Present Perfect Tense

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( P.P.T.)
Present Perfect Tense
FORM: have / has + past participle

Affirmative: I have seen the film before.

She has seen the film before.

Interrogative: Have you seen the film before?

Has she seen the film before?

Negative: They haven’t seen the film before.

He hasn’t seen the film before.
The formula of P.P.T. is this :

Has Past participle
They have been to N.Y.
She has eaten frog´s leg.
You haven’t studied a lot.
past participle
• see saw seen
• buy bought bought
• go went gone
• eat ate eaten
• come came come
• swim swam swum
Contracted forms
• I’ve
• You’ve
• He’s
• She’s seen a ghost
• it’s
• We’ve
• They’ve
Interrogative form
• You have traveled to Japan twice. (aff)

• Have you traveled to Japan

Have you traveled to
Japan twice?

• Yes, I have.
• No, I haven’t.
Negative form
• I have visited the Taj Mahal.
• I have .... visited the Taj Mahal.
• I have NOT visited the Taj Mahal.

• I haven’t seen you for weeks !

• He hasn’t arrived home.
Uses of the present perfect
1- Recent events: It is used to describe recent events without
a definite time. The idea of time or place in the speaker’s
mind makes the event recent. A time expression may
emphasize recentness: just, recently, lately

Why are they so happy?

They have just won a prize

so they are really pleased

I have just finished my

exercise. He has just had
2- Personal experiences: It is used to express personal
experiences, there is not a definite time given. The time
expressions ever and never are very often used with this

I have never been to Japan.

Have you ever been there?
3- It is used to express actions that started in the past and
continue to the present, the time period is not finished. We
use for and since with this meaning. We use for with
periods of time and since with points of time.

I haven’t eaten since yesterday

morning. I am really hungry

I haven’t drunk anything for two

days. I am terribly thirsty
Indefinite time
• We use PPT to indicate an action that
happened in the past but we don’t know
exactly when. ( indefinitive time ). The verb
in Portuguese is in the past .
• Eg.:
• He has bought a car. ( When ? )
• They have been to Europe. ( When ? )
Indefinite Time
I have been to New York.
( When ?? )
She has eaten frog´s leg.
( When ?? )
An action started in the past
• We use PPT to indicate an action that began
in the past and continues up to the present.
(the verb in Portuguese is in the present).
• Eg.:
• I’ve lived in Limeira for three years.
• She has studied English since January.
• I have worked here since last year.
( How long? )

• She has played tennis for 10 years.

( How long? )
I have studied here since
1.999. I have studied here
for 5 years.
PRESENT PERFECT + for, since

Using the present perfect, we can define a

period of time before now by considering its
starting point, with since + a point in

Since + a point in time:

since this morning, since last week,
since yesterday,since I was a child,
since Wednesday, since 2

I’ve ridden a bike since I was a child.

I’ve ridden a bike since I was 12.
•She has lived here since 1980.

•We have taught at this school since 1965.

•Alice has been married since March 2nd.

•They have been at the hotel since last week.

Using the present perfect, we can
define a period of time before
now by considering its duration,
with for + a period of time.

For + a period of time:

for six years, for a week, for a
month, for hours, for two

They’ve been married for 1 year.

They’ve dated for 3 years.
• She has lived here for twenty years.

•We have taught at this school for a long


•Alice has been married for three


• They have been at the hotel for a


•For and since can both be used

with the past perfect.

•Since can only be used with

perfect tenses, for can also be
used with the simple past
Which one is correct?

I went to school this morning.

I have gone to school this morning.

BOTH are correct !!

I went to school this morning.

( now is more than midday, the morning has
already finished !!)

I have gone to school this morning.

( now is still morning, it hasn’t finished
yet !!)
J ust
Pay attention to E ver
these words : A
y ince
F or
Y et
Have youtaken a shower yet ?
No, I haven’t taken it yet.

• We use yet to show that the speaker is
expecting something to happen. Use yet
only in questions and negative sentences.

• Has it stopped raining yet ?

• Have you finished the homework yet ?
• I’ve written the letter but I haven’t
posted it yet.
I have already taken a shower.

• We use already to say that something
happened sooner than expected.

• Don’t forget to post the letter !

already posted it.
• What time is Mark
leaving ? He’s already gone.
Already refers to an action that has
happened at an unspecified time before
now. It suggests that there is no need for

I've already drunk three coffees this

morning.(and you're offering me another

Don't write to John, I've already

done it.
It is also used in questions:
•Have you already written to John?
• Has she finished her homework already?

already can be placed before the main verb
(past participle) or at the end of the sentence:

• I have already been to Tokyo.

• I have been to Tokyo already.
Yet is used in negative statements and
questions, to mean (not) in the period of time
between before now and now, (not) up to
and including the present.

• Have you met Judy yet?

• I haven't visited the Tate Gallery yet.
• Has he arrived yet?
• They haven't eaten yet.

Yet is usually placed at the end of the
Have you alreadyeaten lobster?
No, I haven’t eaten it yet.

Have you eaten shrimp yet?

Yes, I have already eaten it.


Have you ever ridden a

horse? I have never ridden a
• Have you ever studied German? No, I’ve
never studied German.

