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Maria, Lainey, Rebecca, Jen, Gabby and Sallie

Target Segment 1: Parents

Why they need email:

- Use email to keep track of what different brands are selling in terms of
baby products
- Sign up for promotions, coupons, offers, and subscriptions
- Does Not have the time to search the internet and look through
thousands of baby companies, can be overwhelming - needs to be told
this is the best one, buy this product
- Checks email multiple times daily, easy and quick access on phone

What they should get from Sense-U:

- Emails about the latest products
- Emails explaining clearly what the product is and why it will be useful
to her
- Emphasis on how new parents can keep a close eye on baby and
monitor movement
Target Segment 2: Friends of Parents

Why they need email:

- All their friends are having babies/baby showers and
have been looking for different gift ideas
- Wants to make sure they're buying useful gifts the
parent will actually use
- Subscribes to different baby company email lists and
blogs to see what the newest and best baby gifts are

What they should get from Sense-U

- Emails about this innovative product
- Customer testimonials & parent reviews
- Promotions and offers for this gift
- Emails about how every parent should use this,
emphasis on safety aspect and how it is easy to use
Target Segment 3: Grandparents

Why they use email:

- Deals and coupons
- Subscribes to baby/kid companies to buy gifts for grandchildren
- Loves spending time with grandchildren and wants them safe at all
- Wants to help take some stress off of kids/new parents of the babies

What they should get from Sense-U:

- Offers and promotions
- Emphasis on safety and how it can help new parents
- Videos on how to use/show how easy it is to use
- Parent reviews
- Explain how you can stream video footage and watch baby
Stages of Customers- Before Buying
● First time customers that enter information upon coming to the website to get a discount
● What they want..
○ Reassurance that this is the right product
○ Background research
○ Discount
● Email will include..
○ 10% off coupon
○ 1st time user testimonials
○ Overview of product/key features
Stages of Customers- After Purchase
● Want to encourage them to be return customers and feel like a part of the community
● What they want..
○ Community feel
○ More discounts
○ Information about other offerings
● Email will include..
○ Links to blog posts
○ Points rewards for creating an account
○ Discount for leaving a review
○ “We think you might like” section
○ First look at new product releases
Stages of Customers- Cart Abandoners
● People who left without completing a purchase
● What they want..
○ More research about the product
○ Lower price
○ Encouragement
● Emails will include..
○ Reminder of 30 day refunds
○ “Have your eye on something?”
○ Coupons/notice of sales
○ Highlight customer reviews and accomplishment of the brand/products
Email Offers

Offer 1: Buy one product from Sense-U and get a promo code for $10 off your next purchase
● This is mostly for new parents
● One time offer
Offer 2: Subscribe to our newsletter for 10% off your first purchase and be the first to know
about special deals and coupons
● Targeted towards all segments; option to save money with minimal effort
● Both one time and ongoing offer
Offer 3: After your 4th purchase, become a VIP and receive free shipping and discounts on
future purchases
● Targeted mainly towards daycares who will be purchasing more than one product
● Ongoing offer
Drip #1: First Timer

● Within a few days: “Hey there, we saw you browsing our site.
Your first purchase with Sense-U Baby you get 10% off your
● Within a week after: Provide more information on Sense-
U, the different baby monitors and what makes it stand
out from different baby monitors.
● Within two weeks later: Provide them with some
testimonials of why people purchase with Sense-U.
Drip #2: Social Media Contest
● Within a few days: “How are liking your new Sense-U
baby monitor? To show us how much you love your
baby monitor snap a pic!”
● Within a week: “Show us your baby’s cool moves
wearing your baby monitor by snapping a video. We
will feature on our Instagram story and you will be
enter into raffle for some rewards!”
● Within another week: “Missed last week’s contest? Not
a problem we have giveaway for a new product all you
need to do is:
○ Follow us on Instagram
○ Follow us on Facebook
○ Like us on Twitter
○ Post a Instagram story of your baby and tag us
and two friends”
Drip #3: That Time of Year for a Baby Shower!

● After one week: “Check out our guide for the best gift for
your friend’s or relative’s baby shower! Get the best tips in
order to get a great Sense-U gift today!”
● After another week: “Still looking for the ultimate baby
monitor, get the Sense-U baby monitor in order to help
those new parents with one less worry!”
● After another week: “It’s that time of year when you may
have some baby shower gifts to buy. You are just in time for
our Memorial Day sale where you can get 15% off your
The Mechanics

Easy to use
Features for design

New Parents
Friends / Family of New Parents
Potential Influencers
Subscribers to overall Sense-U
Babysitters / Nannies
Subscription Forms
Sample Landing Page

First to know about discounts and new


Videos showing how to use the new


Infographics giving helpful tips about

Promotion-SEO to Email Links
● Keywords: baby health monitor
● The best baby health monitor for you and your baby!
● Sense-U only has three backlinks and all of their domain
authority is fairly low (range 7-17)
● Competitor OwletCare has 374 backlinks and a lot with really
high domain authority.
○ Digital Freedom Fund - Medium
○ Daily Mail
○ C Net

● Facebook to email sign ups

● Twitter to email sign ups
● Instagram to email sign ups
● Youtube to email sign ups
● We will also make sure our
emails are shareable so
customers are more likely to
share with friends or family
Forward metrics:
● Increase our quarterly earnings by 20%
● Increase number of newsletter subscribers by 10%
● Increase number of users with an account by 15%

Backwards metrics:
● Increase number of reviews on Amazon by 15%
● Increase customer satisfaction rates by 20%
The End

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