G-IS-Meeting 1

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Meeting 1

Intermediate Speaking
What we will do?
• Opening
• Fluency practice
• Discussing Learning Contract
• How to make well structured speech through
brainstorming #1
• Let’s talk !
• 7.15 Start class – 7.20?
• Tech Issue : contact me via wa . Name/ class
• Use proper cloths
• Assignment must be submitted to the due date
• Attendance : 5%
• Participation : 15%
• Ultimate rule : speaking class.
• Task : 20%
• Mid term : 30%
• Final exam : 30%
She sells seashells by the seashore,
The shells she sells are seashells, I’m sure.
So if she sells seashells on the seashore,
Then I’m sure she sells seashore shells.
Generating ideas : mengumpulkan ide
• What you have in mind?
• Write down
• List based on category
• Mapping Ideas
• Facilities – body of speech
• Big- best - opening of speech
• Majors – body of speech
• Islamic – opening of speech
• Achievements – body of speech
• History - opening of speech
• Location – opening of speech
• Structure – body of speeech
Example based on the ideas above
OPENING : location, history, islamic,
MAIN TOPIC : Big/ Best
Facilities :
1. Lift
2. Structure of the Building
Majors :
3. 3x.. majors of S1 (Bacheloe Degree), 2x..majors of S2(Post graduate)
The biggest university.
Uad is the biggest uni in yogyakarta.
Uad (it) have (has) good facilities.
What do you think about the picture?

• Topic : UAD
What kind of aspect you want to tell about it?
• Find or highlight your general/specific topic
• Elaborate your topic with such a related
• Give a try to brainstorm ideas!
Brainstorming ideas about UAD
How to construct your speech
• Opening : description , general information, opinion –
personal feeling/ experience/ view, fact, other features of
topic. Rethorical question.
• Transition : Highlighting your topic that you are going to
discuss in your body of speech
• Body : main part of your speech. In this part, it may be has
several sub topics, examples, data.
• Conclusion : Link back, recap your major discussion, opinion,
recommendation, closing statement may needed. Rethorical
1. Thirty first :
31, may.
Everybody have – has
- I’m live in : I live in – I am living (double verb)
- My hobby are : hobbies
- Be benefit : be beneficial (bermanfaat)
- Benefit : manfaat. The apple has 2 benefit to
your health.
-How to construct your speech-
Uad is one of the islamic private university in
yogyakarta (description). It was build at
Desember 1996. It is located in the center of
the town (gen info). I am a student here,
enrolled in English Department since
September 2020. As many people know, It is
recognized as best private university in town.
Surely, It can be seen through these several
aspects. Transisi
-How to construct your speech-
• Learning Outcomes / achievments
- Hiring level Based on the data collected from
alumni survey, Hiring level for graduates from UAD
reach up to 79% to work in lots of sectors, such as in
industrial, education and government. The rest of it,
they were in business and becoming entrepreneur. It
proves that UAD has successfully produce high
qualified people. So, I’am here to become one them.

- Achievements
• Facilities:
- Lift
One of the reason why UAD becomes the best university in
town is because of its facilities. For example, it is supported
with integrated building to help students mobility. The
structure of the building was designed to help everyone
mobile. Everyone can access classrooms, lab, library and
other functional rooms with easy and fast access using lift.
This one is also my favourite.
- Wifi
- Building
• Affordable : terjangkau
Comparing to the other private universities in
yogyakarta, as I have researched, UAD tends
to have standard and not too expensive
tuition fee. To prove, UAD is 10% cheaper.
Because of it, many students come to UAD.
-How to construct your speech-
Through those three aspects above, I believe
that those are the major reasons that make
UAD becomes the most-wanted university to
pursue study. I love being the part of UAD. I
am sure it fits to you too.
Let’s talk !
• Introduce youself
• Your speech must include
Opening : general info about yourself :
Where do you live, date of birth, hobby,
Highlight : Goal of your life:
Body of speech :
- SUB TOPIC 1 Short term goal : tujuan jarak dekat – how to : I want to do in-
depth learning in speaking, for example by watching english movies and try
to talk to myself.
- SUB TOPIC 2 Long term goal : tujuan jarak jauh –
Conclusion : conclude your introduction speech.
Those are my two goals of life that I want to achieve. opini

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