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Dr . Mithilesh Pandy
Presented by
Vicky kumar
Roll no:- A01 11914966
 Summary
 Question & Answers
 Conclusion
 Telehealth and virtual consults are changing how medical care is
delivered. Artificial intelligence is integral to improving these
experiences for both the doctor and the patient

 The 2020 coronavirus pandemic has driven the need for remote
healthcare services even further, with most countries
implementing restrictions that encourage the public to stay at
 telehealth can also have long-term positive effects on patient well-
being. By avoiding the logistical challenges and inconvenience
associated with in-person visits, patients can better manage
chronic conditions, medications, and lifestyle. 

  The traditional one-to-one conversation between patient and

doctor has been tarnished through the computer screen with the
constant background noise of keyboard clicks as medical
personnel try to navigate their many digital systems and
regulatory mandates, all while trying to listen to their patients and
offer expertise.
 The world is evolving, and with it is the nature of healthcare and
patient expectations. Digital technologies such as AI will continue
to play an integral role in how healthcare providers deliver care to
their patients

 they can focus on the patient while the AI captures the details of
the virtual visit, creating clinical documentation that writes itself.
The solution incorporates patient data securely with contextual
information from electronic health records to automatically
populate a complete clinical note within the patient’s medical
record. . 
Question & Answers
What are the Threats of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

Errors and Injuries

 One of the biggest risks that AI in healthcare holds is that the AI system
might at times be wrong, for instance, if it suggests a wrong drug to a
patient or makes an error in locating a tumor in a radiology scan, which
could result in the patient’s injury or dire health-related consequences. 
 AI errors are potentially different for at least two reasons. While errors
can obviously take place by human medical professionals as well yet
what makes this crucial is that an underlying error, an error in an AI
system could lead to injuries for thousands of patients.

 Data availability
 Yet another threat posed by AI systems is that training these
systems requires massive amounts of data from multiple
sources which include pharmacy records, electronic health
records, insurance claims records, etc.  
 Since the data is fragmented and patients often see different
providers or switch insurance companies the data gets
complicated and less comprehensible as a result of which
the risk of error and the cost of data collection escalates.
 While this technology still looms over certain layers of dangers
and perils, Artificial Intelligence tools can aid the medical
industry in enabling faster service, more accurate diagnosis, and 
data analytics for detecting trends or any genetic information that
would expose someone to a particular disease. 
 We exist in an era where saving even a couple of minutes can save
lives and in these times, Artificial Intelligence and machine
learning can be transformative not only for healthcare but for
every single patient. 

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