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Do I sound okay?

– Speaking Part 2
Task 1
• Tell me about a journey you make regularly.
You should say:
- why you make the journey
- how often you make the journey
- how long the journey takes
- and explain why you like / dislike the
Worksheet 1 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
Some IELTS students have just practiced Speaking Part 2. Their classmates listened and
gave some feedback.
Read what the students say. Can you suggest answers to their questions?

I saw my classmate yawning while I was talking.

Aman When she gave me feedback she said I sounded
really boring. My story was great, so why was she
I felt very nervous. I don’t think I made many
mistakes but I had problems remembering words. My
classmate told me that I didn’t say very much. Why
did I say so little?
Worksheet 1 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
Some IELTS students have just practiced Speaking Part 2. Their classmates listened and
gave some feedback.
Read what the students say. Can you suggest answers to their questions?

I had loads to say and I was worried I wouldn’t be

able to say it all. Actually, in the end I ran out of
things to say and my classmate looked a bit
confused. Why did he look confused?

Listen to your teacher and check if you were right.

• Aman’s problem ______________________
• Anna’s problem _______________________
• Fabio’s problem _______________________
What advice would you give to the students?
Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

A Don’t forget to vary your voice. Practice using

your voice to express how you feel about what you
are saying.

1 . Aman’s Problem – flat intonation

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

B Force yourself to pause between ‘chunks’ of language

e.g. ‘I can’t drive...(pause) sometimes ...(pause)...I take a
taxi ...(pause)...or get a lift from a colleague...(pause)...’

3 . Fabio’s Problem –speaking too quickly

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

C If you can’t think of a word, paraphrase (= say it in

another way), e.g. ‘I noticed some beautiful...???...tropical
birds’ (= parrots).

2 . Anna’s Problem – hesitation, speaking too slowly

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

D Record and listen to yourself practicing a Speaking part 2

task. Could people get an idea of how you’re feeling
without listening to the words?

1 . Aman’s Problem – flat intonation

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

E Take a deep breath before you start speaking

and try to relax.

3 . Fabio’s Problem –speaking too quickly

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

F Give yourself time to think by using ‘fillers’, e.g.

‘Let me see…,’ ‘What I mean is…’, ‘What’s the

2 . Anna’s Problem – hesitation, speaking too slowly

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

G Don’t forget to put stress on ‘content’ words

when you’re speaking. This makes it easier to follow
your message.

3 . Fabio’s Problem –speaking too quickly

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

H Try to pause at natural places. For example, instead of ‘I

can walk pretty…quickly when I’m in a…rush’, group ‘
chunks’ of language together: ‘I can walk…pretty quickly…
when I’m in a rush.’

2 . Anna’s Problem – hesitation, speaking too slowly

Worksheet 2 – Do I sound okay? – Speaking
Part 2
1. Aman’s problem = flat intonation
2. Anna’s problem = hesitation, speaking too slowly
3. Fabio’s problem = speaking too quickly
Look at the advice below and match it to a student’s problem.

I Listen to recordings of native English speakers and try to

copy their intonation.

1 . Aman’s Problem – flat intonation

Let us Try
• Task
– Prepare answers of your chosen speaking topic
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4

Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7

Topic 8 Topic 9

Topic 10
Topic 1: Describing media and
Part 2. Describe a kind of book you like.

You should say:

• What kind of books you like most
• What they are about
• Why you like them most
• What effect have books brought on you?

Part 3. Discussion
• What is the difference between men and women when choosing what to read?
• What kind books do children like? Why do they like reading?
• What is the difference between reading and watching TV?
• What is the relationship between reading and computer?
• What are the advantages of reading books?
• Why do children like pictorials?
• What books are popular in Kazakhstan?
Back to Task
Topic 2: Describing your favorite book
Part 2. Describe one of your favorite books.

You should say:

• What kind of books you like
• What is your favorite book?
• What it is about
• When did you get it?
• Why you like it

Part 3. Discussion
• Do you like other books?
• What kind of books do Chinese people like?
• What kind of books do Chinese women like?
• What kind of books do Chinese children like?
• What kind of books do you recommend to others?

