Academic Reading

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Skimming is the reading technique used to
prepare for reading the entire selection
thoroughly. Sometimes called previewing,
skimming is not a substitute for thorough
reading, just as watching a movie preview is no
substitute for experiencing the entire film.
While Skimming, you try to detect in advance important
keys to the authors meaning like sub-headings, topic
sentences, words in bold or italics and summaries.
o Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of
a text.
o Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster
than normal reading.
o People often skim when they have lots of material to
read in a limited amount of time.
The techniques of Skimming:
1. Read the title and subtitle of the material.
2. Read the first paragraph completely.
3. Examine each subheading within the text.
Change each one into a question.
4. Seek the answer to each subheading question
by reading just the first sentence of each
paragraph below it. Do not advance to the next
subheading question until you find your answer .
5. Examine all illustrations – photos, charts, maps,
figures, tables, diagrams and other illustrations.
6. Look for highlighted words and phrases.
7. If your eyes catch any unfamiliar words while
you are Skimming, write them down on a piece of
8. Read the last paragraph completely.
Scanning is the reading technique you use when you
look for specific information from materials you do not
intend to read from start to finish. Scanning is also
useful in looking significant factual data – names,
dates, quotes, definitions, formulas.
o Scanning is technique you often use when looking
up a word in the telephone book or dictionary.
o You search for key words or ideas.
o Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down
the page seeking specific words and phrases.
Steps in Scanning:
1. Before you start, think about the data you want to find.
2. Think about the data you are seeking are likely to look.
3. Allow your eyes to drift over the text without actually
reading it.
4. Do not forget to check graphic materials – pictures,
illustrations, maps or graphs – and their captions for the data.
5. If you fail to find what you want after an initial scan, go
back and examine the table of contents, indices, chapter,
headings, and subheadings, topic sentences and highlighted
words to narrow the search for your next scan.
Browsing is the sort of reading where readers do not
have any particular goals for reading and parts of a text
maybe skipped fairly randomly and there is little need to
integrate the information.
Skimming and Scanning are different from Browsing: o
Skimming involves looking rapidly over a text for the
gist or essence of it.
o Scanning involves looking rapidly for key words,
searching for a specific answer.
o Browsing, at its worst, can be hopping between pages
and sites aimlessly, driven by a lack of concentration.
Let’s Practice!
What is scanning?
Quickly reading over a text to get the general
Quickly reading over a text to find some
specific information which is focused upon.
Taking the time to understand the whole text
in depth.
What is skimming?
Quickly reading over a text to get the
general gist.
Quickly reading over a text to find a
specific piece of information which is
focused upon
Taking the time to understand the
whole text in depth.
Looking up the meaning of a word in the
Dictionary is an example of.
Looking through a magazine to check what
articles to read is an example of ________

 Let’s try to answer the question:

When Tiger won the US masters in 1997, he was only 21

years old. In winning, he broke lots of records. He won the
title by 12 strokes, which was the biggest ever victory at the
US masters. He also became the youngest champion in 61
At what age did Tiger Woods first win the US Masters?
 Skim this text in less than 5 seconds and choose the
correct option:

When Tiger won the US masters in 1997, he was only

21 years old. In winning, he broke lots of records. He
won the title by 12 strokes, which was the biggest
ever victory at the US masters. He also became the
youngest champion in 61 years.
This article is about Tiger Woods' victory on the golf
This article is about different types of sports.
An extract from 'The path that led nowhere'

