• Personality refers to the character and appeal the teachers exude as they walk and relate with
others. Good personality serves as inspiration to the students. They are motivated to learn and
get involved in the learning process under teachers who have pleasing personality.
• Honest
Honest teacher possess good sense of value. They are
trustworthy and viable manifest integrity as professionals.

Enthusiastic teachers have pleasant outlook, optimism and sense of humor.

Includes being compassionate and interested in others. It is expressed through understanding
how other people feel and react.
• Role Model
Models good behavior and sets a good example for others to emulate.
• Fair
Fairness denotes impartiality, open-mindedness and objective judgment and decision-
• Friendly
Friendly teachers demonstrate pleasant, warm-hearted, and loving relation with their
• Respectful
Being respectful means being well-behaved. Teachers show politeness and courtesy in
dealing with their students and the public.
The teachers are devoted, loyal and committed to the profession.
Creative teachers do things in their own way. They have the ability to create new and
original ideas. They are able to influence their students to be creative themselves.
Flexibility is the ability of teachers to adapt to situations. They do not easily get
disturbed or upset when unexpected situations and problem arise.
Attitude of Professional Teachers are
Manifested in Terms of:
• Empathy towards students
• Commitment and dedication to the profession
• Reflective practitioner
• Passion for teaching
Successful teachers take care of their wellness.
Wellness refers to the combination of physical
health, good attitude and increased productivity.
The Teacher as Professional
• A profession is an occupation that claims
exclusive technical competence, service,
ideals, and ethics of professional conduct. It is
an application of intellectual technique to the
ordinary business of life acquired as a result of
prolonged and specialized training.
Criteria of Professional Teachers
• 1. Professional Academic Preparation
• 2. Licensure and Commitment to the service.
• 3. Public Service and Altruism
• 4. Legal Practice of the Profession
• 5. Adherence to Professional Ethics
• 6. Membership to Professional Organization.
Teachers are Active Members of Social
• Family
• A group of people who are related by marriage,
blood or adopted and who often live together
sharing a common residence and common
economic resources. It is the most universal
social institution. Its primary function is to
provide for physical and emotional needs of its
member. It is with the family where the
development of socialization starts.
Assessment Task 2:
• 1. What skills did you learn from your
mother/father which you now practice as an
• 2. What habits have you developed which
started at home?
• Education refers to the process in which knowledge, skills,
values, and pattern of behavior are transmitted from an
individual or group to another.
– Schooling is formal education which involves instruction based on
a curriculum by professional teachers. School and teachers are
responsible for formal education. They are to transmit knowledge
and technical skills for survival, transmit shared values and belief
and prepare the students for their role in society.
– Schools act as agent of socialization. The lesson that children
learned at home are fully and intelligently discussed in school.
Students are trained how to get along well with others, through
various activities they engage in during the learning process.
Expectations of Society from the 21st Century
Teachers Preparation for the Students:

• 1. Help the students succeed in the knowledge society.

Academic achievement
Communication skills
Creative and critical thinking
Social problem-solving
Workplace skills
2. Prepare the students to be functioning members of society.
3. Teach virtues such as: punctuality, truth, hard work, honesty,
hygiene, patriotism, love and sincerity, obedience etc.
4. Act as the bridge between the school and the community.
5. Identify pressing issues and provide enlightenment to society.
The 21st century education demands opportunities
for the students to develop intellectually,, ethically
and aesthetically. They expect the school to develop
skills to prepare the students to meet tha challenges
of the new era-such skills as creative problem-
solving skills, self-awareness and self-dependency to
enable them to be better persons and contribute to
the better society.
* Academic
The school provides for the development of a
brand array od knowledge and intellectual skills.
* Vocational
• The school prepares the individual for the world of
work and his economic responsibilities.
• The school develop skills and work habits that will
enable them to work in teams. It also provides
opportunities for developing survival skills of the
students that they may be able to function in society.

* Social and Civic

• The school acts as an agent of socialization. Students
learn how to get along well with others through the
various activities they engage in.
• The school prepares the students to become worthy
members of society and models behavior that would
prepare the students to participate in a complex
democratic society.
• Social ethics are discussed in school to make students
aware of their moral and ethical obligation as a person
and as a member of society.

This pertains to the development of individual talent and
self-expression. The school provides the total development
of the individual including creativity and authenticity.
Religion (church)
• Religion is a system of roles and norms that involves faith which
binds people together in social group.
• The church is an institutionalized organization of religious believers
following a body of doctrine or dogma.

