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Dragons around the world

Differing interpretations but the same greatness
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• First record found happened approximately 40.000 years in Australia

• Differents kinds of dinosaur bones and strange animals
• Origin of name: dragon  greek drákon (Δράκων) means literally big
• In the beginning the dragons are represented like a chimera: are
represented as animals large, usually reptilian aspect (like a huge
lizard or snake), often with wings, magical powers or fire breath.
Norse Mythology

The dragon Níðhöggr (Nirrogor) in

the roots of Yggdrasil.
When the Ragnarök beginning he will
ascend to Midgard (Gods’ home) taking
the bodies of the dead to battle.
After the end of the world and the
rebirth of the new world, Níðhöggr would
continue to live to balance the good,
having a perfect balance between good
and evil; some see this as a reflection of
Christian culture at the time Edda in Prose
was written, which constantly sees the
world divided between good and evil.
Chinese Mythology

Was one of the four sacred animals summoned

by Pan Ku (the creator god) to participate in the
creation of the world.
Represents the energy of fire, which destroys
but allows the birth of the new (the transformation).
Chinese dragons control water in irrigated farming
Archaeologists believe that "long fish" would
have evolved in images of the Chinese dragon.
The association with fish is reflected in the
legend of a carp that saw the top of a mountain and
decided to go to reach it. He swam upstream,
climbing currents and waterfalls and not letting them
get in his way. When he reached the top, there was
the mystical "dragon's door" and the leaping became
the Great Celestial Dragon! This legend is used as a
symbolic representation for the effort required to
overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Greek Mythology

Hesperian Dragon had100 heads

each knew how to speak a different
Was a dragon that Hera, wife of
Zeus, gave the task of protecting the
golden fruit apple tree from the
Later he was killed by a poisoned
arrow from Heracles who needed a
golden apple to complete the eleventh of
the twelve tasks of King Euristeu.
To thank his loyal service to
Hesperian, Hera, raised his remains in the
sky, where they are still today, in the
constellation of the Dragon.
Boitata, brazilian dragon?

The first record of Boitata is quite old and

dates back to the 16th century. In 1560, the
Jesuit José de Anchieta reported that the
Brazilian natives referred to a ghost present in
nature, who was called by him as “Baetatá”.
Boitata is a being of Brazilian folklore that
is described as a fire snake. Many believe that he
has several eyes and his function is to protect the
fields (natural lawns) from men who promote

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