HR06 OB: Individual in The Organization Movie Matinee

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HR06 OB: Individual in the organization

Movie Matinee

Group No. 6
M2020HRM011Aman Kumar Singh
M2020HRM029Jayesh Kumar Kumbhare
M2020HRM033 Mahendra Raju
M2020HRM046Raja Barenya Krushna Sahoo
M2020HRM054Prafulla Saravade
The Internship

1. A movie with OB Concepts vis a vis OCB, Diversity, Personality

Types, and Motivation Theories
2. Corporate Setup
3. ASA Model
4. Google had some of the best practices
5. Diversity
6. Leadership
7. Fitting into org w/o losing individuality
8. Vroom’s line of thinking
9. Stages of Group Development
Better picture she loves wala

1. Cognitive dissonance
1. Take the les satisfying job: Maslow lower
order needs
2. Hertzberg's motivation-hygiene theory
3. Responses to Dissatisfaction framework-
1. Core self-evaluation
2. Galatea Effect
3. Personality Type- Risk Taking
1. Importance of diversity- Experience &
2. Overcoming stereotyping bias
1. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
2. Hertzberg's motivation factors
Social needs

Security needs
Basic needs
1. MBTI - Extroversion Vs Introversion
2. Selective perception
1. Self Categorisation
1. Job Competency JCM
1. Negative Reinforcement Theory.
2. Operant conditioning
Slide by M Raju
1. Dark Triad
2. Contrast Effect
1. Overconfidence Bias
1. Transformational Leadership
2. Self efficacy Theory- verbal persuasion
3. Pygmalion effect
1. International Value- Power Distance
 Good team dynamics are seen after the
night of bonding and is visibe in the form
of coordination and trust in the next

 Group Cohesion
 When Billy is required to
upskill L&D. Head of search
helps him

 He discovers billy’s skill to

be an effective leader

 Situation strength theory- 4C

Billy, under stress is not able to
perform customer experience task.
This shatters his dream. He lets his
team down. Leaves the team
owning the responsibility.
Apologizes to the team openly.

 Failure to perform Leadership

Responsibilities demotivates billy and
makes him underconfident and
doubtful of his own skills
Nick convinces Billy motivates him in
the crucial time.

 All 4 ways of increasing Self efficacy used in this


 Enactive Mastery

 Vicarious Modeling

 Verbal Persuasion

 Arousal
Sales is Billy internal motivation, he does it
straight from the heart that's why he is
good at it.

 Impact of Motivation in increasing Self-

1. Procedural Justice
 Diversity and Inclusion in
Organizational Behavior of an
Individual at Workplace
Stages of Group Development

Stage 1 : Forming Stage 2 : Storming Stage 3 : Norming

Stage 4: Performing Stage 5 : Adjourning

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