• Function of religion
• Social cohesion

Religious belief encourage strengthening of bonds among people

and cultivate social solidarity and collective conscience among the
• Social control
– Religion guides people to conform to the norm and
values of society. Specific religious norms of conduct
and values control the behavior of the members. They
become the standards to follow.
– The church has an intense influence over the beliefs,
principles, and practices of its believers.
*Emotional support
Religion provides meaning for life. It fosters closeness,
love, cooperation and helpfulness among its members. In
times of crisis and calamities, the church lends to the
victims. It makes suffering more bearable because of
their faith.
• It is an institution that holds the power to
make and enforce the rules and laws of
society. The ruling body must be recognized by
its people to enforce the laws or rules and
govern them.
• In democratic type of government, the citizens
elect their officials periodically to govern them
for the period.
Assessment Task 3
• 1. How does the norm of the church affect
your behavior in society?
• 2. What religious values does your family

• 3. What type of government do we have in the

Philippines? What kind of leaders should we
elect to govern us?
• Teaching is a human and moral relationship. It involves interaction between
among pupils, parents, colleagues, and school officials.
• To maintain cordial and harmonious relationship with the clientele, teachers
must develop awareness and sensitivity to the Code of Ethics which underpins
the standards of conduct in the profession.

• Morals and ethical are often interchangeably but they almost mean the same.
Ethics refers to a system of principles of conduct that guide the behavior of a
person. It is concerned with individual character like being a “good person“. It is
also concerned with character of an entire society, culture or profession.
Morals are values related to a system of belief-religious system, business or
political system. These values get their authority from outside or higher authority.
Moral values include honesty, integrity, compassion, courage, honor, responsibility,
patriotism, respect and fairness.
• Morality refers to a subset of ethical rules of special
importance. It is a guide to behavior for individual
who want to govern the behavior of others. Moral
values are often the basis for the rules of society.
These are expected to be obeyed by all its members.
• Ethics and morality studies the “good“ and “bad“ of
human behavior, thoughts and feeling. It analyzes
how man should treat others as well as himself.
• Ethics is about actions and decisions. A person acts
in accordance with his values. A person who
behaves according to the core values he upholds, is
said to be acting ethically.
• Three stages of Morality:
• 1. Morality of self-interest which is characterized by doing the
act or the behavior to gain rewards or avoid punishment. In
other words, it is the reward or punishment consequences that
guide peoples‘ action.
• Morality of law and social rules apply when the action or
behavior of the individual is determined by the rule of authority,
meaning peoples‘ action are motivated by obedience and
respect for law. They also aim to gain approval and avoid
disapproval of their behavior.
• Morality of abstract principles are exhibited by people who
assumes personal responsibility in their behavior. People who
have reached this level no longer aim for approval or disapproval
of their action. Their behavior is guided by their ethical
principles and moral values.
• In the discharge of their duties as professional teachers they have to conform to certain
ethical standards set out by the Teaching Council. These standards guide the teacher in the
performance of their function, these also safeguard the rights of the professional and
enhance the goal of their work.
• Respect
– Teachers need to demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values, diversity, social
justice, freedom and democracy. This is in relation to their role to address and promote
human dignity.
Teachers are person of integrity. This means being honest, reliable and morally upright.
They should be true to their commitment and responsibilities as teachers.
As the second parents of the students, teachers should take the best interest of their
students as their credo. These students have been entrusted to them and therefore should
be treated with love and care and compassion. They should provide a caring commitment
where the students would feel valued and accepted. Teachers should show positive
influence and empathy when dealing with the students. This will strengthen the bond
between the teacher and students.
Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship. Trust means being fair, honest and being
open to people.
• Use the slide for Code of Ethics
Chapter 4. Competent Teachers:
Effective Classroom Managers

• Classroom is a complete interaction of

students, teachers and learning materials. A
competent teacher should have the skills in
managing instruction
Managing the classroom well is important in
teaching and learning situations

