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What is a Police Blotter?
an official logbook, covered blue with hardbound cov
er that contains the daily register of all crime incident
reports, official summary of arrests and other signific
ant events/activities reported in the police station Re
latedly, a separate pink blotter for WCPD to record all
cases involving violence against women and children
and those cases involving a child in conflict with the l
aw that fall under the mandate of WCPDS.
Is Police blotter a public
Police blotter is public record and should, thus ,be m
ade available immediately upon request not just to
media but to every lawful citizen of this country.
Requiring a court order or the approval of a police co
mmander before being allowed access to the blotter i
s patently illegal as it is a clear violation of the constit
utional right to access to information.
How a blotter entry is made
a. All entries in the police blotter shall be handwritten in a clear, co
ncise and simple manner but answering as far as practicable the 5
Ws and 1 H Clarity should not be sacrificed for brevity.
b. Only facts, not opinions, are entered in the blotter.
c. No erasures shall be made on the entries. Corrections are made
by drawing one horizontal line over such word or phrase and the a
ctual entry initiated by the police officer making the correction.
d. A ball pen with blue or black ink should be used in making the e
e. Misrepresentation in the blotter or any attempt to suppress any
information therein is punishable criminally and administratively.
How a blotter entry is made
f. The entries must be legibly written in print and consecutively numbered.
g. Every page of the blotter shall be consecutively numbered chronologicall
y and fully filled-up No line or empty space shall be left blank between any
two entries. Empty space in the last line of entry shall be marked with "X" u
ntil the end of the margin of that line.
h. The Duty Desk PNCO shall print his complete name, rank, designation bel
ow the last line of entry and to be duly signed.
i. Any development of a case to be reflected in the blotter should be a new
entry at the time and day it was reported A reference to the previous entry
number of the case shall, however, be made.
j. In every shift, the Duty Desk PNCO, under the supervision of the Duty Offi
cer or complaint Desk Officer, shall make the actual entries in the blotter at
the end of his tour of duty, both the Duty Desk PNCO and Duty Complaint D
esk Officer shall sign the blotter.
Which month has the most bl
otter entries?
What are the common blotter
More on vehicular accident and lost wallet or id's
What case are available for
public access and what are
Blue Blotter

Pink blotter RA 9344

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