• Has she ever been to the USA ? No, she

has never been to the USA
Have you ever seen a witch?
No, I haven’t.
I’ve never seen a witch.
Have you ever sung in a
choir? Yes, I have.
The adverbs ever and never express the idea
of an unidentified time before now

Have you ever visited Berlin?

'Ever' is used
a. in questions.
Have you ever been to England?
Has she ever met the Prime Minister?
b. in negative questions
Haven't they ever been to Europe?
Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?

c.and in negative statements using the

pattern nothing.......ever, nobody.......ever
Nobody has ever said that to me before.
Nothing like this has ever happened to us.

d.'Ever' is also used with 'The first time....

It's the first time (that) I've ever eaten snails.
This is the first time I've ever been to England.
'Never' means at no time before now, and is the same
as not ..... ever:

I have never visited Berlin

You must not use never and not together:
I haven't never been to Italy.
I have never been to Italy.

Ever and Never are always placed before

the main verb ( past participle )
And there are more words...

Lately / Recently / for a while

I haven’t seen him lately.

She has practiced tennis recently.
You haven’t tried it for a while.
... and more ,

Once / twice / 3 times / 4 times / etc.

We have fought once.

He has traveled to Chicago twice.
I have had a cold 3 times this
Have you ever eaten PRETZELS ?
• No. I’ve never eaten
• Yes, I have already
eaten pretzels.
• No, I haven’t eaten
pretzels. yet.
• Yes, I have just eaten
To fail - failed -
To dance - danced - danced
To drive - drove -
To have - had - had
To fly - flew - flown
To receive - d - d

a love letter
Chess set

To have - had -
To find - found - found

To lose - lost - lost

Something valuable
Let’s practice
• I have some
• They have a
nice cocktail.
• Mr Jones has
nice book.
• We’ve to the
circus. (gone/went)
• He’s under the
tree. (slept/sleeps)
• Have you seen a
mummy? (ever/yet)

• I’ve eaten snails.

• (never/ever)

• Doug has _ _ had his

breakfast. (already/yet)
• Have you finished your work
? (already/yet)
• Have you called
Susan? (already/yet)
• Jack has gone to work.
Make up sentences...

Simple Past


• Simple Past • Present Perfect
Completed Events with a time
events at a period up to the
definite time in present:
the past:
• Yesterday • This
• Last Saturday weekend/week
• Last night • This month
• Last • This year
weekend/week • Recently
• Last month • Lately
• Last semester • Today
• Last year • Once/twice/three
Compare these sentences
• Have you ever
had a picnic with
friends ?

• Did you have

a picnic last
weekend ?
• Have you
ever eaten
snails ?

• Did you eat

last night ?
Have you ever tried
seafood ?
Did you eat seafood
yesterday ?
Have you ever eaten frog’s
leg ?
Did you eat frog’s leg last
week ?
Have you ever had dinner at
the restaurant with a friend ?

Did you have dinner at

the restaurant last
night ?
Have you ever tried
snails ?
Did you try snails last
weekend ?
Have you ever visited New York ?

Did you visit New York last

year ?
Have you ever
eaten an
breakfast ?

Did you eat an

American breakfast
in Los Angeles last
vacation ?
• Have you ever
kissed someone
in public ?

• Did you kiss

someone in public
last weekend ?
• Have you ever
to a drive-in movie ?

• Did you go to a
drive-in movie last
Saturday ?
• Have you ever
driven an old
car ?

• Did you drive an

old car last month
Let’s Practice
Use: Present Perfect

• Have you ever had

an American
breakfast ?

• Have you ever

had eggs and
bacon for
breakfast ?
Use: Simple Past

• Did you visit Rio

de Janeiro last
year ?

• Did you travel to

Rio on your last
vacation ?
Use: Present
• Have you
ever played a
instrument ?
Use: Present Perfect
and Simple Past
• Have you ever
been to Rome

• Did you visit

Rome on your
vacation ?
Use: Simple Past

• Did you have a

barbecue at home
last holiday ?
Use: Present Perfect

• Have you ever fried an

egg ?
Use: Simple Past

• Did you drive your

father’s car
yesterday ?
Use: Present Perfect

• Have you ever

traveled by
plane ?
Write down the sentences. Use present
perfect. Example:
Snoopy / climb / onto his house.
Snoopy has climbed onto his house.

1 Brian / play / football

2 Susan / read / her new book

3 I / find / some money in the street

4 Mr and Mrs Baker / have / an

5 Tom Davis / win / the volleyball match

6Alison Brown / lose / the swimming match

7 Mr Martin / make / breakfast for the boys

8 The girls / bring / some wood for the fire

9 The Snows / buy / a van for their holidays

10 Mrs Black / wash / the dishes

1. I a great film yesterday. (see)

2. a new car? (you ever buy)

3. Sue the flu last winter.


4. A few days ago we to his uncle.


5. They bingo Wednesday afternoon.


6. the bus to get there. (already take)

1 I haven't been to Italy 10 years.

2 She has lived in Paris January.

3Jim has studied three hours. Now he

is tired.

4My friend has been ill a long

time. 5 I haven't seen him Easter.

6 He hasn't had a holiday last
7 The pilots have been on strike two

8We've had terrible weather

Saturday. 9 I've known Tom 1990.

10 He hasn't done any work a

month. 11 We have had this car 1998.

12 We have been here two hours.




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