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Change is the only constant.

Why Change?
• The environment is constantly changing so old ways of doing things become

• To be able to cope with the new norms and environmental changes , we need
to change how we used to do things .

Change is the replacing of a state that exists now with something different.

Change managment in organizations
For organisations, change management involves the conscious attempt to control,
or at least to influence, the change that is going to happen to your organisation .

During change periods , its about discussing ideas like :

• The purpose of our organisation and our vision of where we want to get to
• How we are going to organise ourselves in the future
• The means by which we are going to get to this desired future state

Change in organizations
• Periods of stability, when business operations could just be managed, have
become shorter, and the necessity to make changes has become more frequent.

• The fundamental reason for this is competitive pressure: if an organisation and its
products have no competitors, then it is under no pressure to change.

Change in organizations
Change management fail in most organizations due to a number of common causes:

• Firstly, there may have been insufficient preparatory work carried out on planning the
• second common failure is in viewing the process as purely mechanistic, with individuals
rigidly following the master plan .
• Finally, there is often a failure to manage the transition state .The period when the
certainties of current practices are being destroyed and before a new framework is put
in place requires a style of management that is very different from the management of
day-to-day operations.

The Change Manager
Due to all those reasons , A need for a person who can Lead and manage this process
became crucial in organizations , a person who can :

• Analyse the need for change both in the external environment and within the

• Formulate and Obtain agreement on what is to change

• Manage the transitional state between current practice and the desired future state.

The Change Manager
Change management , requires different set of skills than the normal day–to-day
operational management activities .

Key competencies for a change manager are:

• Decision making
• Coalition building
• Achieving action
• Maintaining momentum and effort

Triggers of change
Trigger that motivate change in organization could be

• External trigger ( new entrants to the market , technological change , globalization…


• Internal Trigger (establishing a new organisational structure .)

• Proactive Trigger (introduction of new advanced manufacturing technology )

Frame work for change management
Preparation Stage Unfreezing Stage

Internal and Formulating Establishing Communicating

External analysis strategy urgency for the new vision

Stablishing Building
Creating Removing
characteristics of powerful
quick wins obstacles
the new system alliances

Re-freezing Stage Transition Stage 10

Organizational Analysis

• To be able to detect the triggers for change and act accordingly , the change manager
needs to analysis the organisation , both externally and internally .

External analysis Tools : Internal analysis Tools:

• Assessing KPI’S
• SWOT • Resources audit

Strategy Formulation
Implementing a change management programme brings in Fundamental changes senior
management must decide whether this is the best strategic choice or whether an

To evaluate any change management proposal, we need to asses the three aspects :

• Suitability – does it address the circumstances in which the company is operating?

• Acceptability – does it offer a good return on the investment needed, does it carry an
acceptable level of risk and will stakeholders in the business react favourably ?

• Feasibility – can we actually do it? Do we have the necessary resources and

capabilities ?
Establishing Urgency
To achieve this you might use a number of levers such as :

• Questioning and challenging the status quo (use workshops to broaden discussion and
bring out dissatisfactions)

• Symbolic breaks with the past ( introducing new organization policy )

• Dramatic measures and shock tactics ( a radical Restructure of the organization)

• Communication, education and training (Internal newsletters about competitive pressures)

Communicating Vision
• If you are to act as a change agent then you must be prepared to sell the proposal to the key
decision makers in the organisation.

• You must first identify the key decision makers and power holders in the organisation. Then you
will need to get your key points across.

• Formal approval from the top is not sufficient, and Senior management will normally want proof
from the change manager that you have talked to the key people in all areas that will be affected by
the programme.

• you must show that wide consultations have taken place and that there is a reasonable chance of
building momentum for the launch of the change programme
Building Allainace
• Organisations are made up of the formal structure and informal groups , The formal structure is
that laid down in the company’s organisation chart, procedures and job descriptions .

• The informal structure may be very much more powerful in terms of influencing change , you
should build strong relations with the informal structure .

• It is important to work very closely with senior management , as they are protectors of the change
process, ready to deal with the political issues, promote the project and help remove barriers to

Removing Obstacles
• Every change process has two main obstacles :

• Individuals
• Culture

Individuals often have good reasons to fear change it may bring change in job content ,changes in
status, remuneration and benefits , having to work with a new set of people , the requirement to
relocate …

Removing Obstacles
• Before an individual will accept change, there are three conditions to be met. He or she must feel:

1 -Dissatisfaction with the existing status quo.

2 -That the problems and pain that change will cause are outweighed by the need to change.
3 -That the proposed changes are viable.

• To overcome the culture barrier we don’t work on changing it id a direct way

1-first we analyse the current culture

2- determine the required culture
3- communicate this new vision while concentrating on the new outputs required and let the culture
evolve by time .
Creating quick wins
The change manager should break down big goals into smaller ones , helping individuals concentrate
on small goals and achieving small wins that they might be rewarded on.

Quick wins will prove that change is possible and will give the required momentum to the change
process , and will add more supporters to the idea .

Stablishing characteristics of the new system.
The final stage is for management is to signal that the change management process has been
completed and that it is time to operate within the context of the new culture and processes.
To do this management will need to:

• Emphasise that they will only operate according to the new ways of doing things.
• support staff in their new roles and reward them accordingly .
• encourage staff to reflect on the change programme as a basis for further improvements in the

Previous steps are repeated as the change management process is a cycle of continuous learning and
developing new ways of doing things till the desired vision is achieved .

Thank you !


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