– A knowledgeable teacher may fail in teaching due to inability

to work effectively with students. Students may be
entertaining each other during class time, talking aloud or
walking around aimlessly in the classroom.
1. Set rules and procedures that students are expected to
2. Let the students actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge.
3. Lead students to take responsibility for their learning.
4. Respect everyone.
Management of Instruction
This refer to the smooth flow of the instructional processes. Smoothness involves
circulating to facilitate student‘s cooperation and discussion as they work in small
1. Maintain smoothness of instruction and avoid jarring breaks within the activity
2. Manage transition from one activity to another, from subject or from lesson to
recess and give clear signals.
3. Maintain group focus during the lesson so that all students in the class stay
involved in the lesson even if the teacher calls on only one student.
4. Maintain a group focus during a seatwork by circulating to see how they are
5. Develop withitness and be aware of student‘s behavior at all times.
6. Develop overlapping skills and be prepared for all scenarios in the classroom.
Management of Discipline
This refers to the means of preventing misbehavior from occurring or
the manner responding to behavioral problems in order to reduce their
recurrence in the future.
1. Start the year right with a clear, specific plan for introducing the
students to rules.
2. Set few class rules for the student to follow.
3. Create an atmosphere where there is respect to one another.
4. Apply the principle of least intervention for routine classroom behavior
problem. Create varied interesting lesson to make students pay attention
to class discussion and students do not engage in activities that disrupt
class discussion.
5. Manage serious behavior problems through applied behavior analysis.
6. Prevent serious behavior problem and remove the causes of
7. Formally develop the desired behavior by teaching the behavior.
Management of Relationship
• This refers to the emotional climate and communication
affecting learning conditions.
1. Maintain positive climate characteristics which allow students
to choose a variety of activities to achieve common goals.
2. Develop sense of interdependence, common bonds, define
group expectations and relationship qualities that enhance
wholesome emotional climate.
3. Develop communication characteristics that promote
wholesome classroom relationship like positive constructive
conversations aimed at understanding on another‘s point of view.
4. Render different form of assistance by providing class meeting
or students to have an opportunity to examine the ideas and
feelings that influence value judgment.
Management of Physical Environment
This refers to the organization of the learning environment, supplies, and
1. Organize supplies and materials for activities that occur frequently in most
readily available accessible place, and must be governed by the simplest
2. Rules must go with territory and insist on respect for them. Expectations
regarding beginning and end class behavior must be clearly expressed.
3. Avoid interruption during class program.
4. Arrange the physical setting and maximize visibility and accessibility.
Students‘ desks are separated in rows facing toward the chalkboard and away
from the window.
5. Materials and equipment stations are available in sufficient quantities and
are located to minimize congestion in traffic lanes.
6. Bulletin boards and wall spaces are used to display student work and
complement current class activities.
7. Set explicit procedures for getting materials from and returning them to
designated classroom locations.
Management of Time
• Refers to the organization and use of allocated time in the
1. Make good use of all classroom time.
2. Start teaching at the beginning of the period and end of
3. Establish routine procedures.
4. Minimize time spent on discipline and prevent interruption.
5. Teach lesson that are so interesting, engaging, and relevant
to student‘s interest.
6. Maintain momentum through avoidance of interruptions or
slowdown like phone calls, knocks on the door and other
Management of Routine
• Refers to the established activities or procedures that are
repeatedly done.
1. Teach pupils how to form various grouping and return to
standard arrangement with minimum confusion.
2. Do not use the few minutes of the class session to collect
materials when students are potentially most alert to instruction.
3. “Overlapping“ technique is used for collection and distribution of
materials. It refers to the teacher‘s ability to attend to the task at
hand and at the same time prevent an extraneous situation from
getting out of control.
4. Prepare for transition by planning distinct types and sequences
of teacher-pupil activity e.g. checking homework assignment,
presentation of new materials, giving assignment, monitoring
seatwork. Transition should be quick and quiet.
Assessment Task 14 - Reflect on:
• Highly intellectual teacher felt disappointment
in their teaching profession especially in
classroom management.
CHAPTER 5. Competent Teachers: Good
Community Link
• Involvement of Teacher in the Community

– A teacher can get the community involved by hosting

activities for members of the community to participate.
– Teachers can also work with local churches to set up
mentoring programs for the members of community
especially students who are poor in reading or doing math.
– Get the families involve in school activities. Family
members will be more likely to help with activities that
involve their child.
• -Teachers can actively participate and be involved in
community organization and centers such as Red Cross,
Boys and Girls Scouts. Their direct involvement in the
leadership of the community organizations allows
teachers to help change the lives of students outside of
the classroom.
• -Teachers can take leadership roles for current Links with
the community provide experiences which support the
curriculum and enhance students‘ learning. Teachers
should use effectively local facilities and organizations
when planning their lessons and learning activities. Such
activities focus on developing a wider awareness of the
world beyond school and encourage young people to
percieve and use community as a resource.
CHAPTER 6. The Global Teachers: Knowledgeable of K to 12 Program of Various Countries

The DepEd initiated several educational reforms to enhance

the quality of Basic education. The mandate of ensuring that
no learner shall be left behind and that every Filipino child will
have access to quality education gave way to the enactment of
Kindergarten Education Act of 2012 and the RA 10533 known
as Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. Having Kindergarten
as part of the basic education curricula and having it
mandatory, improves the students‘ access to education. The
Philippine government believes that compulsory kindergarten
better prepares learners who have active minds to the next
level of schooling.
– Enhanced Basic Education is popularly known as K to 12
started as a flagship reform strategy initiated also by the
DepEd Secretary with the objective of producing more
productive and responsible citizens fully equipped with the
essential competencies, skills for both lifelong learning and
– There were various proposals, studies, and consultations
made before coming up with an enhanced model that is
suitable to the Philippine context. The model is
kindergarten, 6 years of elementary education, 4 years of
junior high school, and 2 years of senior high school. The 2
years of senior high school is a preparation either for college
career or employment by consolidating the students‘
acquired academic skills and competence.
What are the reasons for coming up with K to
• 1. The additional 2 yrs. hopes to address the
deteriorating quality of Philippine education
system as revealed by the low achievement
score of the Filipino students in the NAT. The
Philippine also had low performance in the
Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study (TIMSS) as revealed in the 2003
and 2008 TIMSS.
Philippine Average TIMSS Scores

Average International Rank Participating

Scores Countries
2003 Results
Grade 1V
Science 332 489 23 25
Mathematics 358 495 23 25
2008 Results
Mathematics 355 500 10 10

