Types and Process of Interview

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Human resource

Types of interview,
process of interview and
means to make interview effective
• It is a face to face, observational and personal
appraisal method of evaluating the applicant.



Preliminary interview:
Informal interview:
Intended to get the candidate to reveal more
information than they might otherwise

Unstructured interview:
candidate is given the freedom to tell about
himself by revealing his knowledge on various areas,
his background, expectation, interest etc
Core interview:
Formal interview
all the formalities, procedures like fixing the value ,time, panel
of interviewers, opening and closing, intimating the candidates
officially etc are strictly followed in arranging and conducting the

Background information interview:

intended to collect the information which is not available in the
application like family, interest, hobbies, likes and dislikes

Job and probing interview:

aims at testing the candidate’s job knowledge about duties,
activities, method of doing the job,
Stress interview:
Intended to put candidate under stress and assess reactions

Group discussion interview:

there are 2 methods of conducting group discussion
interview, viz group interview and discussion interview method

Panel interview:
A panel of experts interviews each candidate, judges his
performance individually and prepare consolidated judgment.
Depth interview:
 the candidate would be examined extensively in core areas
of job skills and knowledge.
 it is conducted for specialist jobs

Decision making interview:

after the candidates are examined by the experts ,
the head of department concerned interviews the
candidates once again, mostly through informal
Process of interview
Preparation for the interview

Conduct the interview

Close the interview

Evaluate the results

Preparation for the interview
advance preparation helps the interviewer to remember
and absorb many impressions and facts.
Choose the appropriate type of interview based on job
Identify the knowledge area to be examined
Determine the type and number of interviews
Review of the information collected in advance through other
selection methods, finding out the validity of those methods
example: accuracy and validity
acquainting about the applicant
to find out stability
Conduct the interview:
•Open the interview
•Get complete and accurate information
•Record observation and impression
•Guide the interview
•Check the success of the interview

Closing the interview:

Evaluate interview results:

Means to make interview effective
Effective interview do not just happens they are planned and
requires certain steps to be followed such as.
Establishing the objectives of the interview. We should see that
what is our purpose of conducting interviews,
Receiving the candidates application and resume, Nothing areas
that are vague or that may show candidates strengths and
weakness on which questions can be asked.
 Keeping the test sore ready, along with interview assessment
Selecting the interview methods to be followed.
Choosing the panel of experts who would interview the
customers. We should see that list of numbers of experts to be
called and plus the chairman.
Identify a comfortable, private rooms preferably away from
noise and interruptions. It should be neat and clean. Well
furnished, lighted and ventilated where the interview could be
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