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Head and neck

Part -1
Head and neck arteries
Two aterial systems supply head and neck

1.carotid system 2.Subclavian system

Supply  Supply
Lower neck
Upper neck and  Deep neck

head  Inside of cranium

 Shoulder
 Upper limb
 thorax
Subclavian artery
1.carotid system

 Begins with two common carotid arteries

(left and right)
 Having different origin
 Right common carotid artery arise from
branchiocephalic artery behind sternoclavicular
 left common carotid artery arise from arch of aorta
in superior mediastinum
 Common carotid artery runs upward through the neck within
carotid sheath (closely related to internal jugular vein and vagus
 Under cover of anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
from sternoclavicular joint to the upper margins of thyroid
 Incarotid tringle ( at upper margins of thyroid cartillage) it
devides into external and internal carotid a.
Carotid Sinus
 At the point of devision,
The terminal part of c.c.a or the beginning of internal
c.a or The terminal part of c.c.a plus the
beginning/origin of internal c.a shows dilation
 This dilated area called as carotid sinus
Carotid Sinus
 Wall of the sinus is thin because of
Relatively thin tunica media
 Thick tunica adventitia (tunica externa) contains
numerous neve endings derived from
glossophyrngeal nerve
Function of Carotid Sinus
 Serve as baroreceptor (reflex pressoreceptor)
Carotid body
 Small area
 Lies posterior to the point of bifurcation of
common carotid a.
Or in the angle of bifurcation
 Innervated by glossophyrngeal nerve

(and possibly supplemented by vagus nerve)

 Function=serve as chemoreceptor
External carotid artery
 Supplies

1. Structures in neck
2. Face
3. Scalp
4. Tongue and maxilla
External carotid artery
 Itbegins at the upper border of thyroid cartillage
 Terminates in the substance of parotid gland

Posterior to the mandible by deviding into maxillary

and superficial temporal arteries
superior lyrngeal artery
Superior thyroid artery curves downward to the
upper pole of thyroid cartillage and gives off
superior lyrngeal a.
 Pierce thyrohyoid membrane
 Superior thyroid artery descends in company with
external lyrngeal artery
 external lyrngeal artery supplies circothyroid
Superior thyroid artery
 Supplies lyrnx and thyroid gland
Ascending phyrngeal artery

 Supplies
 The phyrngeal walls
Lingual artery
 Supplies
 The Tongue
Facial artery
 Supplies
 Tonsils
 Muscleand skin of face
 Submandibular gland
Occipital artery
 supplies
 Back of scalp

posterior auricular artery

And scalp
Superficial temporal artery
 Supplies Scalp in company with auriculotemporal
nerve( branch of mandibular devision of
trigemminal nerve)
temporal artery
 Small terminal branch of
external carotid artery
 Ascends over zygomatic
Superficial tempora artery can be palpated just in front of
auricle /ear
Maxillary artery
 Supplies

1. The Upper and the lower jaw

2. The Muscles of mastication
3. The Nose
4. The Palate
5. The Meninges inside the skull
Maxillary artery
 Larger terminal branch
of external carotid
 Runs forward
 Deep to the neck of
 It proceeds across the
infratemporal fossa
 Enters the
pterygopalatine fossa
Middle meningeal artery
 Branch of maxillary
 Enters the skull
through foramen
spinosum.runs laterally
and devides into
anterior and posterior

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