AIDS 2010 and Resources Available To Support Your Coverage of AIDS 2010 (Regina Aragon,)

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AIDS 2010 and 

Resources Available to Support

Your Coverage of AIDS 2010

Regina Aragon, AIDS 2010 Communications

Overview of Presentation

Key themes at AIDS 2010

Onsite Media Centre
Tools to help you navigate the
Embargo policy

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Key Themes at AIDS 2010

A pivotal moment in time for the global

response to HIV
Goal of universal access by 2010 set by world
Convincing evidence that universal access is
achievable, based on recent scale up
Mounting evidence that HIV scale up leads
contributes to broader benefits, including TB
incidence, maternal and child health and
stronger health systems
Evidence-based prevention is key, and
treatment is part of the prevention tool kit

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Key Themes at AIDS 2010

An evidenced-based response is key.

This includes:
Access to proven interventions for people
who inject drugs
• The Vienna Declaration: A call for drug policies
based on science, rather than ideology. Over
5,000 signatures in two weeks.
Targeting of resources to most at risk
populations, including men who have sex
with men, sex workers
Targeting of young people (under 25)

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Key Themes at AIDS 2010

Human rights is foundational to an effective

response to HIV; not peripheral or
This includes addressing social norms around
gender and young women and girls’ economic
and educational opportunities
Enabling environment is not just about laws; it’s
about leadership
• Lifting the veil of stigma
• Global Forum on MSM (600+) participants

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Key Themes at AIDS 2010

 Are there greater efficiencies that will allow us to do

more with existing resources?
Task shifting and other efforts to reduce the human
costs of care
Combination treatments
Towards a New Paradigm Satellite (13:30 in SR 6)
 The limits of efficiency– future of AIDS financing
Global Fund Replenishment (October)
G8 and G20 leadership
Abuja Declaration – at least 15% on health
Innovative financing

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Onsite Media Centre

Located in Hall A
Support to working journalists, including:
WiFi and computers, USB cords and printers
Information booth, including interview manager
Document Centre
Three press conference rooms, two with simultaneous
• Official Daily Press Conference at 11:00, M-F
• Opening Press Conference on Sunday at 16:00
Tables for 3rd party materials and information booths for
organizing partners (e.g. UNAIDS)
Media Kits (see website, in ENG, GER & RUSS)
Interview and meeting rooms for use (restricted access)

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Tools to Help You Navigate AIDS 2010

Media Kit
Programme highlights document
New Science at AIDS 2010 Fact Sheet (as of Sat)
Fact sheets on EECA, Austria
Information on Programme Activities
Kaiser Foundation HIV/AIDS Reporting Manual
Other printed materials
Daily News Bulletin
Daily press releases

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Tools to Help You Navigate AIDS 2010

Online Resources
• Abstracts, session slides or speeches
• Roadmaps
• Rapporteur reports
Social media (blog, Facebook, Twitter)
Webcasts (60+ sessions), as well as podcasts
(ENG and RUSS) and English transcripts
Online scientific partners: Clinical Care Options
and NAM (access through the conference

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Media Embargo Policy

 Abstracts may not be published or reported on before

date and time of their presentation
 What does this mean?
 For oral abstracts: start of the session in which the abstract is
being presented.
 For poster exhibition abstracts: 08:00 (Central European Time) on
the day the poster is presented.
 For poster discussion abstracts: 08:00 (Central European Time)
on Monday, 19 July 2010.
 For electronic posters/abstracts published on the AIDS 2010 CD-
ROM only: 13:00 (Central European Time) on Saturday, 17 July
 This policy has been communicated to all abstract

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