2. Another reason is the unpreparedness for employment,

entrepreneurship or higher education of the Filipino High
School graduates because of the congested 10 year
curriculum. The years in school are not enough to absorb
the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue higher
education. Moreover, those who cannot go to college
Still lack the basic competencies and emotional
maturity for employment. The additional 2 years in
the senior high school will then prepare students for
either higher education or the world of work.
3. Since the educational ladder of almost all
countries is 12 years, the additional 2 years make
the Philippine educational system comparable and
recognized in meeting international standards. The
Philippines is the only remaining country with a 10
year basic education program. Graduates of the 12
education cycle has potential to be globally
What is K to 12 Education Program?
– K to 12 is a term for the sum of primary and
secondary education. It is used in countries like
US, Canada, Turkey, Australia and now in the
Philippine. The expression is a shortening of
Kindergarten (K) for 4-6 year old learners, through
twelfth grade (12) for learners who are 17-19
years old.
How do K to 12 Programs of Various
Countries Differ?
• A. Philippines
– In the Philippines, K to 12 program covers the
Kindergarten plus the 12 years of basic education (6)
years of primary education, 4 years of junior high
school, and 2 years of senior high school. The
additional 2 years of Senior High School aims to provide
sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, to
develop lifelong learning skills and to prepare
graduates for tertiary education, for mid-level skills
development, for employment and for
Salient Features of K to 12 Program
• 1. Universal Kindergarten or the mandated Kindergarten for 5 years old learners.
• 2. Contextualization and enhancement by making the curriculum relevant to
learners-students are provided with in-depth acquisition of knowledge, skills,
values and attitudes across all levels and subject with Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) integration; Mother-Tongue Based instruction
serves as foundation for learning Filipino and English.
• 3. Mastery of knowledge and skills is done by introducing simple concepts in
spiral progression in subject areas like Mathematics and Science.
• 4. The two years of Senior High School is a specialization based on the learners‘
aptitude and interest. Grade 11 and 12 of Senior High School will define the
choice of career track the students choose to take up. Students take the core
curriculum composed of 15 core subjects, and 7 contextualized track subjects.
Specialization is a choice of three tracks. Academic Track, Technical-Vocational
Livelihood Track and Arts and Design Track. The academic track includes 4 strands.
General Academic; Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM); Humanities
and social Sciences (HUMSS); and Sciences Technology, Engineering. Mathematics
• 5. Completing the enhanced Basic Education from Kindergarten,
elementary, Junior High School curriculum and the Specialized
Senior High School Program, a Filipino K-12 graduates is ready to
take his/her choice path: further education, employment or
entrepreneurship. The focus skills are the 21 st century skills namely:
Information media and technology skills, learning and innovation
skills, effective communication skills and life and career skills.