The mist clouded Harry's view as he woke up early that morning. Looking
out of his sash window, he had expected to be greeted with the promised
view of rolling hills and animals grazing in the meadow below. Instead, the
mist meant that he couldn't see for more than 20 metres.Harry had looked
forward to his annual holiday. Working hard in the city centre, the daily
grind had started to get to him and he had had little time for pleasures such
as relaxation. The holiday had been booked for weeks. He had looked
forward to a country retreat, far away from the hustle and bustle of work.
This apartment in an eighteenth-century mansion had caught his eye as it
promised exquisite cuisine, beautiful interior decor and a range of country
pursuits such as clay pigeon shooting and horse riding.
This Sunday morning though, many activities were cancelled due to
the low lying mist. Anxious not to let the day slip away, Harry decided
that a walk through the nearby forest would enable him to relax. So he
set off just after breakfast.He headed towards the forest with a small
packed lunch in case the mist prevented him from returning to the
mansion before lunchtime. As he walked along the path, the twigs
snapped under his feet and the dew from the trees dripped on to his
shoulder. Harry heard the birds sitting in the trees above him, letting
him know that he wasn't alone.He had been told about a clearing in the
middle of the forest that would greet him with a comfortable bench,
often used in the warmer summer months. Harry thought he was
heading in the right direction but, over an hour later, he still hadn't
reached it. By now he was getting worried. Another hour passed...then
another hour...he was still walking amongst the tall oak trees.
He decided to rest and sat on a fallen tree to enjoy his lunch. An
extract from 'The path that led nowhere' The mist clouded Harry's
view as he woke up early that morning. Looking out of his sash
window, he had expected to be greeted with the promised view of
rolling hills and animals grazing in the meadow below. Instead,
the mist meant that he couldn't see for more than 20 metres.Harry
had looked forward to his annual holiday. Working hard in the
city centre, the daily grind had started to get to him and he had
had little time for pleasures such as relaxation. The holiday had
been booked for weeks. He had looked forward to a country
retreat, far away from the hustle and bustle of work.
This apartment in an eighteenth-century mansion had caught his eye as it
promised exquisite cuisine, beautiful interior decor and a range of country
pursuits such as clay pigeon shooting and horse riding.This Sunday morning
though, many activities were cancelled due to the low lying mist. Anxious not to
let the day slip away, Harry decided that a walk through the nearby forest would
enable him to relax. So he set off just after breakfast.He headed towards the forest
with a small packed lunch in case the mist prevented him from returning to the
mansion before lunchtime. As he walked along the path, the twigs snapped under
his feet and the dew from the trees dripped on to his shoulder. Harry heard the
birds sitting in the trees above him, letting him know that he wasn't alone. He had
been told about a clearing in the middle of the forest that would greet him with a
comfortable bench, often used in the warmer summer months. Harry thought he
was heading in the right direction but, over an hour later, he still hadn't reached it.
By now he was getting worried. Another hour passed...then another hour...he was
still walking amongst the tall oak trees. He decided to rest and sat on a fallen tree
to enjoy his lunch.
Skim the text and answer this questions.
1: This piece of text can be described as:
( ) informative
( ) persuasive
( ) instructive
( ) descriptive
2: The weather in this story can best be described as:
( ) sunny
( ) misty
( ) humid
( ) cold 3:
Why was Harry in the apartment?
( ) It was his own apartment.
( ) It was his parents' apartment.
( ) It was his best friend's apartment.
( ) He was on holiday.
4: At this hotel you can normally do clay pigeon shooting and horse riding.
( ) true
( ) false
5: This extract doesn't mention:
( ) the birds in the forest
( ) how Harry got to the hotel in the first place
( ) why Harry wanted to go to this hotel
( ) the weather
6: What kind of story is this?
( ) a romance
( ) a horror story
( ) a mystery
( ) a comedy
7: How many people are featured in this story?
( ) one
( ) three
( ) two
( ) four people and a dog
8: Which of these has the right events in the right order?
( ) Harry eats his lunch, then decides to go for a walk. However, he gets lost and has to stay
overnight at a hotel.
( ) Harry goes on holiday, decides to go for a walk, looks for a clearing but doesn't find it,
stops for lunch.
9: Apart from the birds, there were lots of animals in the forest.
( ) true
( ) false
( ) The text doesn't say.
10: By the end of this piece of text, Harry has found his way out of the forest.
( ) true
( ) false
Activity 2:
Cite one situation when you use the
scanning and skimming.

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