22.sonali Pandurang Gaikwad

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College Of

Minal Bhore
Student Name-
Sonali Pandurang
Roll No-22
Student Name-
Sarika Saudagar
Roll No-42
Project Name:
Coca Cola
We do not know the secret behind the success of
Coca-Cola but in starting when coca-cola
company launch in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia.
The company sold 1.9 billion servings each day,
but if we look at past the data before 133 years
shown that the company sold only nine servings
each day.
 “Our Roadmap starts with our mission,
which is enduring. It declares our purpose as
a company and serves as the standard against
which we weigh our actions and decisions. 
To refresh the world.  To inspire moments of
optimism and happiness.  To create value
and make a difference.”
Be a great place to work Portfolio: Bring
to the world a portfolio of quality
beverage brands Partners: Nurture a
winning network of customers and
suppliers, together we create mutual,
enduring value.
Interbrand’s global brands score card for2011
ranked coca cola the No: 1 brand in the world
brand estimated its brand value at $78.861
billion. Coca cola currently offers nearly 400
brands in over 200 countries or territories and
coca cola products “at rate of over 1.7 billion
serving each and every day”. 
Bring to the world a portfolio ofcustomer and
supplier, together we createmutual, enduring
value. Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean
and fast moving organization.
Marketing Strategy
We have to consider many elements when designing
the marketing strategy—these strategies related to
each other in such a way that they meet the company's
goals. Coca-Cola is one of the typical examples that
built its marketing strategy so that it is recognised and
liked all over the world. Its marketing strategy is that
they do proper analysis and research about the factors
and then apply it.
We define market segmentation so that
consumers who share the same set of needs and
demands and as a leading industry, you should
need to know the requirements and your target
market and how you fulfill and satisfy their
needs and wants.
Income and
family size
Income is another factor that is segmented, and
it is related to family size too. Coca-Cola
introduced different packaging and sizes at
different price levels so that everyone easily
affords it. Especially students, middle class, low
class so that everyone enjoys the taste of coke.
As we know, the Coca-Cola
Company sells its products globally
and in more than 200 countries.
They apply marketing strategies
according to income, culture,
customs, and climate.
PEST-Analysis of the
PEST analysis is abbreviated as
political, economic, social, and
technology; it analyzes the c
environment in which the company
operates its system.
Political Factor 
The government have proper control
and check on the procedures and
process of non-alcoholic beverages.
FDA (Food and drug administration)
controls this system. The changes in
the law have a strong influence as it
may cause-effect to tax. 
Economic factors play a
significant role, such as the
country's economic growth, what
Interest rates they offer, what
Exchange rates are going, and the
Inflation rate matters a lot. 
Societal factors 
Social factors play a significant role in
marketing. The health-conscious people
affect a lot of marketing of Coca-Cola
products. They prefer the diet coke over
regular Coca-Cola, and many people
switch from alcoholic beverages to non-
alcoholic because it is not suitable for
With the advancement in technology
and the utilisation of technology
tremendously increase the sales of
Coca-Cola. For example, company
use glass bottles then plastic bottles
and cans are utilised it becomes
easy for people to bin them easily.
Strategies of
Coca Cola
Product strategy 
Coca-cola has a wide range of products, and
they are soft drinks these products are offered
globally, and its product strategy can be
studied by marketing mix. The following are
products like Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Light,
Minute Maid, Coca-Cola Life, PowerAde
Zero, Coca-Cola Zero, and Sprite Fanta, etc.
Place strategy 
Coca-cola is the global industry, and they
have a vast network of distribution, their
products are sold in more than two-
hundred countries. They have six
operating regions: Latin America, Africa,
Europe, Pacific, Eurasia & North
Promotion strategy
Due to intense competition in the
market, Coca-Cola focuses on different
promotional and marketing strategies.
They mostly focus on aggressive
marketing. According to statistics, Coca-
Cola spent 4$ million in 2016, and in
2018 it spends 4.1$ million in promotion
of its brand.
Classic bottle
When the company was losing market in
1913, it arranged a global contest for
designing the bottle. The company's
primary purpose is to indicate to its
customers that Coca-Cola is the most
exceptional product and to be confused
by any other brown beverages.
Company font
and logo design
The company decided to write the logo in the
Spenserian script to differentiate from its
competitors. The recipe and logo remain the
same, but packaging modified with time. The way
the company uses its logo in marketing strategy
remains imprinted on consumers' minds for over a
hundred years.
In 2018 the company launched its campaign
share a coke in almost fifty countries, and this
campaign went very successful. They print
messages, images of celebrities of the region,
and these messages are according to the local
culture of the area, and language. In this way,
they target the local market.
Coca-Cola is a well-recognised
brand for its sponsorships. Its long
sponsorships history include
American idol, the Olympic Games,
NASCAR, and many more. 
SWOT analysis of
Coca Cola
SWOT analysis is the company's
framework, and it is the abbreviation of
strength, weakness, threats, and
opportunities. The internal factors'
strength and weaknesses, and the
external ones are threads and
Strengths of
Coca Cola
One of the main strengths of Coca-Cola is
its brand name. The company has existed for
so long, and it is continuously improving its
relationship with its customers and become
one of the best-known brands globally.
Weaknesses of
Coca Cola 
Coca-Cola products aren't healthy, and
most of its products are banned in the
campuses due to these people avoid buying
for their kids. People prefer healthy food,
so coca-cola has to develop new products
of Coca cola
The Coca-Cola company has to diversify its
business in health and food and improve its
products according to its demand. In this way,
the company will get more profit from their
loyal customers by selling its products. They
also diversify its business in the snack
Threats for
Coca - Cola
The biggest threat to the coca-cola
industry is water. As you know water
storage problem is increasing day by
day, this is because the climate is
changing .later or sooner people will
raise a finger on the beverage industry.
We conclude that the Coca-Cola
marketing strategy depends on its
happiness machine videos, campaigns,
make human connections. They follow
new marketing strategies with time, and
at the same time, and they follow their
old simple principles which they set in
the starting.
Thank You…!!!

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