• B. Brunei Darussalam
– Brunei Durussalam starts with one year primary education and then 6
years of elementary education. Students take and should pass the end-of-
cycle public examination before they progress to diversified secondary
level. Secondary level has 2 categories-General Secondary Education
Program (2-3 years) and another 2-3 years of Upper Secondary education
where students are grouped according to their academic abilities, talents
and interests.
– In the General education Program of Brunei Darussalam, the
students take 4 core subjects and 3 complementary subjects and at
least 2 elective subjects with Science as one required elective. In
Brunei, students who excel academically can take secondary
education in 2 years. Differentiated and specialized education
responding to the different capabilities and interests of the learners
are the required secondary curriculum. Preschool in Brunei is a
playschool which aims to impart socio-emotional and personality
development for younf learners in an informal preschool program .
c. Canada
Canada follows the K to 12 educational curriculum with secondary
schooling or high school structure that varies within the province in
terms of inclusion of middle school or junior high school. Canada
usually starts with Kindergarten. By law, Canadians must be in school
starting ages 5 to 6 and remain in school until ages between 16 and 18
depending on the province or territory. All provinces and territory
provide universal, free and until secondary schooling of 12 years with
the exemption of Quebec where it offers education until 11 years.
– Elementary school includes Grade 1-6 in regions where there are 2 years of
middle school or junior high school, but those without middle or junior high
school have elementary until Grade 8. In Quebec, grade school is 6 years and
their students proceed immediately to high school.
– Secondary high school with middle school or junior high school, begins in
Grade 7 to Grade 12 and those without begin Secondary high school in Grade
– Post secondary education includes career college or vocational school,
community college.
D. Korea
The school system in Kores follows the 6-3-3-4 education ladder which is 6 years
elementary, 3 years of middle school and 3 years of high school and 4 years
either junior college, college or university to complete higher education.
High schools are in 2 categories-General High School and Vocational High School
although there are limited numbers of schools which offer both general and
vocational training which is known as “Comprehensive High School“. Korean
Kindergarten provides nurturing learning environment through various pleasant
activities and diverse teaching pedagogy. The Kindergarten or Early Childhood
curriculum includes physical, social, expression language and inquiry life areas.
• Elementary education in Korea is geared towards the acquisition of fundamentals
necessary for a productive civic life through nine principal subjects: moral education,
Korean language, Social Studies, Arithmetic, Natural Science, Physical Education, Music,
Fine Arts and Practical Arts.
• The Middle School curricula are a combination of 11 basic or required subjects, elective
subjects and extra-curricular activities. Blending of education and readiness for
occupation is reflected in the technical and vocational courses which are elective
subjects. Korean students may continue to High School and admission to High School
depends upon the result of high school entrance examination.
E. Malaysia
Malaysia education begins with Preschool where the medium of instruction is both
Malaysian and English. Preschool that use Tamil of Chinese as medium of instruction also
conduct teaching-learning process using Bahasa Malaysia and English. Malaysia offers a 2
year optional preschool for learners ages 4-5. Standards-based preschool curriculum for
personality development of young learners is being followed in Malaysia.
Elementary education is 6 years with a requirement of passing the public examination as
determining factor of the students‘ readiness to secondary or high school level.
Malaysia has 2 levels category for secondary or High School: lower secondary (level2) and
upper secondary (level 3). Lower secondary program offers general and undifferentiated
curriculum for 2-3 years. In the upper secondary 2 years, students take subjects according to
their appropriate streams(Arts, Science, technical and Religious.)
• F. Singapore
– Education in Singapore begins with Kindergarten or Preschool at the age of
4-6 years old. In Kindergarten, although not compulsory, a 3-4 hour provision
of language development, literary skills, basic number concepts, social skills,
creative skills and appreciation of music and movement is being provided to
the young learners. Mother tongue is also a part of the Kinder curriculum.
Mother tongue language includes Chinese, Malay, Tamil and Indian.
– Preschool is followed by six years of Primary Education. English language,
Mathematics, Mother Tongue Language are the significant subjects in the
primary education curriculum. Primary school has 2 stages- Foundation and
Orientation Stages. During Foundation Stage (Primary 1-4) students are
provided with strong foundation in English, Mother Tongue and
Mathematics. Orientation Stage (Primary 5-6) is the stage where students
are taught with Mathematics and Science appropriate to their level. At the
end of Primary 6, all students are assessed on their academic abilities
through the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). The result of the
PSLE will place the students in secondary school courses that suit their
academic learning pace and apt itude.
– At the secondary level, students may either go to Special
(Secondary 1-4 years), Express (Secondary 1-4 years), Normal
(Academic-secondary 1-5 years) courses depending on the
measured academic ability of the PSLE scores. These 4 streamed
courses offer highly differentiated curriculum. Special and
Express are four year courses which lead to Singapore-Cambridge
General Certificate of (GCE ‘O‘) Education (Ordinary Level)
examination. Students in the Normal (Academic) course take
academically based subjects while those in the normal(Technical)
course receive curriculum that is practice oriented. Students who
pass the(GCE ‘O‘) level examination at the end of 4 or 5 years of
secondary education can qualify for Junior College (2 years), a
Polytechnic (3 or 4 years) of a Pre-university centre (3 years).
Only those who pass the (GCE ‘A‘) level examination at the end of
Junior College 2, Pre-university 3 or polytechnic Year ¾ can enroll
in local university or to the National University of Singapore.
• G. United States
– The age of entry to compulsory education in the US
varies according to the state, between 5-7 years old with
6 years old being the most common as an entry age for
Kindergarten. Kindergarten Certificate is awarded to
allows learners‘ entry to Elementary School/Primary
– The length of primary education varies from four to
seven years depending on the States or local practice.
Likewise, certification or diploma may vary by
States/Districts for transition to Secondary School. Based
on its length, elementary education may be followed or
not by a number of years of middle school education
which is generally three years (Grades 4-6, 5-7, 6-8).
– High school (Grades 7-12or Grades 8-12) length program is six years
depending upon the laws and policies of states and local districts.
There are mandatory subjects in almost all US High Schools which
include Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Mathematics (Algebra,
Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics), English (Literature,
Humanities, Composition, Oral Language), Social Sciences (History,
Government, Economics), and Physical Education.
– High School students, usually during their Grade 11 take one or
more standardized tests depending on their education preferences
and also as requirements for admission to most Colleges. Most
common standardized test taken by Us students are Scholastic
Assessment Test (SAT) and American College Testing (ACT). High
School diploma is awarded upon completion of Grade 12 and the
diploma covers a variety of awards for different curricula and
standards like general/basic track, vocational and academic/college
Assessment Task 15

• Tabulate your significant findings on the K to

12 of Various Countries. Example:
Country Educational Ladder Important Features
Philippines 1-(Kinder), 6 (Elem) -Mandatory Kindergarten
4 (Junior High Sch) -Spiral approach in teaching Science & Math
2 (Senior High Sch) -Mother Tongue-based in Elem Educ.
-Academic and Technology Track in SHS.






