Uncertainty Avoidance: Hofstede Cultural Dimensions

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Hofstede cultural dimensions

Uncertainty Avoidance


Uncertainty Avoidance …

"Uncertainty avoidance is the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by
ambiguous and unknown situations “

This dimension describes how well people can cope with anxiety.

In societies that score highly for Uncertainty Avoidance, people attempt to make life as
predictable and controllable as possible.

On the other side of the spectrum we have cultures with low uncertainty avoidance , those are
able to tolerate uncertainty and feel comfortable with ambiguity

Uncertainty Avoidance VS Uncertainty tolerance …

Uncertainty Avoidance VS Uncertainty tolerance …

◎ In uncertainty avoiding societies , uncertainty is a threat and it must be fought .

Whereas in uncertainty accepting societies uncertainty is normal and life is accepted as it

◎ Levels of stress is high in uncertainty avoiding societies , and low in accepting societies .

◎ Aggression and emotions are expressed freely in avoiding societies and in accepting
societies it should be controlled .

◎ In

. 5
The Uncertainty Avoidance Index
uncertainty avoidance (from strong to weak) is the fourth dimension found in the IBM
research project
It all started with a question about job stress , participants in the project were asked three

◎ How often do you feel nervous or tense at work?

◎ do you agree with the statement “Company rules should not be broken—even when it is
in the company’s best interest?

◎ How long do you think you will continue working for IBM?

The Uncertainty Avoidance Index

Hofstede assumed that all three are previous questions will express the level of anxiety
that exists in a particular society in the face of an uncertain future.

The index value for each country was computed mathematically from the scores of the three
questions , and a The UAI ( uncertainty avoidance index ) values for seventy-six countries and
regions were listed.

The Uncertainty Avoidance Index

Uncertainty Avoidance …

◎ Here you have a list of items

◎ And some text
◎ But remember not to overload your slides with

Uncerainty avoidance the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by
ambigus and unknown situations

Uncertainty Avoidance …

◎ Here you have a list of items

◎ And some text
◎ But remember not to overload your slides with

Uncerainty avoidance the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by
ambigus and unknown situations

Use charts to explain your ideas

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