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Solids for which V= (mean B) h

A frustum of a regular pyramid is the portion of a regular pyramid included between the base and a section
parallel to the base.

1. The slant height of a frustum of a regular pyramid is the altitude of a face.
2. The lateral edges of a frustum of a regular pyramid are equal and the faces are equal isosceles trapezoids.
Example 1
The lower portion of the Washington monument was built before the Civil War. This portion is in the shape of a
frustum of a square pyramid. The altitude of the frustum is 150 ft., and its lower base measures 55 ft. on a side as
shown in the figure. The faces of the monument slope inward 0.247 in. horizontally in a vertical rise of 1 ft. The
structure is hollowed out along its entire length by a vertical shaft which has a uniform square cross section 25 ft.
on a side. Find how much stone was used in its construction.
A berry box, sold to contain a quart of berries, is in the form of the frustum of a pyramid 5 in. square at the top, in.
square at the bottom, and 2 7/8 in. deep. A U. S. dry quart contains 67.2 cu. in. How does the capacity of the box
compare with this standard measure?
Example 3
A block of granite is in the form of the frustum of a regular square pyramid whose upper and lower base edges are
3 ft. and 7 ft., respectively. If each of the lateral faces is inclined at an angle of 62°30' to the base, find the volume
of granite in the block.
The frustum of a right circular cone is that portion of a right circular cone included between the base and a
section parallel to the base.

1. The altitude of a frustum of a right circular cone is the perpendicular distance between the two bases.
2. All the elements of a frustum of a right circular cone are equal.
Example 1
A reservoir contains 54, 000, 000 gal. of water when full. Find the depth of the water if the reservoir is in the form of
the frustum of a right circular cone of upper and lower base radii 200 ft. and 100 ft., respectively.
Example 2
An 80-ft. flagpole has upper and lower diameters of 4 and 16 in., respectively. Find the cost of painting it at 10 cents
per square foot.
Example 3
The frustum of a right circular cone has a slant height of 9 ft. , and the radii of the bases are 5 ft. and 7 ft. Find the
lateral area and the total area. What is the altitude of this frustum? Find the altitude of the cone that was remove to
leave this frustum. Find the volume of the frustum. 
A prismatoid is a polyhedron having for bases two polygons in parallel planes, and for lateral faces triangles or
trapezoid with one side lying in one base, and the opposite vertex or side lying in the other base, of the polyhedron.

1. The altitude of a prismatoid is the perpendicular distance between the planes of the bases.
2. The mid-section of a prismatoid is the section parallel to the bases and midway between them.

* This is a weighted mean.
Example 1
A certain quartz crystal with plane surfaces has the dimensions shown in the figure. If the upper and lower bases lie
in parallel planes, find the volume of the crystal.
A truncated prism (cylinder) is the portion a prism (or cylinder) included between the base and a plane not parallel to the
base cutting all the edges (or elements).

A right truncated prism (or cylinder) is one in which a right section is parallel to the base.

where denote the lateral edges

The figure represents a truncated prism. The base ABCD is a square, and the lateral edges AE, BF, CG,
DH are perpendicular to the base. AB = 10 in., AE = 6 in., BF = 10 in., CG = 10 in., DH = 6 in. Find (a)
the length of each face diagonal; (b) each face angle; (c) the length of each diagonal of solid; (d) the
lateral area; (e) the total area; (f) the angle BFH; (g) the volume.

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