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Choose the correct option

• 1.  What is force?
•       a. pull
•       b. push
•       c. push and push both
•       d. none of these
• 2 The force between two charged bodies is called
•       a. muscular force
•       b. gravitational force
•       c. magnetic force
•       d. electrostatic force
• 3.  Magnetic force is
•       a. contact force
•       b. non-contact force
•       c. both a and b
•       d. none of these

• 4. Force acts on an object may change

•       a. direction
•       b. shape
•       c. speed
•       d. all of above
  5.  Leaves or fruits fall on the ground due to
      a.magnetic force
      b. gravitational force
      c. electrostatic force
      d. muscular force
Lets write the Answers!!!
• Define Force.
• What can a force change? ...
• What unit is force measured in? ...
• What causes 'changing motion'? ...
• What is Electrostatic force?
• Define Magnetic force.
• How is force of friction useful to us?
• How is force of friction disadvantageous?
Buoyant Force
• The tendency of a body to float or to rise
when submerged in a fluid ( eg Water )
testing an object's buoyancy.
• : Buoyant force is the power of a fluid to exert
an upward force on a body placed in it.
Buoyant Force
• The upward force that a fluid exerts on an
object. Buoyancy allows a boat to float on
water and provides lift for balloons.
• ... An example of buoyancy is when a boat
floats in water.
• An example of buoyancy is when salt water
has the ability to help things float.
Buoyant Force
• Archimedes' Principle is the fact that buoyant
force is equal to the weight of the displaced

• Archimedes' principle states that a body

immersed in a fluid is subjected to an
upwards force equal to the weight of the
displaced fluid
Archimedes' principle states that a
body immersed in a fluid is
subjected to an upwards force equal
to the weight of the displaced fluid
some examples of the buoyant force in day
to day life.
• Here are some examples of the buoyant force in day to
day life. Boat sailing on the river, Iceberg floating on
water, A person with a life vest floating on water, Ship
floating on the ocean, Helium balloon rising in the air, etc..
• Boat, ship, submarine: The most important example of
buoyancy in our daily life is the boat, ship and submarine
floating in water. ...
• Balloons: We fill them with a gas lighter than air. ...
• Swimming: We learn swimming and we are able to swim
due to buoyancy force
Muscular Force:

• Muscular power is the power applied utilizing

portions of the body like arms or legs. It is a
force that results because of the action of
muscles and is a contact force since there is
contact between the surfaces. Muscular force
is required whenever the movement of the
body occurs. Strolling, lifting, getting up from a
seat, crossing a leg, and so on all require
muscular force.
Muscular Force – in daily life
Examples of Muscular force from Daily life

• Muscular force
• We brush our teeth, lift our bag, write with
our hand, walk to the school, and get up from
our desk. In all these activities we do use our
muscles to apply force. The force applied by
our muscles to carry out all our activities is
called muscular force.
Muscular Force
• Example:
• Potter applies his muscular force to give shape
to his pots.
• We apply muscular force to lift a box, ride a
cycle, swim, walk etc.
Muscular force
• Muscular force: Force which is exerted by
muscles of the body .
• All our body activities like lifting, walking,
running, bending are because of muscular
• It is a contact force because muscular force
can only be exerted on physical contact.
Muscular force

The force exerted by the muscles of the
body is called muscular force . The human
beings exert muscular force for performing the
various activities like walking, jumping,
running, climbing, lifting pushing, pulling
,stretching, squeezing, twisting and pressing
the objects
Muscular Force
• Muscular force is the force applied using parts
of the body like arms or legs. It is force that
results due to the action of muscles, and is a
contact force, since there is a contact between
the surfaces. Muscular force is needed
whenever movement of the body occurs.
The elastic force
• Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its
original shape after being stretched or compressed.
When an elastic material is stretched or
compressed, it exerts elastic force. This force
increases the more the material is stretched or
• The elastic force occurs as a deformed object (think 
spring) tries to return to its original shape.  The force
always acts in a direction that will return it to its
original shape.
The elastic force
• Elasticity – what does it mean?
• Elasticity refers to the abilty of solid objects to
return to its original shape after being
pressed, pulled or twisted. Objects that are
elastic have high elasticity and will bounce and
snap back very easily after being deformed!
The elastic force
The elastic force
• Unleash the elastic power!.
• Wind-up toys work the same way too! When
you turn the crank, the elastic clock spring coil
in the toy get twisted more and more, building
up the elastic potential energy. The more you
twist, the more energy it has, the longer the
toy moves!
Elastic force
Mechanical Force
• A mechanical force can be defined as a force
that features some direct contact between
two objects (one applying the force and
another which is in a state of rest or in a state
of motion) and results in the production of a
change in the state of the object (state of rest
or state of motion).
Mechanical force
• Mechanical force
• Force applied by a machine is
called mechanical force.
• Example:
• Force applied by bulldozer to move the soil.
• Force applied by digger to dig the earth.
Mechanical force
• A force that involves contact with another
object and which produces a change in state
of rest or motion is called mechanical force.
Example: Closing the door of the house.
Muscular force and Mechanical force

• The force applied by the action of muscles in

our body is termed as a muscular force. For
example, when you pick up a book placed on
the table using your hands, you apply
muscular force. ... Mechanical force: The force
generated by the means of a machine is
known as mechanical force.
Examples of Mechanical force in our daily
Let’s Recaptulate:
• 1]Frictional Force
• 2] Gravitational Force
• 3] Magnetic Force
• 4] Muscular Force
• 5] Elastic Force
• 6] Mechanical Force
• 7]Buoyont Force
• 8] Electrostatic Force
• Test worksheet – 1
• Test worksheet-2
• To be done in the class

• Test of the entire chapter- Force will be

conducted on 28th August ( Saturday)

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