United State
Chapter 7. Global Teacher:
Multiculturally Skilled
– Teaching profession is very demanding specifically if learners
are diverse. Global teachers must therefore be nurturing,
patient, and understanding of cultural diversities. Teachers
of multicultural classes deliver teaching and learning in the
familiar contexts of their learners and attend to their
multiple ways of thinking.


Teachers are often faced with diverse learners. The growing
diversity affects school climate and learners‘ educational
performance. In the US, noted growth of African-American,
Hispanic, Asian and American Indian population has changed
the racial and ethnic composition of learners in various
The Philippines, considered of education.
– The challenge of globalization goes with the
challenge of teacher education program on
multicultural education. Teachers‘ readiness for
multicultural education goes with their
knowledge, preparation, and understanding of the
culture, linguistics, economy and ethnic diverse
issues. Moreover, there is a great demand for
teachers teaching multicultural classes to
recognize identity, encourage respect and
promote mutual understanding across different
cultures and traditions.
Learning and
Innovation Skills

Inf dia, logy

Me hno
orm an Ski

Ca e a n d

ati d
Core Subjects and

21st Century Themes

Standards and

Curriculum and Instruction

Professional Development

Learning Environment
• According to P21, learning skills include:
1. Information and communication skills which include:
a. media literacy
b. information literacy
c. ICT literacy
information and media literacy skills refer to analyzing, accessing, managing,
integrating, evaluating, and creating information in a variety of forms and media.
Media and digital literacy belong to the 21st century learners.

2. Thinking and problem solving skills(Learning and Innovation Skills) which include:
a. Critical thinking
b. Creativity
c. Intellectual curiosity
Considering problem solving as a form of thinking and intellectual exercise is a
learning skills in the 21st century. The learners process learning through higher order
thinking skills. The learners are exposed to various idea creation techniques in order to
resolve a problem. Openness and responsiveness to new and diverse perspective
address intellectual curiosity.
• 3. Interpersonal and self-directional skills (Life and Career
Skills) which include:
A. Flexibility and adaptability
B. Initiative and self-direction
C. Social and cross-cultural skill
D. Productivity and accountability
E. Leadership and responsibility
According to P21, self-direction means monitoring one‘s
own understanding and learning needs; locating appropriate
resources and transferring learning from one domain to
another. Social responsibility, on the other hand is acting
responsibility to promote the interest of the larger community
and demonstrating ethical behavior in personal, workplace
and community contexts.
Role of Teachers Teaching Multicultural
• 1. Multicultural teacher uses multicultural approaches in curriculum
delivery. He expands the curriculum in acknowledgement of the experiences
of the diverse groups not only the point of view of the dominant group. The
teacher promote pluralism by reforming the education program like altering
the curricula to suit the needs of the learners. Teacher takes the
responsibility in helping the learners construct knowledge through the
individual belief, cultural and ethnic heritage or life experiences of the
learners most especially the minority group.
• 2. The multicultural teacher promotes good human relationship. The teacher
discourages prejudice by developing positive and caring attitude to people of
different races and ethnicities. The use of collaborative or cooperative
learning creates opportunities for the learners to interact and work with the
team. Social skills of both the dominant and minority groups are enhanced.
teachers‘ multicultural attitude has a very positive effect on the students.
• 3. Multicultural teacher promotes social
reform and cultural change.
– He advocates social equalities by modifying
teaching styles and approaches with the intent of
facilitating academic achievement for all students.
He leverages(influence) social and cultural
differences and works for creating new ideas and
being open-minded to different ideas and values
of his learners.
CHAPTER 8. Global Teachers: Active
Participants in various Exchange Programs

Why think of career exchange?

How can teacher exchange programs improve
teachers’ knowledge, skills and competencies?
– With the world’s new way of connectivity via technology, individuals,
institution, organizations, educators and administrators can easily access to
exchange programs that suit their needs in any part of the globe of their
– Teachers’ exchange programs have gained interest and have increased in
number and participation side by side with global awareness, internalization
of education and globalization of economy. Other than the great opportunity
to work abroad, Teacher Exchange programs have the following benefits:
– 1. acquisition of life changing personal and professional experience
– 2. career enhancing opportunities to gain new perspectives
– 3. exposure to new teaching methodologies; curricula and teaching expertise
– 4. better understanding of culture and language from professional colleagues
– 5. opportunity to develop international friendship and professional relations
• Fullbright Teacher Exchange Program
– This is the flagship international exchange program sponsored by the US
government which is designed to increase mutual understanding of the
people of the United States and people of other countries. It was
established by an act of Congress in 1946 which aims to provide
opportunities for teachers to participate in direct exchange of position
with colleagues from other countries for semester or academic year. It
also provides participants chosen for their academic merit and
leadership potentials opportunities to conduct research, exchange ideas
and contribute to problem solving of shared international concerns.
– Fullbright Teacher Exchange Program is named after Senator William
Fullbright and is sponsored by the US Department of States’ Bureau of
Educational and Cultural Affairs. The program hopes that by living and
working in the cultures of their host countries, the exchange teachers
gain understanding of the similarities and differences in national culture
and international education system. Some of the participating countries
are Czech Republic, France, Hungary, India, Mexico. Switzerland and
United Kingdom.
US-China Teacher Exchange Program (TEP)

