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Madhura Rasa

Dr Deepti Patil
• Sweet is one of the basic taste and is almost
universally regarded as a pleasurable
• Foods rich in simple carbohydrates such as
sugar are those most commonly associated
with sweetness.
• Considered as Aajanma satmya
• Comes under Soumya &Avidhahi Rasa

• “मधु यावत् पिबाम्यहम् ।”

• “मधु मन्यन्ते विशेषेण जानन्ति जना यस्मिन् ।”

Local action of Madhura Rasa

• तेषां विद्याद्रसं स्वादु यो वक्रमनुलिम्पति आस्वाद्यमानो देहस्य

ह्लादनीऽक्षप्रसादनः । प्रियः पिपीलिकादीनाम्…….॥ (अ.हॄ.सू.१०/२-

Generalized effect of Madhura Rasa
• Acc to Charaka:

शरीर सात्म्य, सप्तधातुवर्धन, आयुष्यः षडिन्द्रियप्रसादन, बलवर्णकर,

पित्तविषमारुतघ्न, तॄष्णदाह प्रशमन, त्वच्य, के श्य, कण्ट्य, बल्य, प्रीणन,
जीवन, तर्पण, बॄंहण, स्थैर्यकर, क्षीणक्षत संधानकर,
घ्राणमुखकण्टोष्टजिह्वाप्रह्लादन, दाहमूर्च्छप्रशमन, षटपदपिपीलिकानिमिष्टतमः
स्निग्ध शीतो गुरुश्च ॥
Madhura Rasa Gunas

1. Snigdha

2. Sheeta

3. Guru
Bhoutik Composition of Rasa
its Assessment
Rasa Charaka Susruta Vagbhata Nagarjuna

Madhura Ap+prithvi Prithvi+Ap Prithvi+Ap Prithvi+Ap

Dosha & Dushya Sambanda Rasa Effect on Shamana Effect on
prakopa effect dhatus

01 Madhura Kapha Vata-pitta Dhatu

prakopaka shamaka vriddhi
Madhura Rasa in Oushada & Ahara
• In Pittaja disorders- tikta, madhura & kashaya
• In vataja disorders- lavana, amla & madhura
• Madhura rasa in prathama avastha.
• Tackles the ill effect of lavana, amla, katu rasa
also ushna and vidahi aspect of food items.
Atisevanajanya Vikara
• स्थौल्य, मार्धव, आलस्य, अतिस्वप्न, गौरव, अनन्नाभिलाष,
अग्निदौर्बल्य, आस्यकण्ट्यमांसाभिवॄद्दि, श्वास, कास, प्रतिश्याय,
अलसक, शीतज्वर, आनह, आस्यमाधुर्य, वमथु, सं..स्वरप्रणाश,
गलगण्ड, गण्डमाल, श्लीपद, गलशोफ, बस्तिधमनीगलोपलेप, अक्ष्यामय,
अभिष्यन्द, कफजविकार ।
Taste Threshold Degree of Taste
0-1400ml Madhura
1401-2800ml Madhura tara
2801-4200ml Madhura tama
Method of testing taste threshold
5gm of powdered drug

10ml of distilled water

Mixed thoroughly


One drop of filtrate is

applied over tongue
Examples of sweet substances
• Chemical compounds, such as Aldehydes,
Ketones are sweet.
• Among common biological substances, all of
the simple carbohydrates are sweet to at least
some degree.
• Sucrose (table sugar) is the prototypical
example of a sweet substance.

• Some of the amino acids are mildly sweet.

• Alanine, Glycine, and Serine are the sweetest.

• The most well-known example is glycyrrhizin,

the sweet component of licorice root, which is
about 30 times sweeter than sucrose.
• Another commercially important example is
stevioside, from the South American shrub
Stevia rebaudiana. It is roughly 250 times
sweeter than sucrose and an Elepus is over 4
times as sweet as that.
• Hen egg lysozyme, an antibiotic protein found
in chicken eggs is also sweet.
Taste Buds
• Taste buds contain the receptors for taste. They are
located around the small structures on the upper
surface of the tongue, soft palate, upper esophagus
and epiglottis, which are called papillae.
• These structures are involved in detecting the taste
Via small openings in the tongue epithelium, called
taste pores.

• Parts of the food dissolved in saliva come into

contact with taste receptors.
• These are located on top of the taste receptor
cells that constitute the taste buds.

• The taste receptor cells send information

detected by clusters of various receptors and
ion channels to the gustatory areas of the brain
via the seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves.
• On average, the human tongue has 2,000–
8,000 taste buds.

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