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Work From Home Benefits And Challenges

Work from home

• Due to advancement in technology now a
person is able to work from home without
going to office on daily basis.
• Let us discuss the benefits and challenges faced
by the workers and as well as the employers.
Benefits Of Working From Home
• The most important benefit is flexible in working hours. It helps in
managing the personal work as well as official work.
• For peoples working in metro cities most of the time gets wasted in
travelling. So travelling time and cost is reduced.
• It is most beneficial for women employees especially one who is having
kids, most of the women employees quit their job to take care of their
kids. They can easily take care of their children and concentrate on their
Challenges While Working From
While there are some benefits obviously there will also be more challenges in working
from home.
• It is very difficult to build a good rapport with the team members when they are working in a team
• One can easily be distracted. Because not all peoples have an office set up at house.
• There is no one to supervise and direct an employee.
• It feels like socially isolated.
• Major challenge faced by employees are network failure or power failure. Without network or
power back up the process in works gets lagged. There is a chance of communication failure with
the team members. It affects the works when instant results are needed.
How Do Companies Benefit From Working
From Home
Without benefits no company allow their employees to work from home. Let us
see some of the important benefits a company gets from work from home
• Maintenance cost is reduced.
• There is no need to spent on Transport and Water for the employees.
• Internet charges, EB charges and phone charges are reduced.
• Company can hire a person who is far away and not able to attend office daily if the person
has vast knowledge on their needs. If the employees are spread all over the country they are
able to work in more time zones and complete the work effectively and efficiently.
Are People Who Work From Home More
• We can say there is a 50-50 chance regarding productivity. It depends on the
nature of the person and the higher officials they are reporting with.
• Some person take it as easy going and concentrate on their personal work
and keep their official work as secondary. It results in lack of productivity
and hence the efficiency of the work also decreases.
• On the other hand there are some peoples who is more productive and
engage more time in building their career irrespective of the place they are
How Do One Overcome Challenges
Working From Home
• To overcome all the challenges the person must be able to work without
any disturbance.
• They must be able to work in free space with less noise and easy access to
• They can maintain to do list and fix time for their personal work and
office work separately.
• Hence we can conclude that at current scenario (due to COVID-19) most of
the employees got an opportunity to work from home and many companies
are encouraging it too.
• Work from process becomes success depending on the rules followed by the
company such as an employee must log in at time and they must report the
work they have done at periodic intervals on daily basis.
• They must communicate with their higher officials and team members to
complete the work given to them at time.
Thank You!

Rohit Shankar Panigrahi


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