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 Would you act the same way at a rock concert as you would while
watching a symphony orchestra perform?
 Although there are no written rules that dictate the acceptable way to
act at either type of performance , the concert audience will try to make
it very clear to you if your behavior does not conform to what they
consider to be appropriate.
 ORGANIZATION CULTURE is a system of shared assumptions ,
values and beliefs , which governs how people behave in
organizations . These shared values have a strong influence on the
people in the organization develops and maintains a unique culture ,
which provides guidelines and boundaries for the behavior of the
members of the organization.
 NORMATIVE CULTURE : In such a culture , the norms and procedures of
the organization are predefined and the rules and regulations are set as per
the existing guidelines . The employees behave in an ideal way and strictly
adhere to the policies of the organization.
 PRAGMATIC CULTURE : In a pragmatic culture , more emphasis is placed
on the clients and the external parties . Customer satisfaction is the main
motive of the employees in a pragmatic culture.
 ACADEMIC CULTURE : Organizations following academy culture hire
skilled individuals . The roles and responsibilities are delegated according to
the back ground , educational qualification and work experience of the
 BASEBALL TEAM CULTURE : A baseball team culture considers the
employees as the most treasured possession of the organization . The
employees are the true assets of the organization who have a major role in its
successful functioning.
 CLUB CULTURE : Organizations following a club culture are very
particular about the employees they recruit.They are hired as per their
specialization and educational qualifications.
 FORTRESS CULTURE : There are certain organizations where the
employees are not very sure about their career and longevity.
 TOUGH GUY CULTURE : In a tough guy culture , feedbacks are
essential.The performance of the employees is reviewed from time to
time and their work is thoroughly monitored.
 BET YOUR OWN COMPANY CULTURE : Organizations which
follow bet your company culture take decisions which involve a huge
amount of risk and the consequences are also unforeseen.
Artifacts : Those represent the visible elements such as processes ,
structures , goals , climate , dress codes , furniture etc.
Espoused values : The values espoused by the leaders . They
most often are grounded in shared assumptions of how the company
should be run . If there is a significant mismatch between the
leadership espoused values and this perception , the organization may
be in trouble.
Assumptions : These are the actual values of the culture . They
refer to the views of world itself(eg . human nature). Again,these
assumptions should need to correlate at least to a certain degree to the
espoused leadership values for the organization to function smoothly.
 Work with and within your cultural situations
 Change behaviors and mind –set will follow
 Focus on a critical few behaviors
 Deploy your authentic informal leaders
 Don’t let your formal leaders off the hook
 Link behaviors to business objectives
Innovation(risk orientation)
Attention to Detail(precision Orientation)
Emphasis on Outcome(achievement orientation)
Emphasis on People(fairness orientation)
Teamwork(collaboration orientation)
Aggressiveness(competitive orientation)
Stability(rule orientation)
 The culture decides the way employees interact at their workplace.
 The culture of the workplace also goes a long way in promoting healthy
competition at the workplace.
 The culture of the organization represents certain predefined policies
which guide the employees and give them a sense of direction at the
 The work culture goes a long way in creating the brand image of the
 The organization culture brings all the employees on a common platform.
 The work culture unites the employees who are otherwise from different
back grounds.
 The work culture promotes healthy relationship amongst the employees.

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