Cardiovascular Diseases - : Megan Phaul C. Kniazeff Mw2-1

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Cardiovasculal Disease (CVD)
• Is a collective term for diseases of the
heart and blood vessels . The term
commonly includes diseases such as
coronary heart disease, heart failure,
cardiomyopathy, congenital heart
disease, peripheral vascular disease
and stroke. Many of these conditions
can be life-thretening.
What are the risk factors for
cardiovascular disease?
• Major risk factors as associated include advancing age, genetic
predisposition, gender and ethnicity. Modifiable risk factors
include behavioral factors such as tobacco smoking, insufficient
physical activity, poor diet and excessive alcohol consumption.
Biomedical factors also play a major role, such as high blood
pressure, higg blood cholesterol and overweight and obesity.
• A number of these risk factors are shared with other chronic
diseases, such as diabetes and chronic kidney diases. The
interactions between these chronic conditions are complex and not
well understood, however it is known that diabetes greatly
increases the risk of CVD. People with diabetes have twice the risk
of stroke can be up to five times greater, and prevalence of heart
attack up to ten times greater, for people with diabetes than for
those without diabetes.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
>have become the greatest threat to Filipinos
today. Man faces the risk of CVD throughout his
 At birth, congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and vascular
malformation are a possible affliction.
 In early childhood, the risk of rheumatic Fever/Rheumatic
Heart Disease (RF/RHD)starts.
 In early adulthood, arteriosclerotic changes in blood vessels
may set in and progress to the development of hypertension.
 During the middle age, Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) or
Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)develops and leads to
myocardial infraction (Heart Attack) in many, particularly in
 Among the elderly Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA, stroke) is
a common complication of hypertension.
Cardiovascular Disease
have varied and multi causes and risk factors, ranging from
infectious agents, environmental and constitutional causes,
some inherited and some acquired.

 CHD can arise out of genetic causes, maternal

infections/ disease drug intake.
 RF/ RHD arises from frequent is association
with heredity and high salt intake.
 CAD is associated with smoking, obesity,
hypertension, stress, hyperlipidemia, diabetes
millitus and a sedentary lifestyle.
Rheumatic heart disease is a
condition in which the heart
valves have been permanently
damaged by rheumatic fever
Coronary Heart Disease(CHD)
The two major forms of coronary heart disease are heart
attack (also known as acute myocardial infarction) and angina

• A heart attack is caused when blood supply to the heart is

blocked completely, often causing damage to the heart
muscle and its function.
• Angina is a chronic condition where short episodes of chest
pain occur periodically, causes by a temporary shortage of
blood supply to the heart . Angina is not usually life-
threatening, but can be associated with increased risk of
heart attack .
Symptoms of Coronary

The most common symptom of coronary artery

disease is angina, or chest pain. Angina can be
described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure,
aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful
feeling in your chest. It can be mistaken for
indigestion or heartburn. Angina may also be felt
in the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, or back.
Heart failure &
• Heart failure is a life-threatening condition that
occurs when the heart is unable to maintain a
strong enough blood flow to meet the body's
needs. It usually develops over many years,
although it can also occur more suddenly. Heart
failure can result in chronic tiredness, reduced
ability for physical activity and shortness of breath .
• Cardiomyopathy occurs whenthe heart muscle
becomes thickened, enlarged or stiff which can
reduce the effectiveness of the heart.
Cardiomyopathy and heart failure commonly occur
Congenital heart disease
A board term for any defect of the heart or
central blood vessels that is present from
birth. It can include abnormalities of the heart
or heart valves, such as a hole between
chambers of the heart,or narrowing of major
blood vessels, or combinations of disorders
Peripheral vascular
This term refers to disease of large arteries that supply
blood to the peripheries and can be caused by blockage
of artheries due to cholesterol or fatty substances, or
caused by widening of the arteries such as the aorta,
which in severe cases can lead to rupture of the arterial

Is a type of cerebrovascular disease and

occurs when an artery supplying blood to
the brain either suddenly becomes blocked
or begins to bleed. This may result in part of
the brain dying,leading to sudden
impairment of one or more capacities, such
as speaking, thinking and/or movement.
 Mortality rate from diseases of the heart doubled
in twenty six years from 33.4 per 100, 000 in 1969
to 73.2 per 100,000 in 1995
 the mortality rate from diseases of the vascular
system also doubles in the period from 34.2 per
100,000 to 56.2 per 100,000.
 based on the 1995 report of the Philippine Heart
Statistic, Health Information Service, Department
of Health, diseases of the heart were the first and
those of the blood vessels the second leading
cause of mortality on the country.
Treatment or management of
cardiovascular disease
For many people, a key step in managing
cardiovascular disease involves addressing the
modifiable risk factors discussed above. Additionally,
there are a range of medicines and surgical
treatments available for cardiovascular diseases. For
example, depending upon the severity of the
condition, coronary heart disease can be managed
with medications such as aspirin, or treated through
coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
How Is Smoking Related to Heart Disease and
• Smoking is a major cause of CVD and causes
one of every four deaths from CVD.

How Is Breathing Secondhand Smoke

Related to Heart Disease and Stroke?

Breathing secondhand smoke can cause coronary heart

disease, including heart attack and stroke. know
• Nonsmokers who breathe secondhand smoke at home or
at work increase their risk of developing heart disease by
Prevalence of Common Disease of
the Heart of Different Stages of
Life in the Philippines

At birth to early childhood Congenital Heart Disease 2/1000 school children

(aged 5-15 y/o)

Early to late childhood Rheumatic Fever / 1/1000 school children

Rheumatic HD (aged 5-15 y/o)

Early adulthood Disease of Heart Muscles 10/ 100 adults

Essential Hypertension

Middle to old age Coronary Artery Disease 5/100 adults


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