• This program is funded by the Freeman Foundation and

administered by the National Committees on US-China
Relations (NCUSCR) and in China, by the China Education
Association for International Exchange (CEAIE). The US-
China Teachers Exchange Program has three target goals:
• 1. the enrich teacher and student understanding of the
other country and culture
• 2. To introduce or to strengthen Chinese studies in Us
• 3. To help improve English language instruction in
participating Chinese middle-schools
– Before Chinese teachers go for the exchange program, they are
given orientation and preparation for the new teaching
experience in the US. Part of the challenges of the program is
English proficiency and profound understanding of the culture,
tradition and situations of the US. Exposure to American
teaching methods is the highlight of the program.

– Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)

• The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) program started in 1987 when
848 university graduates form English speaking countries were invited
by the Japanese government. The purpose of the program is to
improve foreign language education and to promote international
exchange. Team teaching is the main feature of the program. The
collaboration is between a Japanese Teacher of English (JTE) and an
Assistant Language Teacher (ALT) teaching in an English class engaging
in communication activities. The presence of the JTE and ALT intensify
the English proficiency level of the Japanese students.
Alberta’s International Education Exchange
Program for Teachers
– The program supports full year and short term exchange
programs when participants spend a year (August-July)
teaching in United Kingdom or a calendar year of January
to December teaching in Australia. Participants have also
opportunities to teach in Canada. Switzerland, Germany
and Denmark. Just like other exchange program,
professional, cultural and logistics preparations are
deemed necessary. Having global perspective, gaining
international learnings and connecting with another part
of the world are the target objectives of Alberta Schools
in bringing in international educators.
CHAPTER 9: Global Teachers: Technology
and Digital Innovative
– Globalization and rapid increase in technology have put greater demands
on education and on the teachers. There is a great demand for global
teacher to be ICT literate, and to use technology and digital networks to
enhance their teaching-learning process.
– Being a teacher 21st Century is very challenging. Being faced with learners
who are digital natives spending most of their waking hours in
technological gadgets, in social networks and in digital games, the
teachers, therefore must reinvent themselves to make learning for
students interesting and stimulating.
– The rapid and constant pace of change in technology is a challenge not
only in business but also in education. Exposure and access of learners to
rich multimedia content, to the internet, to mobile devices, to social
networking is a reality that must be embraced and must be taken as
opportunity by teachers to improve teaching-learning process.
Assessment Task 16:
• What are the effects of Teacher Exchange
program to teacher education program and
global development.
Activity: Cause and Effect Diagram
• Fill in the cause and effect diagram to show how teacher
exchange program improve teacher’s competencies.
• Cause
• Engaging in Teacher Exchange Program
• Effect
• 1. Improvement in teaching competencies
• 2._________________________________
• 3._________________________________
• 4._________________________________
• 5._________________________________
– K to 12 and 21st Century teachers are demanded to be multi-
skilled, multi-literate and multi-specialists among other
things. The skills of K to 12 and 21st Century teachers go
beyond teaching content areas but also in facilitating and
organizing groups and activities. Use of technology like
networking encourages collaboration and engagement.
Facebook can be an avenue for group collaboration.
Providing students ethical guidelines in the use of the social
networking sites can build among them collaborative
leaning communities. Multi-literacy means teachers’ know-
how in using various technologies in teaching.
• With students’ vast exposures to technology

