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Strength of Materials

Prepared by:
Engr. Jeric P. Sarte
 Pxx = axial force
 Pxy, Pxz = shear forces
 Mxy, Mxz = bending
 Mxx = torque
Normal stress: either tensile or compressive stress produced
by force acting PERPENDICULAR to the area.
 Shear stress: stress produced by force acting PARALLEL to
the area. Causes sliding to the sections.
 Bearing stress: contact pressure between separate bodies.
A hollow circular post ABC support a load P1 = 10kN acting at
the top. A second load P2 is uniformly distributed around the
cap plate at B. The diameters and thicknesses of the upper and
lower parts of the post are:

dAB = 60mm tAB = 12mm dBC = 85mm tBC = 10mm

1. Calculate the normal stress in the upper part of the


2. If it is desired that the lower part of the post has the

same compressive stress as the upper part, what should
be the magnitude of load P2?

3. If P1 remains at 10kN and P2 is now set at 5kN, what

new thickness of BC will result in the same compressive
stress in both parts?
Two plates, upper plate 15mm thick and lower plate 10mm
thick are joined by four rivets of 20mm diameter as shown.
Assume the load is equally divided among the rivets.

1. Calculate the load P that can be applied if the shearing

stress in the rivets is limited to 80MPa.

2. Calculate the load P that can be applied if the bearing

stress in the plates is limited to 140 Mpa

3. Calculate load P that can be applied if the tensile stress

in the plates is limited to 100 MPa..

4. What is the maximum safe load P.

The tensile member shown 50mm x 75mm in cross section is
subjected to a load of P=200kN. The plane AA makes an angle
15 degrees with the x-axis.

1. Determine the normal stress at section AA.

2. Determine the shearing stress at section AA.

3. At what angle of plane AA is the shear stress maximum?

Deformation of members
under axial loading

 = axial deformation
 P = axial load
 A = cross-sectional area
 E = modulus of elasticity
 L = Length
The steel bars AC and BC, each of cross-sectional area 120
mm2, are joined at C with a pin. Determine the displacement of
point C caused by the 15-kN load. Use E = 200 GPa for steel.
A copper rod of length = 3m, diameter = 300mm and
modulus of elasticity = 120 GPa is inserted into an
aluminum tube. The aluminum tube has length =
2999.995mm, wall thickness of 20mm and modulus of
elasticity of 70 Gpa.

1. Determine the deformation of each

member due to axial compressive load P = 120kN.
2. Determine the stress in each member
3. Determine the axial strain if no gap exists.
The rigid platform shown has negligible mass and rests on
two steel bars each 250mm long. The center bar is
aluminum and 249.9mm long. Compute the stress in the
aluminum and steel bars after the center load P = 400kN
has been applied. For each steel bar, the area is 1200mm2
and E = 200GPa. For the aluminum bar the area is
2400mm2 and E=70GPa
Thin-walled vessel
  Tangential stress
Thin-walled vessel
  Longitudinal stress
A water tank 3m in diameter and 6m high is made
from a steel having a thickness of 12mm.
1. When the tank is filled with water
determine the circumferential stress.
2. Determine the longitudinal stress at the
bottom of the tank when it is filled with water.
3. If the circumferential stress is limited to
5MPa, what is the maximum height of water
to which the tank may be filled?
Shear stress: Power:
Angle of twist:
A 5-m steel shaft rotating at 2 Hz has 70 kW
applied at a gear that is 2 m from the left end
where 20 kW are removed. At the right end, 30
kW are removed and another 20 kW leaves the
shaft at 1.5 m from the right end. (a) Find the
uniform shaft diameter so that the
shearing stress will not exceed 60 MPa.

(b) If a uniform shaft diameter of 100

mm is specified, determine the angle
by which one end of the shaft lags behind
the other end. Use G = 83 GPa.
Moving loads
Three wheel loads roll as a unit across a 16m span.
The loads are A = 20kN; B = 40kN, 2m to the right of
A, and C = 60kN, 4m to the right of B.
1. Determine the maximum moment in the
simply supported beam.
2. Determine the maximum shear in the
simply supported beam.
1.Determine the maximum shear and
maximum moment.
2.Draw the shear and moment diagrams.
Bending/Flexural Stress
Horizontal shearing stress
𝑓 𝑣=

V = Shear force at the section of analysis.

Q = Ay, -> statical moment of area.
I = moment of inertia
b = base dimension of the area
Given a wide flange beam with dimensions:
Width of the flange=250mm
Thickness of web=20mm
Thickness of the flange=20mm
1. Determine the maximum bending stress (MPa) if
2. Determine the minimum and maximum shearing
stresses (MPa) if V=60kN
3. Determine the force (kN) in the web from flexure.
4. Determine the force (kN) in the web from shear.
A T-section has the following dimensions: width
of the flange = 120mm, thickness of the flange =
40mm, width of web = 160mm. If the tensile
stress at the bottom of the web is 10MPa,
1. Determine the total force in the flange in
2. Determine the total compressive force in
the cross section in kN.
3. Determine the moment of the
compressive force in kN.m
Determine the maximum and minimum normal stresses and
maximum shearing stress of the element is subjected to the state
of stress shown.
For the state of plane stress shown, determine (a) the value Txy
for which the in-plane shearing stress parallel to the weld is zero,
(b) the corresponding principal stress.

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