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According to McGrew (1990)

Globalization is comprised of multiple sameness and interconnectedness that go
beyond nation states.
It is a process in which individuals and organizations in one part of the world are
affected by the activities ,affairs and convictions on another part of the globe.

Other definitions of Globalization:

1. It is a multi-dimentional group of social procedures that build, accelerate, elaborate and

intensify worldwide interactions while, at the same time nurturing in people an
increasing consciousness of deepening linkages between the local ad far-off.
2. For economist, globalization means increase of free trade, speed of trade, global
economic organizations and regional trade blocks.
3. For culture & communication experts, Globalization refers to the concept of Global
Village. The world has become a borderless world.
Globalization is referred to as “cultural Imperialism”, that there is a “better” culture.
Some cultures see other cultures as superior to theirs, forming inferior or non-dominant
cultures. In cultural globalization, therefore the spread of popular culture (music, art,
literature, fashion, lifestyle, etc.) from dominant to non-dominant cultures (from developed to
developing countries).

According to Steger’s (2013)

Globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world-time and world-space.

1. Globalization has various forms of connectivity such that it can be economic,

political or cultural.
A Filipino minimum wage earner may suffer from a slight price hike of basic
commodities while his neighbour who earns above the minimum might not be affected by the
said increase. This adjustment in prices of commodities can be caused by national and
international economic and political events.

2. Globalization allows for the expansion and stretching of social relations.

- These can be observed in the existence of non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) that
operate in the local, regional and international setting.
- Example:
Philippine Red Cross, is an affiliate of the International committee of the Red Cross, a
humanitarian institution based in Switzerland.
3. Globalization intensifies and accelerates social exchanges and activities.
* Live telecast
* shift from snail mail to email and social media

4. Globalization occurs worldwide. ( bec.he/she thinks about the issues of the world.
* Europeans and Americans used #prayformarawi in social media to show their concern
for the victims of Marawi City siege in May 2017.
* teenagers associate themselves w/ global trends like K-Pop.(imitate the way they dress
up, dance and talk)
* Participation of global citizens in Earth Hour every 3rd Sunday of March.

GLOBALISM – is the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global

GLOBAL ECONOMIC IMPERIALISM – is a situation in which one nation assumes
economic power or influence over others.

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