Teachers should strive to learn the use of technology in the

classroom. Technology can enhance students’ potential even more if they
are provided opportunities to experience explicit, interactive, and
engaging technology aided instruction. K to 12 and 21 st century teachers
find ways to engage students on a technology level, stimulating them and
enhancing their levels of learning by using computers and digital media.
Education is lifelong process and when resources are available 24x7, just a
mouse link away, discovering new knowledge and self-updating is easy.
Teachers cannot be just a specialist of his/her major subject since there
are free and readily accessible educational tools on the web. There are
websites with resources on a variety of subjects which can be used for
effective teaching and learning. There are online tutorials and video sites
(teachertube, videojug, you tube) mind mapping software, online
dictionaries, references, thesaurus, PowerPoint libraries online and music
and arts lessons which can help teachers to be specialists of other
content areas.
• The Technology and Digitized Teachers
Gone are the days when teacher stood in
front of the students holding a chalk to write on
the board, with manila papers posted on one
side of the blackboard with the students
passively listening lectures. Today, the classroom
is an interactive world where the teacher and
the students engage in technology aided
What are some of the latest and greatest
inventions in computers and digital media which
can be of great help to an innovative teacher?
• 1. Projectors
Projectors are used to enable students to see larger version of the
teachers’ documents presented through PowerPoint presentation. Moreover,
this tool can also project teachers’ use of educational website. Projected
document can easily facilitate students’ note taking.
• 2. Interactive White Boards
SMART BOARDS and MIMEO BOARDS are interactive white boards
which can be used by teachers and students in manipulating text, objects and
in visiting websites for content review. Other multimedia resources and
websites compatible with multimedia white boards are also available for
teachers’ use. SMART BOARDs can also come in package of activities and
programs that are very helpful for teachers.
• 3. Websites and Blogs
Teachers can now create their own websites and blogs to post lectures,
assignments, additional content or even communication to parents.
Different websites offer multiple representations of knowledge
(video, audio, text, image, data). Online resources accessed through internet
can complement and supplement teachers’ subject matter.
• 4. Audio and Video
Video technology now includes VHS tapes and DVDs with digital video via
server or web-based options such as streamed video from You Tube.
Songs are also downloadable in the internet.
Teachers who need visuals and audio support for instruction can easily
access through technology.
The video phone service Skype can be used by teachers in allowing learners
to connect with other learners in other parts of the country or the world.
• 5. Computers, Tablets and Mobile Devices
Access to websites and other educational programs can be done through
computers, tablets and mobile phones. Teachers use their computers and tablets
to make PowerPoint presentation, to do Microsoft Word and to store important
data and images in their file.
• 6. Social Networks
Social networking tools like Facebook, Email, and Twitter have academic
benefits if used for the purposes of assignments and class projects.
The world is becoming paperless and environment conscious thus
assignments, written compositions and researches can be submitted through
• Free Internet Tools for Education
Teachers can use various and variety of internet tools to design
for an effective and engaging teachers-students interaction.
Below are some free tools that teachers can use for instructional
• 1. Firefox
• 2. Google Reader
• 3. Gmail
• 4. Skype
• 5. I Google
• 6. You Tube
• 7. Word press
• 8. eXe
• 9. Moodle
• 10. Twitter
• How can teacher benefit from technology aided instruction?

1. Teacher can save time and money because of the easy access to course
materials- Teachers can make use of course materials on websites very quickly at
any time or location convenient for them.
2. Students are motivated by computer based, screens and digital materials
and technology aided instruction.
3. Teachers can use technology as an avenue for extended learning.
Assignments can be given online and students can use various online resources.
Teachers can even give research using the internet, email and social media for
4. Technology can also cater to personalized and differentiated instruction.
Preparation of learning plan may vary because the teachers can utilized various
and variety of course wares and computer programs that are available. Preparation
of technology aided instruction can be adapted to the different learning levels and
styles of the target learners. Technology makes it possible to pace lessons
according to the levels and intelligences of learners.
5. Technology allows teachers creativity in organizing and presenting lessons.
Ingenuity of the teacher is challenged in making multimedia presentations.
Chapter 10. The Professional Teachers:
Conformers of Legal and Constitutional

• The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

• (Use the slide for RA 4670)

Chapter 1. The Family as an Institution
Art. 149. The family, being the foundation of the nation, is a basic
social institution which public policy cherishes and protects.
Consequently, family relations are governed by law and no
custom, practice or agreement destructive of the family shall be
recognized or given effect.
Art. 150. Family relations include those:
1. Between husband and wife;
2. Between parents and children
3. Among other ascendants and descendant;
4. Among brother and sisters, whether of the full or half blood
• Art. 151. No suit between members of the
same family shall prosper unless it should
appear from the verified complaint or petition
that earnest efforts toward a compromise
have been made, but that the same have
failed. If it is shown that no such effort were in
fact made, the case must be dismissed.
• This rule shall not apply to cases which may
not be the subject of compromise under the
civil code.
Chapter 2- The Family Home
• Art 152. The family home, constituted jointly by the
husband and the wife or by an unmarried head of a
family, is the dwelling house where they and their family
reside, and the land on which it is situated.
• Art. 153. The family home is deemed constituted on a
house and lot from the time it is occupied as a family
residence. From the time of its constitution and so long
as any of its beneficiaries actually resides therein, the
family home constitutes to be such and is exempt from
execution, forced sale or attachment except as
hereinafter provided and to the extent of the value
allowed by law.
• Art 154. The beneficiaries of a family home are:
• 1. the husband and wife, or an unmarried person who
is the head of a family; and
• 2. their parents, ascendant, descendants, brothers and
sisters, whether the relationship be legitimate or
illegitimate, who are living in a family home and who
depend upon the head of the family for legal support.
• Art 155. The family home shall be exempt from
execution, forced sale or attachment except:
• 1. for nonpayment of taxes;
• 2. for debts incurred prior to the constitution of the
family home.
• 3. for debts secured by mortgages on the premises
before or after such constitution;
• 4. for debts due to laborers, mechanics, architecs,
builders, materialmen and others who have
rendered service or finished material for the
construction of the building.
• Art 156. The family home must be part of the
properties of the absolute community or the
conjugal partnership, or of the exclusive properties
of either spouse with the latter’s consent. It may
also be constituted by an unmarried head of a
family on his or her own property.

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