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Media Folio


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1) The front cover and 2) The front page and
contents page of a contents of a new music
magazine, as well as a
new college double page spread (the
magazine featuring a DPS must link back to
photograph (medium the key image on your
close-up) of a front cover).
student, plus some
appropriately laid out There must be a minimum of
FOUR images per magazine,
text and masthead. which you must have taken
My college magazine was less planned than my A bulk of the time spent on my music magazine was on
music magazine and was therefore put together both research and scrap-booking The shooting of my
with very little planning. pictures was quite quick and simple although photo-
shopping them was a longer process.
The shooting of the cover image was also The entirety of my music magazine (front cover, contents
unplanned and very quick to do. page and double page spread) was planned and sketched
out in my scrapbook before I began work on the computer.
The other images were taken spur of the moment
and so the majority of my time on this part of my During my coursework lessons I photo-shopped my images
folio was spent on the practical side of things and and when at home I put together my magazine in a solid 8
putting the magazine together. hour chunk of work time using Quark on my mum·s
I analysed both my choices and my reasons for these
choices in my scrapbook and my research and style models
were accompanied by in-depth analysis· on the style and
the items in my research that I had taken inspiration from.





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!ollege Magazine:- My college Music Magazine:- These images were

taken a lot more seriously and all
magazine key image was shot included my friends who reluctantly
in the college gallery using my made up my band: RO! RDOLS.
friends as models. The other These were also shot at college but at
images were taken at home various different locations that were
and were of inanimate objects relevant to the shots. My initial
pictures were not particularly great
± a lot easier to work with than and I re-shot the majority of them
my friends. although I did include some of the
original shots in my work.

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For my college magazine I used Microsoft Word and didn¶t For µThe Pit¶ I used Quark to publish my magazine. I
alter any of my images. also heavily photo-shopped three images.
Putting my magazine together on Word was easy to some The in-class tutorial introduced me to the basic skills
extent but laying out the text how I wanted was difficult needed to use Quark and help from technologically
with only the use of the usual Microsoft conventions. minded aided me greatly.
I used my mum¶s laptop for the making of this magazine
PhotoShop skills were also taught to me by friends
as the college computers were always booked up and
busy and it was simpler to do the work at home on her
who also solved any problems I had with using it.
Acer. I used the college computers for my photo-shopping
but my mum¶s laptop again for the making of my
magazine after downloading a Quark trial. The only
My blog was simple to use and update although
hitch here was that I was working on a newer version
uploading images and powerpoints etc. required the
of the software and had to export it into version 7 for
use of a site such as This was also
use on college computers.
easy enough to use and there were no hitches with
this aspect of my coursework.





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My blog could ave been given a lot more attention
and a lot more effort altoug if it ad been given
tis time, my scrapbook would likely ave suffered
a lack of attention.

 am proud of my music magazine as a lot of effort

and attention went into tis piece of my

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