Back to Task
Topic 3: Science and Technology
Part 2. Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work.

You should say:

• What it is
• What you do with it/ How to use it
• How long you have had it
• How important it is to you

Part 3. Discussion
• What are the impacts of electrical equipment on human’s life in the past ten years?
• What are the differences of the life in the past and at the present?
• What role does technological development play in people’s life?
• How will technology develop in the future?
• Do you have a mobile phone? What are its advantages?
• Why do many foreign countries develop faster than Kazakhstan?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer and internet?
Back to Task
Topic 4: Describing People
Part 2. Describe a well-known person.

You should say:

• Who he/she is
• What makes him/her famous
• Why you admire him/her

Part 3. Discussion
• Do you want to become famous?
• How to become a well-known person in Kazakhstan?
• What kind of people can become famous in Kazakhstan?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
• What do you think of the privacy of a well-known person?
• What do you think of the relationship between a well-know person and advertising?
• Would you be influenced by the well-known persons in TV commercials?
• Do you often talk about singers with your friends? What do you often talk about?
Back to Task
Topic 5: Describing a Friend
Part 2. Describe a friend in your school time you like most.

You should say:

• Who he/she is
• When did you became friends?
• Why do you like him/her or why do you think that he/she is important to you?
• How he/she influences you?

Part 3. Discussion
• What are the differences between adults and children in terms of making friends?
• Can adults make friends with children?
• What do you think are the most important factors when making friends?
• What are the possible factors that cause the break-up of friendship?
• Why is it difficult for adults to make friends?
• What will the friendship become like when getting old?

Back to Task
Topic 6: Art and Nature
Part 2. Describe an interesting building.

You should say:

• Where it is located
• What it looks like
• What services are provided
• How you like it

Part 3. Discussion:
• What role do old buildings and new buildings play in modern society?
• What changes have taken place in architecture in the past two decades?
• Do you think it necessary to protect old buildings?

Back to Task
Topic 7: Environmental Problem
Part 2. Describe an environmental problem.

You should say:

• What it is
• How long it has existed
• What effect it has brought to people’s life
• What we can do to solve it

Part 3. Discussion
• What causes environmental problems?
• What should the government do to protect the environment?
• What should we do to protect the environment?
• What other measures can you think of to protect the environment?
• How should we educate children to protect environment?
• What’s the difference between the old and the young as regards environmental protection?

Back to Task
Topic 8: Films
Part 2. Films
• Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:
• what this book or film was
• when you read or saw it
• why you decided to see the film or read the book and say if you enjoyed it and why.
Part 3. Discussion
• Do you like to read books?
• Do you prefer reading books or watching films?
• Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?
• Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?
• Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and
online downloads. Why do you think this might be?

Back to Task
Topic 9: Learning English
Part 2. Talking about learning English.
• You should say:
• When and where you began studying English
• What is the most interesting thing in an English class?
• What is the most effective way of learning English?
• What difficulties you have when learning English
• What are the advantages of learning English?

Part 3. Discussion
• What problems do you have when studying English?
• Do you think that English is the most important language in the world?
• What other languages are taught in Kazakhstan?
• Do you think that age is the most important factor of learning English? Why?
• What difficulties would a foreigner have when he learns your native language?
• What problems would Kazakh people have when communicating with foreigners?
• When would be most suitable for children to learn English?
• How will translation and interpretation develop in the future?
Back to Task
Topic 10: Describing a Colleague
Part 2. Describe a person whom you like to work or study with.

You should say:

• Who is he/she?
• When did you work/study together?
• What do you often do together?
• Why do you like to work with him/her?/ What can you learn from him/her?
• Why is he/she particular?

Part 3. Discussion:
• Do you like to work alone or with a partner?
• What do you think of teamwork and team spirit?
• What kind of people are good to work with?
• Do you like group work or group learning?
• What is your opinion on efficiency?
• What are the advantages of studying by yourself?
• What do you think of efficiency? Back to Task

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