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Information Security Management

and Metrics
Information Security Management and
• Information and Data Security Team Structure
• Security incident response team.
• Introduction to Security Metrics
• Types of Security Metrics
• Using Security Metrics
• Developing the Metrics Process
• Metrics and Reporting
• Designing information security measurement
Information and Data Security Team
Information and Data Security Team

1. Board of Directors:
– Responsible for protecting the interests of the shareholders of
the corporation. This duty of care (fiduciary responsibility)
requires that it understand the risk to the business and its data.
– The Board of Directors is responsible for approving the
appropriate resources necessary to safeguard data. It also needs
to be kept aware of how the security program is performing.
Information and Data Security Team

2. Security Steering Committee

– The Committee has an important role in security
governance; this group is responsible for setting the tactical
and strategic direction for the organization as a whole.
– The group generally consists of the CEO, CFO, CIO/CISO, and
the internal auditing function (or oversight if it is
outsourced to a third party). Other business functions
might also be present, such as Human Resources and
business operational leaders, depending on the size and
Information and Data Security Team
2. Security Steering Committee
– This team reviews audit results, risk assessment, and
current program performance data. The committee also
provides approval for any major policy or security
strategy changes.
Information and Data Security Team

3. CEO or Executive Management

– Senior management must answer to the Board of Directors
and shareholders of a company.
– Furthermore, if the company is publicly traded, the CEO
and CFO must personally attest to the accuracy and
integrity of the financial reports the company issues.
– Executive management sets the tone and direction for the
rest of the company and must be aware of the risks the
company faces for the confidentiality, integrity, and
Information and Data Security Team

3. CEO or Executive Management

– Senior management must answer to the Board of Directors
and shareholders of a company.
– Furthermore, if the company is publicly traded, the CEO
and CFO must personally attest to the accuracy and
integrity of the financial reports the company issues.
– Executive management sets the tone and direction for the
rest of the company and must be aware of the risks the
company faces for the confidentiality, integrity, and

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