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Children’s story book

Create a job/company

Create a person

Family Legends

Holiday Presentations

News of the Day

Comic Strip Creation

Puppet Project

Presentation of puppet:

• Puppet should be fully clothed with face and hair features. Clothing should be unique in design. You may use a doll and create new clothing for it if you are not artistic.

• You will need to describe your puppet’s clothes, hair, facial features, height, weight and gender.

• You will need to give background information regarding the puppet’s past:

Ethnicity and where they were born

How old they are (must be over 16)

Where they are in their family- ( how many siblings they have: use the ranking order)

Are they married, have children?

Where they work

Favorite activity

Favorite school subject

Their character (shy, brave, mean ….)

You will be graded on sign production, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, facial grammar and finger spelling .

Students will develop a lesson for 1 class (35 minutes) period on the topic that they have researched. They
will be required to teach the new vocabulary to the class as well as the presentation about the topic.
Students must include information about the climate, housing, food and types of animals in the region they
picked. Students will work together on the project and have computer time on __________to look up
A Day in the LIfe

Create a story about the life of ________ (person, thing, animal). The story must indicate a routine related to their day. Have a beginning, middle and
an end. Have a visual representation (power point, photo story) It must include the following structural, grammatical and linguistic features:


Facial and Body language

Characterization (become the character)

Appropriate Structure

Routine vocabulary
MTV Cribs
You and your group are TV hosts for the show “MTV Cribs.” Your job is to describe to your audience what a famous persons’ s house looks like, both inside and out. You will be telling your audience who’s house it is

and exactly what it looks like. You must also tell your audience where this house is located and what type of area it is in (ie, near the beach, mountains, woods, etc.)

Step 1:

In groups, you will design your famous person’s house, complete with furniture and accessories. You will first need to decide what you house will be made of: Brick Wood Glass Cobblestone Stone

Step 2:

Next, your group will need to agree upon what rooms are in the house. will it have:

an attic or basement? A backyard? Deck? Garage? Balcony? Pool? Hot Tub? Jacuzzi?

Step 3:

Once you are finished with your house, you will present it to the class. You must break up the description of the house. One person should not sign the whole thing. Everyone in the group must describe

something. Really pretend like you are the host of a TV show. Make sure to address your audience.
My Most Prized Possession

Individual Project

In a class presentation, you will show an object or piece of art (painting, poem, book, music, etc.) that holds sentimental value to you. You will explain
where and how you received the object. Then, you will got into detail as to why it is important to you. Once your presentation is complete, the audience
will have the opportunity to ask questions. Be prepared to answer appropriately.

Using graph paper and colored pencils create a college campus.  The
purpose is to give directions around the campus that you make.  You must
include:  8 subjects, Field, parking lot, student center

it must have at least 4 roads

Practice signing the layout!!
Use signs like:  next to, near, far, across from
Use classifiers and reference locators as I have shown you in class.
College Commercial

In groups, create a commercial for a college. You may choose a college that already exists, or create your own. Your job is to persuade high school students to choose your school. This is a competition. The class will vote on which commercial they thought was most persuasive through a secret

ballot. The group that gets the most votes will get an automatic “A” on the project. The other groups will be graded using rubrics with the highest amount attainable being a 95. Get creative and make the class want to choose your college. Here are some suggestions for making your commercial:

• Describe what majors/minors/concentrations offered at your school.

• What type of school it is (public, private, state, etc.)

• Tuition costs

• Scholarships, work study and loans the school may offer

• The layout of the school

• Extracurricular activities

You may include anything else that you think would add to your presentation.

Props and visuals are always encouraged to enhance your project. Remember be creative and have fun!
Travel -A
You will create and express a travel story. Imagine that you are on vacation with a family or a friend. You will discuss which states you are traveling to, the different ways you will get there, where you stayed, who you met along the way and
their personality and which season you traveled during.

The story must involve:

3 complaints
Minimum of three state signs
Personality signs
2 forms of transportation
4 people that you met on this trip
Weather; pick a season

To set up your story follow this narrative structure:

Introduction: simple background, tell who is in the story, where the event took place, when it happened.

Main part: describe the story. Use basic role shift sequence/contrastive structure to tell how it happened.

-Tell where you and the other person are located.

-Tell what you or the other person is doing.

-Describe the outcome.

“Deaf Communities Around the World”

You will randomly pick, from a hat, a country anywhere in the world. This will be the country that you will research. Your job is to research the d/Deaf people and community of this country. Here are some key questions you should answer:

• What type of language does the d/Deaf people of your country use (sign, speak)?

• Is there an active d/Deaf community?

• How are d/Deaf people treated in your country?

Obviously - you will need
• Are there laws to protect the education of the d/Deaf?
to adapt to fit your class needs
• Are there schools for the d/Deaf?

• How are the d/Deaf viewed (handicapped, normal, etc.)?

• Can the d/Deaf work?

• Are interpreters required?

Part 1:

You need to research information on this countries’ d/Deaf community and write a 2-3 page paper answering the above questions. What I am looking for primarily is Internet information. Since theses communities are always changing, this will be the most up
to date info. You need to give me a printout of where you find your information. This should be labeled “Reference Page.” It should look like this:

Title of webpage. Date it was accessed. www address The Deaf In Italy. Accessed 2/14/06

Part 2: You need to create a visual to go along with your information. This could be a poster, an overhead, a PowerPoint presentation or notes to hand out to the class. Since this is a visual class, a visual aid is required.

Part 3: You will present your findings to the class in ASL. You should be prepared to lecture for about 3 minutes and to answer questions from the audience. Be prepared. You never know what we may ask you.
Dear Abby

Dear Abby:

This is my problem, what is your solution?

You will have four categories to choose from to help you write your Dear Abby letter.

The four different categories are relationships, health, money and family. The vocabulary examples involved in the categories are:

Relationships; boyfriend, sweetheart, in love with

Family; mother, father, bickering, get along with, argue, close with
Health; hospital, doctor, patient, sick, medicine, condition, treatment
Money; in debt, credit card, cash, owe, loan/borrow

You will each create your own dear Abby letter to bring in to class using the categories above. When the letters are finished you will switch
papers and you will then have to come up with a solution for your classmates. Once the solution is finished each of you must present your
solution to the problems of your classmates in ASL. You must state the problem and then the solution you created for your classmate’s

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