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• Folded plate structures consist in a series of thin panes that are mutually connected at their line of intersection, the edges. Along the edges each plate transfer
forces to the adjacent plates, thus activating an efficient global load-bearing behavior, which is largely known and used in architecture and engineering, not just to
add stiffness to local elements, but even to shape entire buildings. Some examples are shown in fig 1.

• Folded plate structures are assemblies of flat plates, or slabs, inclined in different directions and joined along their longitudinal edges. In this way the structural
system is capable of carrying loads without the need for additional supporting beams along mutual edges. 
• Materials used:
• Modern folded plate structures are typically made of cast in situ or precast reinforced concrete, or steel plate.

Case Studies
Sant John Abbey Church

• Design: 1954-57 • The church designed by Marcel Breuer is a single nave trapezoidal
space(fig 20), with no transept, columns or other supporting
• Construction: 1954-61 elements, for the global dimensions of 54 x 26 meters.
• Architect/Engineer: Marcel Breuer • The folding pattern chosen by Breuer is similar to the one
• Site: Collegeville, Minnesota developed with Pier Luigi Nervi for the main conference pavilion at
UNESCO. With a simple and clear zigzagging pattern going from the
• State: Completed walls to the roof and realized by extremely deep corrugation the
overall atmosphere embedded in the church is a rare and
fascinating. The folded surface becomes a light deflector in the
skylight opening just above the altar, which remembers the light
usage in roman’s basilicas.
• Architecture :
• Expressivity: The geometrical base pattern is clear and readable
both from out and underneath it. Small variation to adapt the
module to the converging perimetral walls were performed without
losing the clear expression of these modules.
• Lighting: One big opening on the roof (fig 21), with another folded
plate surface in it that acts as a solar deflector, is placed over the
altar, obtaining a very intense light gradient over sacred area where
the religious ceremonies are celebrated.
• Thermodynamics behaviour: As a solid concrete roof, it does not
provide environment control by itself, but the big spaces between
the zigzag folds create void areas where ducts and other
environmental facilities could be placed (fig 21).
• Engineering :
• Structure: Even if the folding pattern is a base zigzagging corrugated
surface, a good structural depth is assured with the folding size.
Section drawing are surely denouncing a relevant bending stiffness
in the edges, due to their increased dimension.
• Water drainage: The easy geometrical configuration allows a
predictable water flow.
• Feasibility: As all reinforced concrete folded plates, the possibility to
cast the concrete in planar formwork and use standard
REF: reinforcement bars allows a relatively easy construction.
Chapel in Valleaceron

• Design: 1997-2000 • One of the research fields of the architectural office S. M. A. O., held
by Juan Carlos Sancho and Sol Madridejos, is around architectural
• Construction: 2001 folds . With their background in History of Art and Architecture, they
• Architect/Engineer: S.M.A.O. - Sancho-Madridejos mastered the art of folding as a generator of coherent spaces. The
Architecture Office base folding pattern arises from a single fold on a pre-cut paper
sheet (fig 27), generating dramatic and yet balanced spaces, with a
• Site: 13400 Almadén, Castille La Mancha, Spain clear topological relation between them.
• State: Completed • Architecture :
• Expressivity: Large size planes and big coherence in the topological
definition of the folding gives a unique atmosphere to the chapel. A
superb use of openings creates a new layer of planes, the one
created by lights and shapes, which is in perpetual mutation.
• Lighting: The chapel lacks artificial lighting, allowing the sun to
create dramatic lights on the folding. Here the expressivity of space
and light is fused in a pure architectural experience.
• Thermodynamics behaviour: For the activities that the chapel
hosts, there is no need for a strictly controlled environment inside
of it.
• Engineering :
• Structure: Due to the large size of the plates, a pure edge strut-and-
tie model could be useful just as a preliminary tool, since a
noticeable amount of bending stresses and out of plane panel
deflections certainly occurs. Moreover, since the main structure is
completely deployable in a single plane as an origami, bending
stiffness must be considered to have a statically determined
• Water drainage: Water drainage lines are easily predictable as a
result of the usage of wide panels.
• Feasibility: Concrete can be cast in planar formwork.

Cinema in Montecchio Maggiore

• Design: 1957 • Architecture :

• Expressivity: The geometrical base pattern is clear and readable
• Construction: 1957 both from out and underneath it. Small variation to adapt the
• Architect/Engineer: Sergio Musmeci, module to the converging perimetral walls were performed without
Zenaide Zanini losing the clear expression of these modules.
• Lighting: There are no openings on the roof plates.
• Site: Montecchio (VI), Italy • Thermodynamics behaviour: As a solid concrete roof, it does not
• State: Completed provide environment control by itself.
• Engineering :
• Structure: The pattern creates a clever arch-and-tie behavior, which
carries the load and control thrust.
• Water drainage: Water drains at the boundary.
• Feasibility: Concrete can be cast in planar formwork.

Glass as a Folded Plate Roof over a Courtyard

• Site: Courtyard of the main building of the • Water drainage: Since all the faces are triangular, their slope, which define
where the water will drain, is controlled by the slope of their edges. With
School Of Engineering, once called Scuola this basic geometrical principle in mind, a small algorithm that locates if
Reale Di Ingegneria, Pisa the is any water accumulation point was implemented. For this analysis,
there are no parameters to be optimized, but just water accumulation
• State: Thesis Design Proposal by Leonardo points to be avoided if there is no water drainpipe connected.
Magursi • Lighting: If we consider each face normal and the direction of sunrays as a
vector3 , it is possible to control the sun radiation on each panel in a
purely geometrical way. So, the sun radiation can be maximized in panes
where an embedded photovoltaic system, as well as a solar control glass,
is placed.
• Thermodynamic: The area of an opening and its height is a very basic
parameter to control the possible airflow. Even if the thermodynamic
behaviour behind phenomenon like chimney effect is very complex, a
CFD4 simulation is not suitable for the design process. More over, due to
the large volume of the space enclosed by the roof, a fine control of the
environment would be excessively onerous; therefore, the pure
geometrical evaluation is suitable for the study purposes.

Glass as a Folded Plate Roof over a Courtyard

Glass as a Folded Plate Roof over a Courtyard

Plan of the west courtyard with the new roof. Not in scale.

Glass as a Folded Plate Roof over a Courtyard


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